Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Frozen Nights Lead to Sleepy Days

            Oh the things college students will do. For instance, staying outside in 20 degree weather from 8 pm to 8 am with only blankets for warmth. That’s what I had to endure last night. And when I say endure, I really am just referring to the temperature because everything else was fun. My future roommates and I all cuddled for warmth last night as we sat in downtown Pullman waiting to hopefully get the apartment that we wanted for next year.
            At first the cold wasn’t so bad. Maybe that was because Rachel and I were running around from the gas station, back to the dorm, and a quick trip to McDonalds for some hot cocoa, in the warmth of the car while Johnny and Will sat outside with our blankets on them. We also ran to Baskin Robbins for one dollar scoops. I didn’t get any of that ice cream because I knew it would only make me freeze more. I don’t know what is wrong with my roommates, but they are crazy. Rachel and I also made a stop at Thomas Hammer so she could get wifi on her laptop and so I could use the restroom. So, at that point in the night it didn’t feel so cold out. However, that only took us till about 10:30 or 11, if that. Then, Rachel and I sat and watched Zack and Miri Make a Porno, classic, while Johnny and Will went to Wal-Mart and back to McDonalds to get us more hot cocoa.
            Eventually, Rachel, Johnny, and I decided we wanted to go on a walk so we let Will have all the blankets while we took our adventure. Earlier, before Rachel and I went to get hot cocoa, we stopped by the apartment that we wanted and asked the people that lived there if we could have a tour. We felt bad asking but he said we weren’t the first to come. Rachel and I loved it. So when we went with Johnny on our adventure we walked there. It was a long walk through downtown and Greek row, but it was warmer to be moving. After reeking havoc on our way back, Rachel and I decided we would take the first shift outside while Johnny and Will slept in the car. So much for our sleeping. Rachel and I spooned but it didn’t help. Neither of us could sleep and for the last half hour we sat up staring at her phone waiting for it to be time to switch. Both of our toes were completely frozen and we were in pain so when the clock hit 3:40 we ran to the car and woke up and kicked out the boys. At that point my bladder was about to explode from all the hot chocolate and all the places around us were closed, so we drove back to the dorm, got some more socks and blankets, used the restroom, and came back and slept in the car for awhile. When we went out to trade again, a very angry Johnny told us to leave him alone so we stole a blanket, got back in the car, turned on the heat and tried to sleep for awhile. We hardly got any sleep but Johnny woke us up at 6:20 so Rachel could drive Johnny and I back to the dorms to get ready for class. I honestly don’t think I could have handled another minute outside. I know I’m a baby but I don’t care. It was 20 degrees out!!
            I was happy to receive a text from Rachel saying that we got the apartment we wanted so it was all worth it in the end! But I must say I don’t think I’ll ever be doing that again. Last year’s Freezin’ for a Reason at Ferris was nothing compared to this, except that we had to do that for 3 days, but at least we had sleeping bags, tents, mattresses, and oh yeah, a fire.
            I am so, so excited to move in at the end of summer with my new roommates. We are going to have so much fun. Even though Johnny thinks he’s going to be pranking Rachel and I all the time. Not gonna happen. And if it does, we’re gonna do it back. And then I can get my new kitten! I don’t think we’re supposed to have pets there, but I’m going to get it anyways. I just can’t wait! We’re going to be the best roommates ever.
            And since I got just about zero sleep last night, I’ll probably end up napping today, sleeping in tomorrow and ruining my sleep schedule again. Oh well. 

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