Monday, January 16, 2012

In the AM

I love being friends with guys. Because for one, there is almost no drama. And two, because the things that they ask about girls are the funniest thing ever. Like how do you get a girl’s attention, or how does the whole period thing work? It just cracks me up how little we really know about the opposite sex. I mean I ask guys similar questions. Its quite humorous to hear their responses. Now I don’t like being that type of person around a guy I like obviously. It’s different. And I think girls definitely know how the “friend zone” works better than guys. We know that if you want to not be in the friend zone, you make friends, and then make a move. But I don’t think all guys know that. And they should. So to all the guys out there, here’s the secret. We want you to be our friend. That’s one of our favorite traits in guys. And I’m talking boyfriend material, not just like a hook up because obviously then it wouldn’t matter whether or not you get along with their personality. But if you are trying to date a girl, you wanna first become friends with her. But you cant just keep the friend thing going. And definitely not for too long because otherwise you’ll immediately be in the friend zone and there is almost no way out of that, unfortunately. So let her know you’re personality, become friends, but make some sort of move so she’ll know that you’re interested in more than friends. If she doesn’t respond in a same manner back, then she must not like you in that way and then you’re screwed and just stuck in the friend zone anyways.
I just had to get that out of my system because I just had some funny conversations with some funny guys and it made me think about this particular subject.
Even though its 3:30 am, I am going to consider this my blog for Sunday because I just didn’t have enough time to write this today. Actually, I had plenty of time, but I was reading, and then I went to hang out with my best friend, and then Rachel and I went back out again to have fun and what not, and I just got back to my room so I’m counting this as my Sunday post.
            The snow has really been coming down. I was wondering if it was ever going to come and stay, because it is really unlike this area to not have very much snow for so long. I mean it only snowed like once maybe in December. No actually, I don’t even know if it snowed in December at all. Regardless, that is unusual. I’m used to having feet and feet of snow. But I was quite enjoying its absence. Oh well. It looks pretty at least. Especially on this wonderful WSU campus. It looks gorgeous covered in snow. Even though it’s a slippery danger when there is snow and ice on it, considering that it is mostly hills and stairs around here. I still love the look of it.
            Well it really is far too late/early right now and no one should be awake at this hour, unless they live in a different country, then that would make more sense. And I am pretty sure that I am talking just a bunch of nonsense. I promise my next post will be more interesting. I just had to write something, because I have to have something everyday. At least I gave guys some advice for girls. Bottom line is guys, you’ll never understand girls because we hardly understand ourselves.
Goodnight all. 

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