Saturday, January 7, 2012


Bucket List (So Far)

  • Visit an undeveloped country
  • Skydive
  • Travel to over 10 different countries
  • Visit all of the national forests
  • Donate a large sum of money to the charity of my choosing
  • Drive a car over 100 mph
  • Be a photographer for National Geographic
  • Discover something that no one else has
…that’s all I’ve figured out so far

      Simple. Nothing too extravagant or something that the average person can’t accomplish. Just a list. Who knows if these things will ever get done, but why not make bucket lists? They’re fun, something to look forward too.
      I could make myself a more reasonable list like, finish college, go to graduate school, get my PhD in psychology. I don’t know. But those are no fun. Those are goals, yes, but not something that’s extremely fun to look forward to. I would feel proud to accomplish that but I don’t want school to be on my bucket list. I want dreams on my bucket list. Simple, yet fun dreams to look forward to.
      I want to complete this list, and if I have a full and healthy lifetime then I plan to take a great attempt at it. Don't doubt my abilities, or my will power. I'll do what I can to finish it! I'd like to say that I completely the things on this list near the end of my lifetime. 

      I like lists. Pros and cons. Bucket lists. To do lists. I just like lists. They keep me organized, and if you know me well you may hear the phrase I say a lot “I have short-term memory loss” well I don’t think I actually do, but sometimes it really feels like I do. I walk into a room for one thing, come out with something completely different and it rarely crosses my mind again that I went in for something else. That’s why I like lists, they keep my head on straight. If you’re like me, make lists.

To Do List:
·        Pack up all my crap
·        Watch a movie
·        Relax
·        Do nothing
·        Maybe shower
·        Eat
·        Take a nap
See? Lists are fun. And a good way to keep organized. If I didn’t have ^ this list I might forget to eat or sleep.
(I wouldn’t really forget to eat or sleep, those are my two most favorite things to do)
Make a list.

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