Thursday, January 26, 2012

Hide and Seek: College Edition

          Okay. So I just had the best idea. We’re all in school right? Well a lot of us are. So this is like the biggest school campus we’ve ever been on so far in life most likely. I’ve been thinking about elementary and middle school stuff because people on Twitter keep hash tagging about it. Therefore I came up with a brilliant idea. This campus would be the PERFECT place to play all of those games we used to play in elementary school. Tag or freeze tag, and especially hide and seek! This would be the absolute perfect place to play hide and go seek. So many options of hiding! Just get a huge group of people and everyone nose-goes for who is it and then we all have the biggest area we could ever expect to play! And you thought it was hard playing hide and go seek without boundaries at your house. Here, obviously there would need to be some boundaries. But still, it would be fun. I was just thinking about that today. I know, its an awesome idea. You're welcome for thinking of it. 
            Also, Pullman is the windiest city I’ve experienced before, so in response to that, I’ve decided that I’m going to get a kite. I’m pretty much going to be the coolest kid here, playing hide and go seek and flying a kite. I can see it now. Watch out Riley Myklebust, I’m the next ASWSU president in the making.
Ah, elementary school. The good days. Feels like only yesterday. But not really.
            I need to find a good artist. Scratch that, a great artist. Someone who can pull my jumbled up ideas from my head and put it onto paper. Today Johnny and I were trying to figure out what we’re going to do for our tattoos. I think his idea is much further along than mine. I am not even positive where I want it. But I have to get one now because I convinced my 70 year old grandma, Spike, to get one if I got one with her. Little did she know I was planning on getting another one anyways, hehe. I know I want it to say something about my family, but I’m debating between having it on my side stomach-rib area, which I know will be unbelievably painful. Or I might have the words hang off of my current tattoo. I think I would prefer it on my side, but I have a very low pain tolerance, although I didn’t even shed a tear when I got my first tattoo. Of course I wasn’t the only one there so I couldn’t look like a baby or something. But I did cling on to that chair with unbelievable strength, I could have lifted a car. Maybe. Not quite. We’ll see what happens. I have until May to decide.
            Good thing I don’t have class until 2:50 tomorrow, it is certainly past my bedtime. Today a very good family friend passed away from cancer. It’s very sad. I still haven’t gathered the complete concept of death. It’s really hard to comprehend someone being here, and then just gone. To me it feels like they just moved to a different country and I just wont be able to see them again. Its hard to imagine them not existing. I mean who knows what happens after death, I’m not going to get started on that but I guess we’ll all figure it out at some point. I told my mom if I die before she does that she needs to let me sit for a week and then chop off my head or something, just to make sure I’m really dead. I would not want to be buried alive. I know that sounds really graphic and morbid. But really, I would rather someone chop off my head than bury me alive. I’m not taking any chances. Human existence is just completely and totally…complex. Way too difficult for my mind to wrap itself around. Now I sound like I’m high or something, questioning the meaning of life. Good gosh. Its probably time for me to get some sleep. ZZZZZzzzzz

1 comment:

  1. Well at least now there is evidence that I am not some wacko for keeping you for a week! LOL. But that is NOT going to happen....just saying tho!
