Monday, January 30, 2012


             While I was at the gym today I realized how weird it is. The gym I mean. Back in the good ol’ days, way before I was born, people did not have a need for going to a gym. The idea of it was probably weird. The only people who went to gyms were those who needed to if they were professionals in an athletic sport of some kind. But they also did manual labor, they actually did stuff outside, they didn’t have to sit on a computer for hours for entertainment. I hate working out in a gym. But its much easier than finding a place to go bike riding or hiking. I mean there are places all around for that, but its still just easier to walk to the gym.
            Not to mention the fact that a century ago, or actually much less than a century ago, people didn’t gorge themselves on fattening foods. They didn’t need to work out because they only ate what they needed. They didn’t eat in excess. Our society is so weird. We eat a ton and we sit and play video games and on the computer and watch TV. We’re boring. We are a boring kind of people. We need to get out and be more exciting. Play kick the can or wiffle ball. I love wiffle ball. It’s a blast. I’m not saying that everyone is like this. Obviously I am over-generalizing. But still, as a whole, we are fat and lazy and boring.
            One. One is the number of wheels on a unicycle. One is the number of channels on the first television set. One is the number of times you can jump off the Empire State Building (without any help). One is the number of times you can be tried for the same crime. One is the number of ingredients in an ice cube. One is the number of players competing in the game of solitaire. One is the number of actors is takes to be Jekyll and Hyde. One is the number of people in a self-portrait. One is the number of partridges in a pear tree. One is the number of days until my birthday. Actually its less now, but I thought I would be clever by saying a bunch of things about the number one. By the way, I got all of the “Ones” from I like to cite my sources.
            In case you couldn’t tell, I am kind of excited for my birthday. Even though there is nothing special about it this year and it’s on a Tuesday so I wont be doing anything too exciting, I’m still just happy to celebrate it. One of my favorite aunts, okay I love all my aunts so I cant say any one is my favorite but I absolutely LOVE this woman, I call her TT, she sent me a package today with tons and tons of food. And I love food so this obviously made me happy. AND my cousin Max, her son, is coming here next year, not that that is new news but I was just reminded of that and I can’t wait for him to be here! His dad, my uncle Chris, is a HUGE UW husky fan so I think I’m pretty funny and I’m gonna buy him a Cougar Dad t-shirt and mail it to him and of course he has to wear it. J I think it’ll be pretty funny now that he can’t totally hate the cougars! So yay! GO COUGS!
            But now I need to go try to finish all of my homework so that I don’t have hardly any to do on my birthday, because really, who wants to do homework on their birthday? Not me. I wish I didn’t have a biology lab tomorrow, otherwise I would just skip the whole day, but I only have my lab and then one class so it wont be too bad. Then I’m gonna try and round up some friends to have dinner with. Yeah I know…Sydney has friends? I mean I pay them…but because I pay them they have to act like my friends. So yeah, I’ll probably have to pay double for tomorrow night but we’ll see.
            A very merry unbirthday to me! For another 5 ish hours. Then, a very happy birthday to me! 

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