Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Assortment of Things

            So today, well actually I’ll start with last night. My sleeping schedule is so horribly off right now its not even funny. But at the same time it kinda is funny…in a me being grumpy if I have to wake up early the next morning-kind of way. So last night, I got to sleep around three am, almost forgetting that I had to get up at 9:45 to get ready for a doctors appointment. I literally just fell asleep and then woke up in a fright remembering I needed to set my alarm. But hey, at least I remembered. But that remembering cost me about 15 more minutes before I could fall asleep again.
            So I had to wake up, that was rough, but usually once I’m up and going I’m fine until mid-afternoon when I get sleepy and cranky. Not always cranky. Just depends what words people use with me. Beware.
            In my head I’m still a little girl who needs her mommy to make her doctors appointments and take her to the doctor and go back into the room with her. Sorry mom, I’ll go on my own one day…I have until 21, right? After the doctor I made her take me to the bookstore, in this case Hastings. Not my favorite bookstore, but Barnes and Noble is even more dangerous for me. And by dangerous I mean that when I have money in my pocket and I’m in a bookstore, I’m like a little kid in a candy shop. So after an hour and a half in Hastings, deciding which books I wanted and which books I needed, (which needed was none of them), I stuck with four books. I figured that would hold me over for a few weeks hopefully. Until I got home, spent 9 hours straight reading the first book to the end and realized I was in trouble. I guess that’s why people get library cards and just go check out books. But for me, there is nothing more that I would love to spend my money on then a good book. Call me a nerd, but I am who I am.
            One book down, three to go, and chances are I will finish them all by the time break is over. Which is probably a good thing because reading at school is also dangerous. If I’m in a good book, its so hard to put it down.
            Now I’ve written all this without even getting to the topic of what I wanted to say today. And in simple terms it is that small gestures of kindness go so far in life. So far. Everyone has their rough patches they go through. It could be a day, a week, or just an overall bad year. Hopefully no one is having a bad year yet because we’re only barely a few days into it.
            Its kind of like the idea of “Pay it Forward”. Send a nice gesture forward to someone else and make their day hoping that they, too, will pass on a nice gesture. Someone did that for me today and it almost brought me to tears, and kind of is, as I am writing this. You never know how far a nice letter, a helping hand, or even just smile will go for someone. Reaching out to someone might help them more than you think, and even if it doesn’t, it’s the thought that counts.
            So my goal, for however long it takes me to do it, is to pay it forward and send someone else a kind gesture, help them out, or give them a smile on a crappy day. And I really hope that more people find it in their hearts to do so as well. You never know what it’ll mean to them.

            Now I just wanted to say another thing that, to me, was totally mind-blowing. I was just surfing the web, and on Yahoo, I came across this article about new amenities that airlines are giving out. One airline, on Singapore Airlines, offers double beds, yes that is double beds in their first class. Another, on the Emirates A380, offer a SHOWER. Can you imagine taking a shower while flying? All of a sudden, BEEP BEEP BEEP! “Passengers please fasten your seatbelts and hold on tight. We seem to be encountering some heavy turbulence.” (Me in the shower) “AHHHH. I’m naked, what do I do? Do these things have seatbelts?!” Followed by me trying to run to my seat naked with shampoo in my eyes, running into people. Maybe I’m just paranoid, but that’s how I picture that flight going. Yikes. No Emirates A380 for me thank you.
            But seriously, its crazy the things that they offer on airlines nowadays. The only way I know flying is coach, squashed in between two sweaty, overweight gentlemen, or something along those lines.
            In fact, true story: One time, I was just flying to Seattle from Spokane with my grandma, my family calls her Spike. And as if she’s not crazy enough to travel with, we happened to get offered seats on an earlier flight but we couldn’t sit next to each other, fine by me. So she ends up sitting next to this young guy, probably younger than me at the time. I felt bad for the poor guy, she was just talking his ear off about who knows what. Anyways, I get put next to this guy with just a big ol’ guitar case and blue hair. He offered me some gum, I refused, thankfully. So I get off the plane and I’m at baggage claim telling my cousins about him, and one of them was like, “Oh, that guy over there getting handcuffed?” True story. Very creepy. And I never did figure out why he was getting handcuffed. But the moral of the story is, choose the shower, not sitting in coach next to the creepy blue-haired people. 

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