Thursday, January 19, 2012

I Work Out

            First things first: way to go Cougs!
            Today, since I didn’t fall asleep till after 4 in the morning, I didn’t wake up till 12:30, which is going to ruin my schedule for tomorrow, being that I have to be up by 7. Plus, I have to give my speech on my partner. I’m completely dreading it. I’m terrible at speaking in public. Not to mention my professor is so very handsome. I guess I’ll just try not to look at him when I am giving my speech. So that is what I spent the majority of my waking day doing.
            And I went with Johnny and some other people to the WSU basketball game. We were playing Stanford which I believe they are number one in our conference and I think we are like number 11. Totally beat them. It was such a great feeling. I forgot what its like to cheer for a team that’s winning. Coming from Ferris, we were so good in all of our boys sports, then going to WSU who are not so good at all of our sports, it was a tough transition. But still, I love it here. Its so much fun to live in a college town. I mean there is like nothing around us, so everyone comes to the games. It would be nice if we won more games but still, its fun.
            It was miserable walking to the game because it was just icy and slushy and my shoes got soaked. But when we went to the gym afterwards it wasn’t as slushy, but more icy. Something is wrong with my knees. I think I have tendonitis. I used to have tendonitis in my right arm when I was a Flathead Varsity pole-vaulter! Haha what a joke. My coach was crazy. I mean it was fun pole-vaulting at first. Then my coach said, “Sydney, today you’re going to bend your pole” Say whaat? Hell no I ain’t bending my pole. Now mind you this was after our first bending practice when I watched the more experienced pole-vaulters bend theirs and one guy flew off to the side and the other one missed the box. So no, I was not about to bend my pole. But I ended up bending it a few times but then I started getting pains in my right elbow, probably since I was running from a two hour track practice to a two hour volleyball practice with a 20 minute break in between when I iced my shin splints.
            Now I’m making this sound miserable, but I actually loved it. I was so busy, but I was in the best shape ever and doing the two sports I loved. Even though I hated the fact that I had to run with the sprinters because I am not a sprinter. I did high jump, long jump, and pole vault. There was no need for me to run with the sprinters. That’s definitely what gave me shin splints. But I loved track and I loved club volleyball.
            So anyways, I gotta figure out what to do to relieve the pain in my knees. I need to ice them or something. But I can’t stop working out now, since I’ve actually been consistently doing it again. That’s what I miss about being on a team sport, you were forced to work out whether you like it or not. Now I have to force myself.
            Still have a book and a half to read in my series, The Hunger Games. I honestly don’t know how I’ve gone two whole days without reading it. Looks like I know what I’m doing this weekend!
            TGIF tomorrow. Phew. Even though it was only a three day week. Still seemed long. Next week will feel longer… 

1 comment:

  1. Haha! Sorry daughter, but I actually laughed at this post. Of course I do not want you to be in pain....ever! And I hope that changes :)

    Ugh..I won't be mom on your blog. Love you!
