Thursday, January 12, 2012

Let's Talk About Sex, Baby

           I started taking this class called Psychology and Sexuality or referred to as Dirty 230. Probably one of my more interesting classes. Today our teacher asked us to give her examples of slang terms for the word “sex”. Oh boy, the things you should have, or probably shouldn’t have, heard. Names I’ve definitely never heard. It’s actually nice to talk and hear about things so openly.
            We also talked about how the in the U.S. there are more sexual images, sexual references, and anything sexual shown to us than any other country, yet if we bring the conversation up with a parent or any other adult the topic becomes taboo and uncomfortable. Why is that? I’m not saying that I feel completely comfortable openly talking about sexual things with my parents. It just seems odd to me because everyone knows about it, everyone thinks about it, yet we can’t talk about it with certain people. You would just think that a society that has so many things that are sexual would feel more comfortable actually talking about these things. But not everyone is liberal about that type of thing and they may never be.
             People need to be open about sex! It'd be better in every way. People would know more before deciding whether or not they were ready to do it, so perhaps unexpected pregnancies would not happen as much. If we talked about it more, people would be more aware of other consequences of sex. And if we were more open about it, why not give each other tips on what can make it better! Good in every way. Now I know my mom reads my blog so she might be gasping right now, but c'mon, we need to be open about this! We're all adults here. Sort of. I'm not saying people should be more open about by going and having sex with a bunch of people or just have sex when they aren't ready, because that's irresponsible. It would just be more productive for everyone if we were all more comfortable talking about sex. Its not a taboo people, everyone does it. Get over it. SEX SEX SEX! PENIS PENIS PENIS! VAGINA VAGINA VAGINA! Yell it out. Play the penis game. Whatever it takes to get you all to feel comfortable about it. If you don't want to have sex before marriage, then don't. Don't let other people influence you. Its obviously better to not have sex too young, but I believe it is up to each individual person to make that decision for themselves. I'll leave it at that. But if I learn interesting things in my class I may bring them up in future blogs so just prepare yourself.
            Anyone interested in learning more about sexology, sex, sexuality, and all that goes with it, I recommend taking that class. Or anyone who just finds it humorous when an adult says the word “penis” or “vagina” or “fucking’ in terms of having sex as my teacher said today, would definitely find that class interesting and entertaining.
            Also, in reference to school, I think that school textbooks shouldn’t cost so damn much. I mean we’re already paying 20 some thousand dollars for school, can’t we get books in there somewhere? It is truly ridiculous. Or, at the very least, don’t change the edition of the book every freaking year so that you can’t even get buy backs on them. Good gosh. Just a thought. 

1 comment:

  1. Ha nice. Idk where you find the time to write these things!
