Monday, January 23, 2012

Looking Forward

            So today was rough. I really wish they had a pill to take to make migraines go away forever. If anyone has ever had one, they know, it is one of the most painful things ever. And you literally can’t do anything about it. And now I’m going through the “migraine hangover” stage. Bleh. But I’ll be better soon enough.
            I really hate having to read for class because its like, you can go without reading and they wont know, but it’ll kill you on the tests if you don’t read. You kinda just have to force yourself to read. And when I have the third book of the Hunger Games to read now, why would I be reading for school? It’s a tough debate I’m having with myself.
            My birthday is a week from tomorrow! A Tuesday is kind of lame for a birthday but its better than a Monday at least. Then that’ll be my excitement for awhile. Well, there’s always Valentines Day but that holiday should go die. I don’t even understand the point of it. Whoever this Saint Valentine guy is really screwed everyone over who ends up being left alone on Valentine’s day. Oh well. That week the movie The Vow comes out which I am dying to see and even if that means going to the theatre by myself, I’m definitely going to be seeing it. THEN it’ll be boring for awhile until spring break. P.S. Literally just watched the preview for The Vow, gave me chills. And will occasionally make my eyes water. I’m easily moved by things like that. Although I don’t think I’ve ever cried more in a movie than in the movie Marley & Me. Love love LOVE that movie. It’s the best.
            So I remembered something that I forgot to add to my bucket list which I was actually thinking about prior to New Years after I watched the movie, New Years Eve, which was cheesy but good. Anyways, I remembered something I wanted to add to my bucket list and that is that one year, I wanna be in New York to watch the ball drop on New Years. Just one of those things I would like to see.
            To conclude, the things I have to look forward to: My birthday, Valentines Day (aka seeing The Vow), The Hunger Games movie, spring break, summer, moving into our new place, school again, and eventually the final Twilight Saga movie, Breaking Dawn Part 2 will come out. Maybe they aren’t that exciting of things to look forward to since most of them are just seeing movies, they are important to me and I’m excited for all of them. 

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