Sunday, January 22, 2012

Eight Days!

            So I am kind of upset with the National Football League. Not because of the teams that will be playing in the Superbowl, I could care less because to be honest, I don’t know enough about any of the teams to really care who to root for. Of course I love my Cowboys but that’s not because of the team or who is on them. My uncle has always liked them so I guess that rubbed off on me. That and the love of WSU, which is probably why I ended up here. But no, I’m not concerned with who is playing in the Superbowl. I am upset by this week off that they get now, and have for a couple years now, I actually don’t know how long it’s been. But prior to this week break, if my birthday fell on a Sunday then my birthday would be on the Superbowl. Now you may think, well Sydney then the day wont be as special for me because everyone will be focused on the Superbowl. But I would like having it on the Superbowl! It’s not like it would be every year. Plus I was born on the Superbowl, when the Cowboys beat the Bills, another reason I love the Cowboys. Too bad I wasn’t a boy, my mom could have named me Dallas. No, I’m glad I’m not a boy. Even though my psychology and sexuality class claims that there is such thing as penis-envy for girls. I don’t know what they’re talking about, I never went through that phase.
            My birthday will never fall on the Superbowl again, unless they changed things, but I guess I’ll live. The moral of this rambling is that my birthday is in like 8 days and I’m getting more and more excited for it. I don’t know why. I’m probably not going to do anything special. Except I’m ticked because one of my roommates wont be here to celebrate with me so I’m kind of upset about that. But I guess he’s in Thailand sitting on a beach soaking up the sun so I cant really blame him. Good for him. He should have taken me as a birthday present. Its only like a grand more to add me to the flight. Would have been nice of him but I’m not complaining or anything…
            On the other hand, both of my parents’ birthdays are this week, so I need to get on that whole present-getting thing asap. Too bad I had to spend like all of my damn money on that damn apartment, sorry, home. But I am looking forward to it. Except I walked up the hill that I’m gonna have to walk up every day and man that is going to suck. But I am going to be in great shape! Well, back to homework I suppose… Just kidding. Who does homework these days? Not I. That’s a lie. I would fail school if I didn’t do my hw. So before I risk that, I’m gonna go do it now. 

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