Friday, January 27, 2012


            Tip Numero Uno: If you take Nyquil, make SURE you have allotted enough time for sleep. Otherwise, you’re going to wake up for your work or school and be a zombie, or in my case, really loopy.
            Tip Number Two: Even if you’re friends convince you to, do not attempt to walk down an icy hill. And even if you can see the grass, don’t trust it. Grass can be icy and therefore you will fall. And get very upset.
            Tip Number Three: If you think you lost your keys, check the door knob, they may still be in there.
            Tip Number Four: Try not to drool on yourself when you sleep. It’s embarrassing.
            Tip Number Five: Ice cream, although very tasty, is not a suitable dinner. Even with sprinkles and caramel. You are just wasting your time because you will still be hungry later. Now, if you decide you just want to have dessert first, then that’s okay. Just make sure you eat dinner eventually. You don’t want your tummy growling at awkward moments, after all.
            Tip Number Six: If you’re in college and you’re trying to get yourself back on a schedule that doesn’t involve napping, and you happen to be tired, do not, I repeat DO NOT try to read a school textbook to keep you awake. It will not work and you will fail and fall asleep. Even if you find the subject interesting. Even if the subject happens to be a part of your major, chances are, you will fall asleep anyways.
            Tip Number Seven: Do not accept rides from strangers. Unless of course its 20 degrees out, you’re not wearing proper outdoor clothing, and your hands are about to fall off and someone offers you a ride. Especially if they have a pup in the back seat that sleeps with you on the way back to your dorm. J
            Tip Number Eight: Avoid buying fast drying nail polish. It just doesn’t even work. It dries fast, but it doesn’t stay on very long. Completely pointless. Longer lasting is worth a longer drying time.
            Tip Number Nine: If you’re in pain, you can take Aleve to temporarily relieve the pain, but it will not fix the pain so don’t rely on it. The pain will come back. And then you will struggle to walk up the stairs once again.
            And Tip Number Ten: Read this blog every day for awesome tips like this and cool stories.

            Now these are all mostly negative tips, but they pretty much sum up how my day went. Thank goodness it’s Friday, because I don’t think I could survive another day. And I’m worried because it’s getting colder and colder out. Which means it’s probably going to snow again. Now I don’t mind the snow, it’s just that the weather is somewhat bipolar so I’m not sure how to react to it. Or what to expect. I honestly have no idea if we’ll even have a spring this year. Or a summer. Maybe it’ll just go straight from winter to fall. Who knows. Hopefully we get some warm weather though. At least for Hoopfest weekend, and I’d like to be able to enjoy warmth at the lake. Priest Lake stays pretty cold anyways so it needs all the sun it can get. Not that I’ll see any sun at all since I’m going to need like three jobs this summer. But still, sun would be nice. Actually, you know what, if I have to work all summer, I hope its just a crappy, cloudy, cold summer. Sorry for those who actually get to enjoy the summer, but I’m in a bad mood and I say I want no sun for summer so I don’t have to be jealous when I’m inside working while all y’all are out there soakin’ up the sun getttin’ tan an’ shit.
            Okay. I’m done with my ranting and complaining. I hope everyone had a wonderful day. Especially my mommy since it’s her birthday! Happy birthday Mommy! Oh btw, and I usually never use abbreviations but that one sounded good there, my birthday is in like three days. Just so you know! 

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