Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Be Kind.

I saw THE most disturbing video ever last night. Honestly, if I hadn’t been watching it in Johnny’s room, I probably would have cried. I don’t understand people these days. Actually there are just certain people I don’t understand. Yesterday I was at the gym and I left my debit card/cougar card somewhere there so I had to run back to get it. Luckily someone was nice enough to give it to the front desk. And then as I was walking back to Rachel’s dorm, I was thinking, okay, there are good people out there. Not everyone is evil. And then I thought, alright, I don’t think that there are truly evil people out there. No one is solely evil. Everyone has to have something good about them. People that steal, steal because they are desperate and need things. People that hurt other people, probably aren’t mentally stable, or maybe that person hurt them. There’s got to be good in everyone. Somewhere, maybe deep, deep inside.
And then I saw this video. I cannot get the image out of my head. It really made me lose my faith in humanity. Maybe I’m just a really sensitive person. But I don’t know how anyone…ANYONE could ever to that. Okay, I’m dragging out what this video is about, maybe for anticipation. But I really think its just because its hard to say what even happened. And I thought about giving a link to the video so people could see what a horrible thing it really is, but I don’t want people to be left with that image that will truly haunt me forever.
As anyone who is reading this probably knows since I don’t know why people who don’t know me well would be reading this, I love animals. All animals. Any animals. I love them. Especially dogs. And cats. But especially dogs. I used to want to be a veterinarian but then I realized that I would have to see animals hurt and injured and some of them die so I realized that was not the occupation for me. But I have decided that if I have the money when I’m older I’m going to start my own animal shelter.
So anyways, this video, that made me lose faith in humanity. After I explain it you can decide whether or not you want to look it up on Youtube. Maybe you have seen it already. I’m happy to not have had to see this before now. I was in Johnny’s room and we were talking about my kitten that I’m going to get next year. He always jokes that if I leave him or her in his room to poop all over that he’s going to punt it out of the house. Joking, of course. But his roommate mentioned this video about a guy doing that and we started talking about that stuff. And then Johnny explained this video to me. These two guys, one who’s video taping, the other who is dragging this absolutely beautiful and adorable dog by his tail across a roof, and as if you couldn’t guess, throws him off the roof. Now this roof is very high up, you see everything happen. After explaining it Johnny asked me if I wanted to see it. It’s one of those things where you are just completely curious about and your mind wont be at rest until you see it. That’s how I was and how anyone reading this may feel.
My biggest shock was actually not what happened to the dog. It was the fact that these guys doing it are just laughing. How the (excuse my language) fuck do you laugh at a poor dog, who was helpless to protect himself from this happening, who was thrown off a roof and then, with all broken limbs, is down on the ground crying. Anyone who can laugh at that, I’m sorry, but has no soul, or at least no heart. I’m tearing up thinking about it right now. I wont ever in my life understand how anyone could do that, let alone laugh at that. I’d like to take each of those guys and throw them off a roof and see how they like it. Of course I could never do that, but it would only be fair. I hope karma served them something sweet and deserving of their heartless actions.
Anyways, you can watch the video if you truly want to, but I don’t recommend it. Its not a pretty sight at all and makes me cry. I don’t see how people can hurt other people or other things intentionally. Even if its accidental I feel terrible about it. No one should feel good, or laugh about that sort of thing. Someone a month ago or so posted this video of a guy with note cards talking about his friends who committed suicide and he said one thing in it that I’ll never forget and it was “Everybody Love Everybody”. I believe he started some thing with that slogan with shirts and what not. But I just love that saying and I think everyone should follow it. I’m not a hippie or anything. But even if I was, what’s so bad about that? About wanting peace between people. I understand war, I understand fights. But that is something completely different than hurting someone, or some animal in this case, that did nothing ever to you, yet you harm them as if they did. Its not fair. People please just be kind to each other and kind to the things that inhabit this world. You shouldn’t harm another for no reason, even with reason sometimes you shouldn’t. I feel like I’m slightly contradicting myself in certain areas now so I’m going to stop but I just want people to be kind. That’s all. 
Oh, and if you're having a wonderful day, save this video for later, don't let it ruin your day, because it certainly ruined mine yesterday, and now thinking about it again did the same. 

1 comment:

  1. I will definitely NOT watch the video! As I was reading your post, I was thinking yes abuse to animals, babies/kids & the elderly is the absolute worst thing EVER! They are the most vulnerable and unable to defend themselves. But then I thought about LT. He was young, 21, and one of his best friends smashed his face beyond recognition...WTF?!

    Violence is evil. As with this video you watched, I hate the ASCPA (or whatever it is) commercials with the abused dogs & cats. As soon as Nic & I go back to work - I am definitely sending money!! So everyday I tell Boo Boo Kitty how lucky he is that we rescued him from the Pound :)
