Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Guilty as Charged

Well…today was interesting to say the least. Much better than yesterday. But then again just about any day is better than a day with a migraine. Maybe it’s just because it is only the first couple weeks, but my biology lab seems to be so much easier and makes so much more sense than my basic science lab ever did. It might also be that I just understand biology more. Who knows. But I do find it more enjoyable, in the scholastic sense, the people in there aren’t the same as my last lab though. And psychology and sexuality is always a treat. Today we learned about communication and how it’s the key to healthy relationships and good sex. Go communication!
Today I was trying to think about what I wanted to write about and I got an idea from someone to write about my top ten guilty pleasures. We all have them, so I suppose that I’ll put mine out in the open for everyone to see.
Number one: Pinning everything I see on Pinterest. You could say I’m obsessed. But not nearly as much as I used to be. At the very beginning of the school year, my roommates friend showed me Pinterest and I could not get enough of it. I was on it all the time. I still love it, but now everyone loves it so its not as exciting, still amazing though.
Number two: Twilight-the movies and the books. Ever since I saw the first movie when it first came out, I read all of the books in like three days, lost a lot of sleep. And still to this day I get obsessed when I read them. Now I’m just dying for the final movie to come out. However, I have found a new book series that has grabbed my attention much more than Twilight ever has, can you believe it? I can’t. But I love the Hunger Games now. It may eventually replace Twilight on this list once I finish the series and watch the movie!
Number three: Chocolate ice cream. Or chocolate milk. Not anything chocolate because I actually do not like a lot of chocolate things. But give me a bowl of chocolate ice cream or a glass of chocolate milk and I’m one happy camper. People have told me its stupid to get chocolate ice cream when you go out to get some, but its so classic and yummy and I love it.
Number four: sappy love movies. The Notebook, P.S. I love you, a Walk to Remember, Titanic, you name it, I probably love it. Still dying to see the Vow, but its less than three weeks away now so that’s okay. I can always go for a good romantic movie though.
Number five: Listening to a guy with an accent talk. Ohhh my. Like my extremely handsome public speaking professor with the Welsh accent. Yeah, I could sit in that class all day long. There’s just something about a guy with a sexy accent. Although I don’t know if I could ever marry one because I would never listen to what he says on account of that I would just be focusing on the way he says each word rather than the actual words he was saying. Still, I love to hear it.
Number six: Sleeping in way too late. If given the chance, I could lay in bed and sleep off and on all day long. I wish I could do it every single day. No, actually one day every once in a blue moon is perfect. If I do it too often it just makes me feel grumpy and restless and its not as rewarding. I do love to sleep though. But I am trying to wean myself off naps. I haven’t had one for awhile, I don’t think. I don’t know, I lose track of the days but I don’t think I have.
Number seven: Watching a little J-Shore. Now I’m not an every week-follower. But every once in awhile its mildly entertaining to watch some drunk, crazy people get in fights. My old MTV obsession was Laguna Beach, but then they stopped that and turned it into The Hills where it got really stupid and completely lost my interest. But sometimes when I’m bored, and I find that Jersey Shore is on, I’ll tune in and see what that crazy crew is up to.
Number eight: Spending ALL of my money on books. Love love LOVE it! I could spend hours upon hours in a book store, as I’m sure I have mentioned in previous blogs. But really, it is my die hard interest. I really think I should be majoring in English versus psychology with all this writing and reading and what not. But psychology is just too interesting. We’ll see where that goes. But my latest obsession is almost over with, The Hunger Games. I have like less than half of the last book left and I really don’t want it to be over. Looks like I’m going to have to find some new books to read. Any ideas? Hit me up if you do have any.
Number nine: FACEBOOK. Yes, I know a lot of people that share this guilty pleasure. But really it is the most entertaining thing for when you’re bored and looking for something that doesn’t require much attention but passes the time. Looking at pictures, liking people’s comments, calling that one girl a horrible name for ever wearing something that disgusting. The possibilities are endless. Except. And yes there is an exception. I know my roommate and I have experienced this unfortunate feeling, but occasionally, and it appears to be happening more and more frequently: Facebook just gets boring! Believe it or not, even the thing you use to pass the boring time may end up be boring so watch out.
And finally, number ten: This blog! I love writing. I don’t care if not a single person is reading this. I love just putting my thoughts into words. It’s a way to release some type of built up energy that is inside of me needing to be let free. I feel like it clears some space in my head, and many people may know that I need more of that because my memory is just awful. And one day, when I’m older, I can look back at this and just have memories of my day to day life, for however long I decide to keep this going for.
Well, that’s it. A little more about me. Always love to talk about myself…

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