Friday, January 13, 2012

Friday the 13th Number One

            There will be three Friday the 13ths in the year of 2012, I know this because I always check my calendar at the beginning of the year to see! Friday the 13th is my most favorite day ever. Partly, because 13 is my favorite number and always has been, and partly because I love the feeling of superstitions and creepiness, I guess you could call it. Which is also why I love Halloween. Personally, I think Halloween should fall on the 13th versus the 31st, but that’s just my own opinion. In light of this day, I decided to look up where these superstitions came from for Friday the 13th. We all know about the movies with Jason and his creepy mask killing people, and I do love those movies along with all other horror movies. You could say that I’m a horror movie-freak. I give credit of that to my long-ago babysitters who got me into watching the movie It, about a killer clown. That movie still freaks me out. But generally I’m okay watching horror movies, so long as I am not alone, and even when I am alone I occasionally choose to watch scary movies to scare myself half to death.
            These origins of Friday the 13th  have been said to have started by 13 initially being an unlucky number. And by the way I am getting my information from an article written by Craig Huckerby. Thirteen had been considered an unlucky number because it was thought that 12 was the general end of a sequence of numbers, which is odd because it seems to me that it should be 10, but that’s because I’m a little OCD and like things to land on either 10’s or 5’s. Anyways, so “12 is considered a number of completeness” of numbers like there are 12 months in a year or 12 hours on a clock. And apparently Friday is considered to be an unlucky day, which we also wouldn’t think that today since everybody loves a Friday! Its Mondays that should be unlucky, right? And black cats became associated with Friday the 13th, or mostly just unlucky and evil, because back when there were witch trials, it was thought that witches could turn themselves into black cats, so therefore black cats are the most uncommonly acquired colored cat. Hey, my cat is black! With a little bit of white. And according to Huckerby, “The fear of Friday the 13th is called friggatriskaidekaphobia (Frigga being the name of the Norse goddess for whom “Friday” is named and triskaidekaphobia meaning fear of the number thirteen)." They truly have a weird, long, impossible-to-pronounce name for every phobia. It’s unbelievable.
            Another thing I just read from is that the three Friday the 13ths we have in 2012 are all 13 weeks apart. Coincidence? I think not. I also think that its awesome that some hotels don’t have a thirteenth floor. Even though I would be saddened if I went to one because I would want to stay on it.
            It really is crazy how superstitious people can be. Personally, I probably wouldn’t walk under a ladder, but more for the fact that it would be more inconvenient than just walking around it. If I broke a mirror, I would be more concerned about picking all of the pieces up. If a black cat crossed my path I would probably be thinking how cute he was and wondering if he was nice enough to let me pet him. Some people won’t even leave their houses on a Friday the 13th. Although in some places it was recorded that there were more hospitalizations on Friday the 13th versus other Fridays. If it is so unlucky, why isn’t the world ending on a Friday, December 13th of another year instead of the 21st of this year? I’d like to get into the idea of the world ending this year, but that is a topic for another time because I don’t want to fill another couple pages with words about my opinion on the end of the world.
            Basically, I love the number 13. It’s not my lucky number because I don’t have one of those. I feel like if I chose a lucky number, then I would think about it too much and it would end up being my unlucky number. Thirteen is merely my favorite number. And because 7 is my other favorite number, I already told my mom to book her calendar for Friday the 13th of July of 2018 for my wedding date. You know, because its 7 and 13 on my favorite day of Friday the 13th. That is actually occurring this year too, but I don’t think I’m quite ready to get married yet. And that probably won’t actually happen, but who knows.
            In other words, some moron burned Easy Mac last night at like one in the morning. I was literally at that point of falling from sleepy into a deep sleep and I am awaken by the most alarming sound…the fire alarm. So in all my glory: short, yellow, polka dot boxers, hair still wet from my shower, my retainers still in my mouth, and a very sleepy-angry look on my face, I had to go outside in flip flops and freeze my ass off for what seemed like an hour, even though it wasn’t that long. Seriously? Who honestly doesn’t know that you’re supposed to put WATER in the Easy Mac? We’re in college here people. We should all at least know how to cook Top Ramen and Easy Mac in the microwave. No offense to whoever did that, but you are an idiot. And I may just be a little grouchy since I didn’t get to sleep till 2 something and have my only 8 o’clock class of the week this morning. All I can say is asshole. Ruined my day. But it was made better by my first class professor who is on his way to becoming a doctor with the most heart-melting Welsh accent. I could listen to him all day. Not to mention he’s very attractive as well. I’ve never had a teacher of any kind that I was attracted to before now. And I must say, I think I’m going to like my public speaking class. J

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