Saturday, January 14, 2012

We Went Out Last Night

            Friday the 13th did not live up to the anticipation I had for it. I didn’t even see a sign of a black cat within miles. What the heck is up with that? The day didn’t appear to be unlucky either. Other than the fact that I was tired from staying up till 2:30 in the morning because someone doesn’t know how to make Easy Mac. I’m still holding a grudge. And probably will for awhile. However, I didn’t get my nap in either. Yet somehow I managed to stay awake till almost 3 in the morning.
            A few friends came to party down in p-town last night from Spokane. So needless to say, it was a fun girls night out. It started out with a frenzy of what to wear. That’s almost always an issue for us girls. There are just some days when you feel like nothing looks right on. Stupid hormones. I blame everything on them.
            But after getting ready in clothes that should not be worn in what is supposed to be mid winter in Pullman, Washington, especially with the fact that it is currently snowing and sticking right now, we made our way out. At least the snow waited 24 hours. So we all power-walked and huddled our way to the infamous Greek Row. And the rest is history.
            I actually wouldn’t call last night something our future grandchildren are going to read about in history books. But maybe it is, who knows.
            We frat hopped, but realizing that it wasn’t as fun as expected, we ended our trek at a couple of our friends’ frat. I think my favorite thing about the whole night was that I got to write all over myself with marker that shone in the black lights and the shirt I was wearing was see-through mesh with a pink sports bra that glowed, oh I was having a blast. I noticed a touch of the marker still on me this morning when I woke up at…6:30, but I think my shower got it off of me but its hard to tell in normal light! I think all of us definitely had a blast last night dancing up on the platforms and dancing with each other and seeing everyone. We made some new friends and froze a little on the way back. We also scarffed down a couple pizzas when we got back. The reason I woke up at 6:30 is because that’s when some of the girls were going back. I don’t remember the other girls leaving but they left even earlier than that.
            All in all, it was a fantastic night.
            In other words, I realized how much of a cave I trapped myself in today when I realized, or didn’t realize that it had been snowing for quite some time, based on the amount of snow on the ground. And just earlier I had been laughing at people on Facebook posting about snowstorms, thinking how nice it was with no snow here. Silly me. I just got so caught up in the new book series I started a few days ago, The Hunger Games. Wonderful book. I’m almost done with the first one. I never thought I’d find a series I like as much as the Twilight series, but it is so intriguing. It’s so hard to put the book down. I’ve been reading a lot lately, and I have read a lot of very good books, but I definitely recommend this one. Plus, it’s making me extremely excited for the movie to come out, not only because I’m completely hooked on the book now, but because I know there is at least one, but maybe two super sexy guys in the movie. And if you’ve read the book you could see other things in it that you want to see how the visuals turn out.
            To anyone who is reading this, minus maybe one person in particular, I am asking a big favor. Next year I’ll be living with some awesome roommates and I already love them all, but Johnny and Will are already threatening and planning evil pranks to play on Rachel and I, from putting a bunch of mouse traps around our beds, to even worse things. So if anyone reading this has any brilliant prank ideas that just need to be shared, feel free to spread the wealth! That’s all for now folks. 

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