Sunday, January 8, 2012

New Favorite Show: Pro Bowling

            I know it’s not nice to laugh at the expense of other people, but after I got back from the airport this morning, my grandma was watching pro bowling so my mom and I sat down to watch, not very intrigued. But all of a sudden we were into it rooting and cheering for two of the five guys. The two we were cheering for looked like twins, that’s why we cheered for both. Until…
            One of the “twins” took a nasty spill. You always see those videos of old people or little kids who bowl but don’t let go of the ball and get taken down the lane. This guy, pro bowler, seriously swings as hard as he could it seemed, and the ball just didn’t come loose of his fingers. He tried to balance himself but his feet caught on the slippery floor and it was just so comical. Just hysterical. Not to mention they replayed it like five times! Poor guy. At first I felt bad laughing because he looked so embarrassed, but it was much easier to laugh than feel bad.
            Now our other “twin” who made it to the next two rounds, actually bowled a perfect game in the second round. Only the 21st time for someone to ever bowl a perfect game on television. So we pretty much witnessed history. I never thought I would get so into bowling, but our “twin” made it to the championship, or whatever its called, which is next Sunday, so now I may have to watch that. If you’re into bowling, be sure to tune in. I’m sure it’ll be great!
            After watching that, I tried to look up the video on the internet but its not up yet, it was only this morning so I’m not surprised, but check up for it online because it was pretty dang funny. While looking for it I found some quite hilarious videos of other people falling while bowling, which then led somehow to bowling trick shots, now that’s quite impressive. I have trouble just keeping the ball going straight, let alone doing some special trick and still getting a strike. I know its lame to have a blog post about bowling but my mind was seriously blown by bowling today so I had to share my experience. I was ripping my hair out, metaphorically of course, watching that guy bowl a 300. Very nerve racking. Plus, not only does he get to go on to the championships, he also got a bonus 10,000 dollars for bowling a perfect game! Maybe I need to work on my bowling. My best score was like 145, so I’m almost halfway there. A little practice and I think I got it in the bag. I still don’t understand the way people bowl and get the ball to spin one way, then the other, and STRIKE. I just bowl straight down the middle, I don’t understand you and your magic bowling techniques. I feel like I would throw it in the next lane if I tried that.
            Well, back to Pullman today. It feels weird after being here for so long but I’m very excited to get back and see everyone, even though I’m not necessarily looking forward to school. I need to get some new school supplies and new things for my room. I’ll put that on my to-do list! Its so strange spending three weeks doing literally nothing, I mean I hung out with friends and family, but I really had no obligations and it was so relaxing. But, I suppose life isn’t that easy, until I retire of course. At this rate, retiring at 30 sounds nice. HAH. Know that’s not gonna happen. Hopefully when I’m back at school I’ll have more interesting things to talk about rather than bowling though. We shall see!

1 comment:

  1. Hahahahaha.....I am really really sorry for laughing! But here's the link:
