Saturday, January 28, 2012

If You Don't Like Reading, Don't Read This

            Obsession: an idea or thought that continually preoccupies or intrudes on a person’s mind. My obsession: The Hunger Games. I keep talking about it, and I try not to. But I am literally obsessed with it. I think this is worse than my once-obsession with Twilight. Today, after 12 hours of sleep, thanks to NyQuil, I woke up at around one, didn’t do very much. But I could say that I spent a good majority of my day both playing Temple Run, and just watching the trailer for the Hunger Games and every video that has anything to do with it on the internet. I even had the book sitting on my bed all day. I was tempted to start reading it again. I don’t know why its such an obsession. I really tried to get my mind off of it, but when you have nothing to do, that’s when obsessions are at their worst. Sure, I could have gotten some homework done today, but who wants to do homework on a Saturday? Not me, that’s for sure. I’d rather sit and stare at the wall than do homework on a Saturday. Which is terrible, but true. I think about it constantly during the day. I day dream about it. I dream about it at night. It sounds pathetic, but it doesn’t bother me at all because I love it so much. And it all started with my trip to the bookstore to buy some books. And I figured everyone was all hyped about these books so I just bought the first one. I had all break to read it but I had this sneaking suspicion that I would get addicted so I saved it for last of all my books. I didn’t even start it until I got back to school when my roommate said she started reading them and got obsessed so I started reading it that very night and was utterly hooked on it. This book is set in the future, a future where there is no North America, its called Panem. I’ve always loved those types of books, where the government is in control of society. Its so interesting to me. Its not like I want the government to be like that, not at all. I just find it so fascinating reading stories about it. Like George Orwell’s 1984, I loved that book too. And Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451, another amazing book. All set in a futuristic society where the government is more or less totalitarian.
            And that is only part of my obsession. Clearly, like my love for the Twilight books, I love love stories. Especially ones where you don’t know how its going to end. Are these two star-crossed lovers going to end up together? What about love triangles? Even better!
            The trouble is, now that the books are over I’m like, gee, I wonder what Katniss is doing right now. I get too attached to the characters. If you’re reading this and you’re not much of a book reader, then you can’t possibly understand. And I don’t even know that I could explain it to someone who hasn’t gone through this with a book. With movies, they are great stories. I mean I’ve seen movies that I was just absolutely speechless after seeing them because I enjoyed it so much. But there’s nothing more to it than that. Even when there are sequels. If there isn’t a book series, you don’t always know right away whether or not they’ll make a sequel. But with books, you spend so much time with it, reading it, thinking about it. It drags on because usually, unless you’re like me who reads till 3 or 4 in the morning, but even then, you usually don’t read the book all at once. So then when you stop at a chapter and go to sleep, the next day you’re just constantly thinking about what is going to happen next. And it goes like that through all of the books. You get so much more attached than with a movie.
            Thinking about all this stuff I just wrote about a book series makes me feel a little bit like a nerd and I’m kind of embarrassed debating whether I should post this or not. But heck, I don’t care. If you think I’m crazy because I’m obsessed with a book, then there are a lot of people out there who are in the same boat as me. And I’m okay with that. By the way, there are 54 days and 13 minutes ( at the time of me typing this) until the Hunger Games movie comes out into theaters. And you know that I’ll be the first in line to buy my ticket to the movie so you better watch out. I may even skip school for it. Who knows. I’ll do crazy things. So I don’t know how I am going to make the time go faster for the next 54 days, but you know that there will be lots of mentions of these books up until then and obviously my first post after I see the movie will be all about it and I will be spoiling everything so if you don’t see the movie before my post, don’t read the post.
            Well, that’s all I have to say about that topic. Not really, I have a ton more to say, but that’s all I’m going to say for now about it. I need to get some Hunger Game posters to put up in my room. I’ll get on that…

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