Monday, January 16, 2012

There Goes My Life

            First things first: if you’re going to have something with writing on it that says “tear here”, please oh please make it actually tear-able. I know it doesn’t take too much energy to get up and go get a pair of scissors, but I would just rather not.
            This has been the longest day that I have had in awhile. I went to breakfast…around 1:30, so I guess we could just call it brunch, with my roomies. Afterwards we were hurrying our way around town to get to our showing of our apartment, I’m sorry, Johnny doesn’t like me to call it our apartment, our home. The boys liked the “home” too, so now that we were all in agreement, we went over to sign the lease for it. Johnny and Will think that it’s unfair that Rachel and I get the biggest rooms, but obviously since we’re girls we get the biggest closets. But that really doesn’t work in this situation because these boys have just as many clothes and shoes, if not more, than Rachel and I. Oh well, we’re the girls.
            It was complete chaos trying to get all of our stuff together before the lease signing. Since neither Johnny, Will, or I have checkbooks yet, we had to go the ATM to get cash, $645 dollars. And in case you didn’t already know this, ATM’s will only give you a maximum of $500. We all figured that out the hard way. Then, Johnny left his co-sign agreement in Haley’s car. Another set back. But eventually we got it all together. When we sat down at the table with the lady who was explaining the lease, I for some reason felt like I was in the principals office for misbehaving or something. Needless to say, I was scared and anxious for leasing my first apartment. I felt like, as the saying goes, that I was signing my life away. And I probably did. Now we are just all concerned in getting jobs, because rent ain’t cheap people, no it is not.
            But on the bright side, the place is ours now! Well, it will be in just four and a half short months. It really is crazy how fast time goes by. I like that I’m writing this though, so in a year, or ten years from now I can come back and look at all the things I did, or should have done!
            Look at all that snow out there. West-siders, now you’re starting to get a glimpse at what its like over here. I heard we’re supposed to expect 2 to 4 feet. Which can only mean one thing: SLEDDING! Okay I guess it could mean a few other things too, like for instance slipping, falling, getting snowballs thrown at your face, hair freezing after going in the pool at the gym and then walking home. That happened to me tonight. I had to relieve some stress and anxiety from the day so I went with Johnny and Rachel to the rec center. It was actually very nice just to work out and not have to think about stressful things. And then we decided to take a dip in the hot tub, which turned into us playing volleyball in the water court they have. I was perfectly fine, but because I was a volleyball player, I obviously cant just let the ball hit the water, so I dove. And that’s how my hair got wet. So then on the walk home it may have frozen a little bit, totally worth it though.
            I’m not really looking forward going to my biology lab at 8 in the morning tomorrow. Hopefully I’ll meet some wonderful people in my lab though. Although it really is hard to top my lab from last semester. We were pretty much like this…… And if you could see me now you would see my fingers crossed together. I’ll definitely miss being in that lab, but on the bright side, I have quite a few of them in my GenEd class, so I’m sure I’ll survive.
            So now I’m debating whether to go lay in bed and watch the Pretty Little Liars episode I missed online, or read some more of my book. The show will only last like 45 minutes, but if I start reading my book, I could be up until who knows when. But I would much prefer to read, so that’s probably what I’ll end up doing. Considering that I have to be up by at least 7, I should probably try to limit myself a little bit. Its an addiction that is hard to break though.
            Wish me luck! 

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