Sunday, January 29, 2012

How to Survive

           Now I’m new at this whole college thing. Well not like a day-old baby new, I have a little experience under my belt. But obviously there are millions and billions of other people that have more experience than me. However, with the experience I have acquired, I’m going to give a brief description on how to survive college as I see it so far.
            First of all, be PROACTIVE. Not only in school, but for getting in schools. Research the schools you might like, definitely go visit them to make sure you see yourself there. Most people, once on a campus, either completely see themselves there or completely don’t. Actually, if we’re talking about being proactive before college, you really want to start at the beginning of high school by involving yourself in tons of activities, keeping your grades up, and all that goes with it. Unfortunately, most of us don’t do that, but there is still hope! Apply early to the schools, apply for tons of scholarships, and any financial aid you can get is great!
            Once at the school of, hopefully, your choosing, its really helpful to be on top of all of your school work. I am still completely a procrastinator, but I’m getting better at it though. If you just get all your work and reading done, then it wont pile on top of itself and overwhelm you when you need to know it all.
            The professors in college don’t try to act like your parents and get on you for not doing your homework or not showing up for class or doing better on your tests. You have to do it all yourself. If you ask for help, of course, most of them will help you. But they aren’t going to push you if you don’t. They don’t care if you fail. They still get paid for you showing up, or not showing up to class.
            Eat healthy. I’ve had my days and weeks where I either just didn’t eat very much or just ate a bunch of junk and it makes it really hard to stay focused and alert in class. And it puts you in bad moods. Its just not good to constantly file junk into your body. So eat some fruits and veggies every day and lay off the candy and ice cream.
            Get sleep. I am very cranky if I don’t get sleep, and I’ve definitely had my late nights doing homework and my late nights…not doing homework. But it really makes it hard to pay attention in class when you can barely keep your eyes open. Take naps if you need on your breaks or after your classes. But only take at most 30 minute naps, and take them before 4 pm otherwise it’ll mess up your sleep pattern. Believe me, I know from experience.
            Don’t over do it on the partying. Its fun and it’s a big part of college obviously. But not only is it unhealthy, again it can interfere with school and studying. So try to keep it to the weekends. Plus, I’ve seen some guys with beer bellies, its not attractive.
            Stay organized. Make sure you know what is due when and when your tests and quizzes are. Its helpful to make a list. The professors usually give out a syllabus with all the information and dates on it for a reason, so use it. It’s extremely helpful.

            Now, I’m mostly just doing this list for myself. It helps me stay on track and realize what I need to do to keep myself focused and to do well in school. It’s all pretty much common sense but sometimes looking at common sense is exactly what you need to do it. I was thinking about this all because I have a lot of readings to catch up on considering I have two quizzes and a test this week. My mind can stay a little more focused if I organize what I need to do. This post is boring. But hey, it’s a Sunday and Sundays tend to be boring right?
            By the way, I had an amazing weekend. Literally stayed in bed all weekend and watched TV and movies. It was so nice. Especially because I’m sick. And last weekend I had a little too much fun so it was necessary to take a weekend off. I think my health has improved a little, too, since I got a bunch of sleep this weekend. It was very relaxing.
            And now I have a busy week ahead of me, with school, plus my birthday on Tuesday. J Too bad I have to wake up at EIGHT on Tuesday. Oh well. And then this coming weekend I get to go home and hang with the fam! Very excited. Should be a good and busy week ahead! Yay!

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