Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Snow! Blowing Snow.

           I love how giddy everyone gets after a first big snow. It’s also fun to see people who don’t get to see snow as often playing in it. It really brings out the little kid in everyone. Me, however, I do like the snow, but this whole blizzardy, wind-blowing crazy, along with snow-thing Pullman has going on is NOT okay with me. I also found it was weird that Spokane still didn’t have snow yet. I don’t know if they do now, but usually Spokane gets snow before Pullman does. Just an observation. Now I don’t want to jinx myself or anything, but I have yet to get attacked by a snowball of any kind, and though I have slipped a little bit, I haven’t quite taken the full-on spill yet. I’m crossing my fingers that I’ll get lucky this year, but somehow I don’t think that I’m going to be that lucky.
            In bigger, BIGGER news: my birthday is in 13 days. Thirteen, as in my favorite number, and my birthday as in one of my favorite days of the year. It’s not about the presents, it’s not about turning another year older, well not this year anyways, its just fun to have something to celebrate, and even more fun when it’s yourself you get to celebrate! I’m not conceited or anything, it’s just a fun day to celebrate. You can make people be nice to you and order them around and have them wait on you hand and foot…oh wait, no you can’t, and I wouldn’t, but the idea is nice isn’t it? The only thing that sucks more than anything is when you have someone who shares your birthday and hogs the limelight and rains on your parade and just ruins your freaking day! So Justin Timberlake…you’re gonna have to go, buddy. Sorry, but this is MY day we’re talking about. Stupid celebrities. They think they can just have everything don’t they? In case you can’t tell, I’m kidding. I love JT. But he does share my birthday. Luckily I don’t think we’re having our parties in the same vicinity this year so I don’t think it’ll be a problem, unlike last year. Oh man, we almost had a full on girl fight right there on the stage practically shoving Beyonce off into the crowd. Shit got crazy. Oh wait, that didn’t happen either. But it totally could have. Anyways, I get to receive a bunch of “Happy Birthday!” posts from people I haven’t talked to in forever, or perhaps people I’ve never talked to on Facebook. So thank you to all of you. Whoa, I am getting way ahead of myself. Still 13 days, Sydney, calm down.
            OH MY GOSH. I forgot to put this in my last blog post, so the other day, however many days ago we signed our lease, feels like forever ago now, the lady at the highland place told me, and I swear she was telling me specifically as if she knew of my plot all along, that I can’t have a kitten or an animal of any sort in our house next year! What the heck! A five HUNDRED dollar fine if I’m caught with an animal. And I just can’t afford that every month or however often she comes to check the place out. I really wish I could. Absolutely depressing. That was what I was looking forward to most about next year! I’m kidding again, because I already love my roomies, but I really did want a kitten and now I’m heart broken. So if anyone living in Pullman next year is allowed to own a kitten and wants to let me store my future kitten there, let me know!
            Until then, I’ll be kitten-less. L Well I do have a cat at home, but he’s not like just mine. He’s the family fat cat. I want my own kitten. But I suppose it’ll have to wait. And unfortunately when I end up do getting my own house where I can have a kitten, I’ll most likely get a puppy first, so its probably going to be awhile. I suppose I have forever to get one. I just had my hopes too high. But that’s okay, I’m still very excited to live in an animal-free house with my amazing roommates!
            Well, its about that time of night to turn in, and read my book. Buh-Bye. 

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