Monday, January 2, 2012

An Interesting Idea

            I really love those friends who, no matter how much distance is between you, no matter how long it’s been since you’ve talked or since you’ve last seen each other, when you get back together with them, its like no time has passed at all. They are real and true friends. My best friend is leaving today back to school so I probably won’t see him for another 6 months. But that’s okay because I know it’ll be totally normal when we see each other again.
             In other words. Well actually in a complete different train of thought: my science class this year was just a general science class that I had to take for my "freshman focus" class. At one point, we had the author of the book that our freshman class was supposed to read, come to class to talk to us about global warming and climate change. Now prior to this I had not actually read the book at all. Well, perhaps I read one chapter because I had to visit a nuclear radiation facility and I needed to know the information beforehand. I was honestly worried that I would fall asleep with this guy standing in front of me for an hour talking about why he believes that our world is gradually warming, blah blah blah. But in fact, after learning more about climate change I actually thought all of the information was quite interesting. But I’m not bringing this up to talk about my opinion on climate change, because I already had to write an essay on my stance for my final in that class. Glad to be done with that.
            The author of the book Physics for Future Presidents, Richard Muller did in fact talk about and back up his opinions of climate change and global warming, and probably other things that I didn’t pay attention to as well. But he said one thing that really had me thinking that day, and still today I come back to this idea that he brought up. He was talking about how he planned out what he would say to Al Gore if he ever happened to be in an elevator with him and had the chance to say one thing to him. I believe he didn’t say what he would say to Al Gore because it might be inappropriate, but then he turned the question to us. What would you say to someone famous, say your favorite actor, or the president of the United States, had you ever actually been able to be in the same elevator as them? If you only had maybe 30 seconds to say anything you wanted to them, what would you say?
            First of all, it couldn’t be just any random celebrity, because in most cases all I would want is an autograph or a picture. Richard Muller actually had thoughts and things he would want to express to Al Gore if he were ever in the situation. Who would the person be that I would want to say something to them. To actually speak to about something important. Personally, as much as an honor it would be to meet a president, I don’t think that would be the person I would feel the need to speak to about anything important. I’m not much into politics so I really don’t know what I could say.
            But who, oh who would I want to talk to???? There are millions of people in this world, what person is more special than the other to talk to? For me it would definitely be a celebrity of some sort, but one who doesn’t just act in films, one who has done something to change lives. Then I started thinking along the lines of Oprah. Or maybe Ellen Degeneres. But even if it were either of them, I feel like I would more want to praise them for being so awesome versus trying to ask something important or tell them something important, because I think they already know how cool they are.
            Maybe you, if any of you are actually reading this, thinks that I’m leading up to the climax of who I would want to be in an elevator with and what I would want to say to them. Sorry to disappoint, but I still haven’t thought of it yet. And if I end up today in an elevator with someone important then I’m screwed because I’m not going to have anything prepared to say to them. It is an interesting idea to think about though. And just the fact that someone, who is just another person, can be so famous, or so powerful that one would be rendered speechless if caught in an elevator with the other. Like if Josh Duhamel was in the same elevator with me I think I might faint. Or jump on him. But the fact that we put celebrities on such a high pedestal, it is unbelievable. It’s just something to think about.
            So you out there, anyone in cyber space reading this, might wanna think about it. If you were caught in an elevator with someone important or someone famous and had just a moment to say something to them, what would you say?

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