Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year: 2012

To ring in the new year, of 2012, which could apparently be our last year on earth, I thought I would start it by writing about my life day to day. I’m not sure how interesting it’ll be everyday but there will be the occasional something special that I am excited to talk about hopefully!

So, a new year? My guess is that 2012 will be one that I wont forget. Hopefully its as good as last year, because 2011 is a hard year to top. As I reflect on the year that was, I realize how much really happened, the good and the bad. I always start off the year with my birthday so that’s something special. Turned 18. The first big one. Yeah 16 is big and we think 10 is big when we turn it, but the real first big one I would say is 18. You have way more privileges. You are an adult. I still have yet to go to the casino though. Not much of a gambler. But I did buy my first nude magazine a month or so ago. I was hilariously awkward about it when I went to pay for it. The guy just told me he doesn’t judge, he just has to ask for the ID. Haha, oh gosh.
Well what else happened? It was nearing the end of my senior year. Which the whole year was a blast. I got the opportunity to be Ferris’ ASB secretary with the five most amazing group of people ever. I love my ASB family. We actually just got together yesterday morning for breakfast with Jennifer Walther and we sat there for two hours just chatting and catching up. Followed by a trot through the new Trader Joes. I could talk to those guys forever. We had so much fun being the officers. Reminiscing about it was a blast, but it also made me sad and miss it, and miss them more then I thought it would. Because of those people I had the best year of my life so far.
Another wonderful opportunity I had was to be one of the baseball managers for Ferris’ varsity team. Now that was a unique group of people you don’t see every day. I don’t think there was a game where one of those boys didn’t crack me up. I really got to know the game of baseball a little more than I expected, which was good. It made me appreciate it more. I loved cheering for that team. They were a wonderful group of guys. My co-manager Haley and I also got closer so that was nice. We would get a little scared of Sharkey sometimes, especially when he took my water bottle, crushed it up and threw it against the dugout wall. But we loved baking cookies and cupcakes for the boys, and we loved even more going and buying cookies at the last minute because we forgot it was our turn to get them. And the Yakima trip, which I had to go solo to, was also a blast. Got to know the boys way better than anyone should ever get to know people. It was fun though, before we lost L but I loved every minute of it. I still think about giving random people the Wizard all the time, even though I never do.
Sometime early in the year, I cant exactly remember when, the Ferris leadership class took a trip to Olympia to visit all these important people that I should remember who they are but that I was so tired when we listened to them speak that I cant remember hardly anything! The second day was exhausting, I wish I had been more alert to realize what important and powerful people I was meeting. The first day was a blast though. Long bus trip, visited the waterfalls, and then we got to all go to Pikes Place Market and walk around. Our class really connected well. It wasn’t just our ASB. The whole leadership class was just one big family. I loved it. We all did. Writing all of this down makes me realize how many big groups and small groups of amazing people I had surrounding me. That’s probably why it was the best year ever. At the hotel we all got to go swimming and we made a whirlpool out of the pool. Tiring, but so much fun. I wont ever forget the memories I made on that trip. Plus I have the pictures to prove it.
The school year really went by so fast it was unbelievable. Before I knew it we were on our way to graduation. The Ferris Class of 2011 was the best class ever. Literally. I mean, I may be a little biased but I think anyone who observed us could see it. Especially senior year we all just came together. Everyone loved everyone. As it should be anyways. We did so many awesome things. I truly hope that there are more classes like ours because if anyone else could be able to experience what we did, they would be so lucky. We had tailgates, we had parties, we had bonfires. We LOVED to dance. We won the douchiest crowd award because we were the best student section ever. Everything about our class was amazing. I loved being able to be a part of that. I wish I could sit here and thank every person individually but that would take too long and be boring. But I’ll just say a generic thank you to everyone in our class for making it the best year of my life. RESPECT YA SENYAS.
But now we’re all freshman. Oh well.

Summer of 2011 was, yet again, amazing. My weekly job was nannying. Which was alright, made myself money so oh well. I got to go visit my cousins in Tacoma again for 4th of July. That’s always my favorite part about my summer. My cousins Max and Sam are my two favorite people in the entire world. Except they need to stop being so damn good at golf because its really interfering with my cousin-time at Priest Lake. They unfortunately couldn’t make it to our 50-something annual year at Priest lake. But I brought a friend along instead and he kept me good company J. I love spending time with my family. Yeah, they’re crazy, and yes I definitely get sick of them after some point, but its always entertaining to be around them. Never a dull moment. Immediately after the lake, I went back to my old stomping grounds in Kalispell, Montana. Okay, I don’t know why I said old stomping grounds, I’ve heard that expression before but have never had the opportunity to use it even though I’m not exactly sure what it means. Brendan, Rylee and Will Barnes are the three cutest little kids in the entire world. I love them. They really are like brothers and sisters to me since I lived with them for a year. And Tara and Jason will always be my parents of sorts. I just have a lot of parents. Which is fine with me. I love it, in fact. I got to do some fishing with the family. Always an adventure. I barely escaped a terrible death though on Jason’s “boat” across the water, we were above a dam, it was windy, I am scared of both deep water and dams! “Shhhhh, Rylee stop talking, your voice will tip the boat over.” I much preferred towing the “boat” behind us on that other guys boat…what’s his name? I don’t remember. My memory is getting worse by the day.

A good friend of all of ours, Tommy, passed away this year. Such a sad thing to see. He truly was a wonderful person and I know that everyone who knew him loved who he was. He was good all the way through. You don't see that every day. He touched everyone's heart who knew him. We will all miss you so much Tommy. And many other people, young, unfortunately passed away this year. It really was mind blowing how many left us. It affected so many people. My cousin had his life taken from him. It was a tragedy and unlike one I've ever experienced so close. To all those, young and old, that I knew, and that I didn't have the privilege of meeting or getting to know, you meant something in this world, and though we're sad to see you go, there's always a reason. You must be needed somewhere else. We love you all. 
I had to add in the sad, but although there was sadness, it couldn't change how great this year was.

School already? Washington State University starts much too early for my liking. Not to mention it was miserable when we got there because there is zero air flow through the dorm rooms and we were facing a side that literally had the sun on our room all day long. Miserable nights. Just miserable. But WSU is a blast! College is just a whole new experience, it literally is. Its like a sleepover every night! I’ve met a lot of new people there, and its so much fun to just be surrounded by people your age constantly. The food…is alright. Not my favorite but it’ll do. I love my roommate, Chanel. We get a long pretty well considering that we both are in love with Taylor Swift. Needless to say I got very lucky in the roommate situation. I’ve heard some bad stories about roommates so I’m glad that we’re both “normal”. I actually just watched that movie “The Roommate” the other day with Leighton Meester. Interesting movie. Would not want that to happen to me.
At first I wasn’t sure if I wanted to stay at WSU next year or not. There were some “variables” that were maybe going to be the determining factor if I stayed or not. But then things changed, I wouldn’t say for the better, but maybe it is. School was rough for awhile. Okay, not the school part. Just life. But hey we all have our rough patches. I’ve gotten a lot closer with some friends though which is always a good thing. I found most of the nights was me hanging around on the 6th floor with my friend Ymanni, either in Johnny’s room or just roaming from room to room. I got a lot closer with Johnny and Rachel. Now those two, they have quite the interesting relationship. Haha. It’s always fun being around them. Oh, and did I mention they are both going to be my roommates next year? SO excited. The three of this and our friend Will. (He’s a skyline person and I try not to let that get to me) Just kidding! It’ll be a blast. Couldn’t ask for better people to room with.
Football games were…well some were fun, some were sad, and some were FUHREEZING. Got to see one of my favorite people, Summer Sahli. Her and the fam came to the homecoming game. Along with mi madre and gotta love Uncle Mark. We’re cougs together. And Cowboys. So we get along. The Sahli’s came for the Arizona State game as well, and so did Tara and Jason. Loved seeing them again. And Tara and Summer got to go down to the field to see Brock Osweiler. He is the quarterback for Arizona State and Tara used to be his teacher. She actually swayed him into going to Arizona to play football versus going to play basketball at Gonzaga. Or I think that’s how the story goes. Either way, he’s hot. I think I’ll pick him to be my future husband. He’s a little tall though. 6’8”. Yikes. I can live with it though. Connor Halliday did us well. Well I mean he’s from Ferris so of course he did. And Jared Karstetter, although I’m sad we have to lose him next year. We got a new coach though. Leach. We’ll see how that works out! Hopefully for the best!
Midterms and finals were rough but not too bad. My classes this semester were kind of boring. But they were just general requirements so I suppose they should get more interesting as time goes by. I was so relieved to come home for winter break. Three weeks of just relaxing and not having any worried thoughts about homework or studying in the back of my mind. I’ve gotten to see a lot of my friends which I love. We always have the best “get-togethers”. Apparently there is a video of our latest shin-dig and its aftermath. I’ll have to check that out. New years eve was fun though, of what I remember. I do remember most of it. But we had fun, and that’s the whole point.
Oops I forgot Christmas. It was so good to see my cousins Max and Sam and the rest of the fam again. Always always fun. I love Christmastime but it always comes and goes too fast. Its okay, I’m still watching Christmas movies anyways.
What’s next? Bring it on 2012! New year. New semester. About to be another year older. Although 19 is kind of a boring year to turn. There’s absolutely nothing special about it. Oh, well I can gamble at Hugo’s on the south hill now. Woo. Good thing I gamble…? I actually haven’t thought of any new years resolutions. Lets brainstorm. I still have a fast metabolism, so nothing about weight. Maybe something about doing better in school. Something about changing the world. Aren’t those the things people usually resolute about? (I don’t even know if resolute is the correct word choice there, it just sounded nice). I’ll just make it plain and simple, I want to do something that will better myself, better someone else’s life, or better the world. If I can accomplish any of those things then it should be a good year. Also, I truly hope this year can top last year, but I highly doubt it will be able to since last year was so amazing. So good luck 2012, you’ve got a lot of work ahead of you.
Ta ta for now, as Tigger always says. 

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