Sunday, January 22, 2012

Take Number...1000?

            Is it really sad that this morning when I couldn’t find my phone and thought I lost it, I was about to start crying? I mean I’m not that attached to it, but maybe I am… Well, at least I don’t think I’m the only one attached to my phone at the hip. It’s not even that I’m always texting or playing games, I just like to have it with me. Okay okay, I’m addicted, I can’t live without my phone. And if I hadn’t found it on the floor under my bed, I probably would be crying right now. I’m a little embarrassed admitting this but oh well.
            Sundays really suck. You can’t enjoy them really because you always have this thing in the back of your mind saying, “did you do all of your homework Sydney? You know you have school tomorrow”. It blows. But I actually did the bulk of my hw yesterday thankfully.
            Except: So I had to do this online speech yesterday. Oh my gosh, thank goodness my roommate wasn’t there because she’d think I was a freak. Every time I said “um” I’d throw something and turn off the camera. It really is hard to not say “um” when you don’t really know what you’re talking about. Although it was a little better in the sense that I didn’t start shaking and my face didn’t turn the color of a tomato. But it was ridiculous. I think I recorded it like 20 times. And of those times I only got like 10 seconds into the video and I said “um” or said the wrong thing. Good thing they let you delete the videos you don’t like because that would be so terrible if everyone in my class, especially my hot teacher with a sexy Welsh accent, could see all of those takes. But I eventually got it down, only to find out I think I did the video wrong! I couldn’t figure out how to get video going and to have my powerpoint presentation going to. Its just annoying. I would ALMOST rather just do the speeches live. But obviously not enough to actually want to do them live because that would probably be more embarrassing. I need to work on my fear of public speaking. I don’t think I’ll ever get over it though.
            I hate it when I was having a really good dream and I cant remember it anymore. Sometimes I can remember little parts of my dreams but only parts that sound stupid when I say them aloud. Dreams are freaking weird. But I’ll get into that topic at a later time.
            Time to go enjoy my Sunday.

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