Wednesday, February 29, 2012

AHHHH!! Leap Year.

            I don’t get the big deal about Leap Day or whatever you call it. Yeah, it only comes every four years, but who cares? It’s just another day. I guess it would be cool if you had your birthday or some special event on it. Who knows! Although I did see this thing on iFunny today that said “Asked my girl out on 29th of February…Only have to celebrate anniversary every 4 years”. I’ll admit…that made me chuckle. Other than that, it was just your average Wednesday.
            So I’ve realized that I am a psychic, or a genius. Or both. Every time I watch House Hunters or House Hunters International, I can immediately pick which house that they’ll choose. I’m freaking brilliant. I should be a realtor. I just know what people want, in houses that is. Plus, I’m a little addicted to the show. Over the summer I think I watched it like every single day. I can’t help it. I like to choose houses for people. So anyone in need of a house, hit me up, I can find you a great one. Sure, I’ve never actually looked for one before, but how hard can it be? You look for as many items on their list as you can, roughly within their budget. Easy peasy.
            Today I experienced something new: Condom Bingo. My dorm hall was hosting this game in our lounge. It was interesting. We made our bingo boards with a bunch of sexual terms on it, and then our markers were condoms. It was mildly entertaining. I was shouting out “I want vagina!” and “I want syphilis!” Never thought I’d hear myself yelling either of those things out. Unfortunately I realized that I am just not lucky with Bingo. I mean it can’t be skill right? Because you can’t know how or where to put each of the terms or which ones they’re going to call, right? So I’m not going to blame it on my skill level. If it was based off of skill I would totally win. I didn’t win. At all. I was bummed out. They were giving out lots of candy prizes, and movies, and toys…oh yeah sex toys? Well not exactly sex toys, but things that enhance sex I guess you could say. Interesting. Interesting game indeed. I left with some condoms, though, which I put to great use tonight…blowing them up into balloons. I’m such a child. Oh well. I enjoyed it.
            Okay, tomorrow is Thursday. My day to sleep in. BUT. Tomorrow, I plan on actually getting something accomplished before my 2:50 class. I have a speech to plan, I have an essay to edit and finish, I have a psych test to study for, and a psych quiz to study for. I think I can get this stuff accomplished. Some of it anyways. I just need to sleep in a little, get myself up and ready and get some sh** accomplished. I didn’t actually say that word. I don’t curse. Rarely. Especially not the “f” word. I think it sounds stupid when girls curse a lot. It’s not polite and not lady-like. So girls need to knock that f***ing sh** off, bi***es! Kidding, again! You will probably never, ever hear that come out of my mouth. Only occasionally, like if I really badly stub my toe or hit my funny bone really hard will I maybe let a curse slip out. Maybe.
            I want a Siamese kitten!! Oh my gosh they are so freaking adorable. So I have an Instagram thingy, I rarely post pictures on it, I am more interested in following and looking at other people’s pictures who are actually good at taking pictures or actually have something pretty to take pictures of. Anyways, so I follow this “person” that’s not really a person, called Cats of Instagram. And anyone who is on Instagram can hashtag #catsofinstagram behind their pictures of their kitties and then they’ll show up on Cats of Instagram’s page. So, obviously I adore looking at all of the pictures. Yesterday, I saw someone tagged their Siamese kitty in one of them and he was SOOO adorable. My heart just melted. My heart pretty much melts for any kitty or puppy but that’s beside the point. I want a kitten! Or a puppy! I’d be happy with either. I’m sick of settling for fish. Fish are stupid. I take that back. They aren’t stupid. But they aren’t soft and furry and I can’t pet them. Unlike Johnny who thinks he should squeeze the prego fish to see what happens. Murderer. Okay, he was little. But still. That’s terrible. Oh and another terrible thing I found out yesterday: I was at dinner with Johnny and his friend Chris. Chris is from Hawaii. We were talking about chemistry classes and biology classes and somehow we got on the topic of dissections. So we said how we got to dissect pigs at Ferris. I thought that was pretty unique, even though I didn’t get near the pig on that day and just pretended like I was slicing the poor thing open. So Chris says, completely straight face, no emotion at all: “Oh yeah, we dissected a cat”. My mouth dropped. To the freaking floor. And I gasped. A cat?! Seriously?! I mean I know they roam around aimlessly over there in Hawaii but that doesn’t mean you have to cut the poor things up! Alright, I know they don’t just kill cats to dissect them, they were obviously already dead, or at least they better have been. But still…it’s poor innocent kitty L. Seriously made me want to cry. Poor cats. What’s wrong with those people over there in Hawaii?? Why must they dissect kitties?!
            Okay, bedtime now. Before I start balling.  Oh, and sorry I ranted so much in this one…or most of my blogs I guess. I can’t help it. 

Over It

Ugh is today really only Tuesday? I guess it’s just about Wednesday, but still, I’m feeling like tomorrow should be Friday…of next week. That would be really convenient for me. I suppose life doesn’t work that way, though. When in Rome.
            I am so bored of Facebook. It’s about time that some genius comes up with another new invention to hold us off for a couple of years. Facebook is so last year. The only reason I even still use it, is usually because I’m bored, and I don’t want to get rid of my Spotify playlists. Not to mention, who would read my blogs then? I’m not exactly sure who all does read it, but it would be an even lesser amount if I didn’t put it up on Facebook everyday. I actually went to delete my Facebook yesterday when these two things came to mind. Damn you Facebook. I feel like I’ve over-stalked everyone to the point where there just isn’t much to see anymore. And nowadays, everyone is just posting pictures from reddit or pinterest and I’m just over it. Although, I guess I cant say that because I’ll still find myself day after day glued to it because I don’t have anything else to do. Correction: I don’t have anything else I want to do. I do like to wonder though, what the next thing will be. I mean, eventually, there’s gotta be something new, right? Mark Zuckerberg’s reign cant last forever, I don’t think.
            And another thing I was thinking about, actually I think about it every so often: what are people going to start doing as we near December 21st of this year? Are some people going to go out and spend all their money or do something even crazier? What am I going to be doing? December 21st…well that’ll be almost Christmastime so I’m likely to be at home with the family. Although, I tend to spend most of my winter break with friends, so maybe I’ll be with some of them? Not that I’m saying that I believe this is going to happen. I don’t know what’s going to happen. What I’m really curious to see happen, is what people are going to do around that time? I don’t really think the world is going to end per se. But I do think something will happen. A change in something. Who knows what. All I know is that by that time I’ll have seen the Hunger Games, long before, and seen the last movie to the Twilight saga, so if I do die, I’ll be pretty happy. I’m easy to please. Sure, there would be a lot of things that I haven’t got to do yet. But most likely I’ll still get the chance to do those things.
            Well, tomorrow is Hump Day. That should brighten everyone’s spirits right? Get your head out of the gutter you perverts. Hump day as in, it’s the “hump” or the middle of the week. Sheesh. And then it’ll be thirsty Thursday, although I never participate in that aspect of Thursdays. And then Friday! Yipee! Shouldn’t be too bad…should it? 

Monday, February 27, 2012

A Tragedy of Sorts

            I’ve decided that I actually don’t mind Mondays all that much. I mean I have my four classes, well today two were cancelled, but normally I don’t mind going to all four because once I’m up, I’m up. And I get done early; two is pretty early to be done. I work on some homework throughout the night, do my laundry, and watch my two favorite shows: the Voice and Pretty Little Liars. Now Pretty Little Liars is getting extremely intense. We’re about to find out who “A” is, for those of you who watch the show, you know how exciting that’ll be. Today was actually just a really good day. Mondays are busy, not boring so I tend to enjoy them more. It’s my Tuesdays and Thursdays that I’m not a big fan of because I have so much time to do nothing.
            I heard some shocking news today. I was in my first class which is Anthropology, and my teacher was talking about the earliest farmers and agriculture. We were talking about how the hunters and gatherers transitioned from that to farming lands because of larger populations and what not and the first thing I learned that was unbeknownst to me is that corn is not a vegetable! I mean I guess it makes sense that corn is a grain when you think about it and how it grows. But as a food, I always thought of it as a vegetable. But that is not nearly my biggest concern right now, and I posted this on Facebook earlier today when I found out. Bananas may be going extinct as a fruit! Not all types of bananas, just chiquitas. It just so happens, though, that Chiquita bananas are the biggest, commercially grown bananas that exist. Every banana you eat or most likely have ever eaten is a Chiquita banana. The reason for their possible extinction is that there is some…I want to say disease, or termite, maybe some parasite, I’m not sure what he said because I was so caught up picturing my life without bananas, but there is this thing, that is killing the banana fruit and scientists and researchers have yet to find a resistant banana gene that will save them! If we fail to find this gene to save the nanners, we might be out of them in merely four years. FOUR years! Eat your nanners people, eat ‘em up. Because they may be gone before you know it. I had a banana today with dinner, in light of this tragedy. Of course, there will still be the plantain bananas and red bananas and other unique types of bananas which I hear are tastier anyways. But because none of these are commercially grown, and I don’t know if they are just more expensive or cannot be grown in those large amounts, these bananas will be much, much more expensive than what we pay for bananas now. Not to mention, do you realize how many people will be out of work if their banana farms die out? It’s just a tragedy through and through. Save the nanners!! We need some awesome scientist or someone to come up with a combating gene to save these yummy, delicious fruits.
            Enough of that. I’m ready for bed. Twas a busy day indeed. Nighty night. 

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Bring It On, Monday

I hate it when you think you’re being really funny, but you are the only person who thinks you’re funny; so really, you’re not that funny. I feel like that happens to me a lot. I’m just not cracked up to being in this funny business. Ah well, you win some, you lose some.
            Today was miserable. From about 7 am to like 4 pm I felt like someone was constantly hitting me on my head with a bat and I was nauseous as ever. Migraines are the worst thing in the entire world. It’s really not fair. I wouldn’t wish them on my worst enemies. But eventually I felt better, got all my homework done early, and watched the Academy Awards. Those were particularly boring tonight. I was not a fan of it. But I’ve realized from them that there are a few movies I still need to see. I’ll have to get around to that sometime. I just don’t want to deal with this week. I want it to be spring break so I can go home. Well, actually I’m going to try to go to the west side for a few days and then go home. But I haven’t quite figured all of that out yet. And this weather would not be helping with travel plans. I really don’t mind the cold all that much, it’s just the snow that makes things complicated. Plus, I wouldn’t mind for it to started getting warm again soon. But let’s be real, we live on the east side of Washington, so that’s not likely going to happen. Maybe we’ll even get a nice snowfall in June again! Our summer looked like a Seattle summer last year. Rain rain rain. Hopefully that doesn’t happen again.
            So I’ve been pondering the idea of dyeing my hair darker again. I haven’t dyed it since sophomore year so right now its fully natural, but when I had it dark I really really liked it, even though everyone told me to stay light blonde. Also, the issue is that summer is coming up and when I dyed it darker last time, the sun lightened it but it made it like a reddish-orange color which was NOT a good look for me. I cannot pull off the pretty red like my roomie can. So if I dyed it, it would only be dark for a few months and then it would have to go back to blonde. I don’t know, maybe I’ll wait till after summer, that way I don’t do anything drastic again, because last time I chopped off all of my hair and dyed it brown. It was cute, but it was a lot to take at once. My mother does NOT want me to do this at all. And I understand why. But I don’t see anything wrong with having a little fun with your hair every once in awhile. Maybe I’m crazy. I mean I kind of see myself as blonde. But I love brunette hair. I guess everyone wants what they don’t have. I love my blonde hair, I just like to change things up. I’ll have to think it over. It’s not like hair is permanent. It always grows back and it’ll always eventually go back to it’s natural color. Hmm…I guess we’ll see.
            Not looking forward to Monday. Why are Mondays so awful? I need to go to class, get a workout in, watch PLL, do some homework, watch the Voice to see my husband, and then go to sleep. Seems simple enough. Bring it on, Monday. 

It's Too Bright in this Room

            Well it’s almost three in the morning and I’m waiting for Johnny to Skype me back, which I don’t think he is. Apparently some call is more important than me, so I figured I might as well write a blog. I can’t believe its Sunday already. That’s just not fair. Thank goodness spring break is coming up soon because my head is just going to explode soon. I have too much information in my brain right now and I just feel like I need to empty it out.
            This weekend has been fun, though. I got to celebrate mine and Will’s birthdays together. We just went to his friend’s apartment. It was fun and low key which was nice. Unfortunately the stupid blizzard that happened this morning woke me up at like 8:30. Yeah, wasn’t a fan of that. But I took a nap later on in the day. I also got myself a henna tattoo, watched a few movies, some of which included Bambi, the Lion King and part of Aladdin. Yay for ABC Family to play the classics. I also started reading the Hunger Games again. Just couldn’t resist it any longer. But I’m trying to take my time with them because I still have a little less than a month before the movie to survive. Jeez I don’t know what I’m going to talk about in my blogs once The Hunger Games has come and gone.
            Now tomorrow all I have to do is a little reading, edit and finish an essay, and make a plan for my next speech and that’s it! Actually that’s probably not it, I should see what I have in my other classes, but I’m hoping that’s it. This upcoming week shouldn’t be too rough in comparison to the past few weeks, but we’ll see. OH YEAH, the Academy Awards are on tomorrow! The only thing is…Johnny decided to have his important basketball game right in the freaking middle of the awards. What the heck is up with that? So I have to make a big decision tomorrow on which event I will have to sacrifice. I hate big, life-altering decisions. It really stresses me out.
            I think I’m finally getting a little sleepy. Maybe I’ll actually attempt to shut my eyes. Or maybe I’ll surf the interweb some more before I completely put myself to sleep. Blah. And I have to get up to brush my teeth, which I’m not looking forward to. Not to mention, I turned on all of my lights because Johnny skyped me and it was dark in here and now it’s way too bright. I can sleep in some light, but not this much. Hopefully I can sleep in until a decent hour tomorrow. I’m thinking like 12 to 1-ish. Sounds perfect.

Saturday, February 25, 2012


Boy have I been slacking on my blogging duties. But seriously, this was the most miserable week yet. So stressful. My third week in a row with a midterm, and it was my hardest midterm. Mainly because I completely suck at history so Gened just isn’t my thing. I hate gened. I hate it. I don’t understand why I have to take it. It’s stupid. Obviously I’m only saying this because I suck at it, but either way I don’t think I should have to take it. At least the week is over. Hopefully this weekend wont go too fast but I have the feeling that it probably will like it always does. It only doesn’t go too fast when I lay in bed and watch movies all weekend, which I love to do, but its very unsociable of me so I only allow myself to do that every so often.
So what the heck is up with this blizzard going on outside? Last night it seemed perfectly fine to walk around outside, not too cold. I feel bad for the people camping out to get into the game. There was no way in hell that anyone could ever get me to campout. I don’t care how big of a game it was. I’ve done my share of winter camping both this year for our home for next year, and last winter I was “freezin’ for a reason” with the ASB. I am done done done with camping in the winter. If I don’t get a good seat to the game I’ll survive.
Seriously, this wind is crazy yet again. It woke me up this morning. Jerk. Keepin’ me up from my slumber. Well, today I need to manage some time to get homework done, go to the game, among other things. I feel like it’ll be a busy day, as long as I can get out bed, take a shower, eat some food. I think I can do it. I’ve already gotten out of bed a few times. Only to crawl back in. It’s only 9 in the morning, I think I deserve a little more time in bed. Which I’m going to enjoy…right now. 

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Got that Ticket

            Do you ever wonder why some people end up in your dreams? I seriously had THE most random dreams last night. I would say what it was about but I’m not even sure that it would make sense because it doesn’t even make sense to me. All I know is that I was playing with a little baby and then all of a sudden it was talking and trying to eat off my nose. But this was like an adult voice in a little baby. I don’t really know…it was just really weird. The whole dream was. And I was in Paris. Strange. Dreams are so weird.
            So often I watch the show The Doctors, just because sometimes there is some interesting stuff on there. Yesterday they were answering myths about sex, and today they are talking about sicknesses and why they get worse at night. But Monday, it said something about what is in your food…I like to not know what’s in my food because that really does affect my eating it. So I just prefer not to know. Needless to say I probably wont be watching that episode.
            Since I fell asleep before I could blog last night I have to say this today: yesterday, I finally, after a long time waiting, I…was…able…to…purchase…my…TICKET TO THE HUNGER GAMES!!!!! It was so, liberating. So exciting! Seriously…28 days left! I cant freaking wait. I am so excited for it. I need to read them again soon. I just wanted to get through this week first because I have a history midterm, and I’m already terrible enough at history, I don’t need those books to distract me, too. I feel like I’m going to have a long night ahead of me studying, unfortunately. Thankfully I only have one class today, although I can never get myself to study prior to going to that class, only afterwards. Oh well!!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Music Heals the Soul

            I was having some real issues today. I left my keys in my room when I went to class but I got lucky because Chanel’s class just happened to get cancelled so she was there. But then as I was walking up the stairs, inside, I ate it and hurt my poor wittle hand. Scraped it up. Yes, I’m a baby. I don’t care what anyone thinks. My next issue was, I was looking up tickets for the Hunger Games because they go on sale in like…an HOUR! But I got myself all excited looking up show times because I was like…Hell yeah I’m going to see The Hunger Games, but really, I’m just buying the tickets a month in advance. So, I still have a month. My heart started beating really fast and everything. And finally, the wind will not freaking stop blowing so hard. Normally I don’t mind the wind all that much, but Chanel and I usually sleep with our windows open because we like it nice and cool. But when the wind blows, even with the windows closed, the windows shake loudly. And when we do open the windows, they shake and they make our door shake and it just makes it nearly impossible to sleep. But I also hate sleeping in warmth. I like the cool breeze the night usually brings in…not the 100 mph winds like tonight. Another thing to add to my hardships today: I temporarily just thought I lost my hearing because I only had one headphone in. I just need this day to be over. I mean it wasn’t a bad day, just a few struggles to handle. Nothing too much for me to take, though.
            I think I’m just in a good mood because I finally got in a really good workout today. Or maybe it just felt like a good workout because it’s been like a week and a half and I am already out of shape or something. Either way, it felt nice and I think I’ll sleep a lot better tonight…so long as this ridiculous wind doesn’t keep me up. If I can just get to sleep, I most likely wont hear it. I just need to be able to fall asleep, which might be difficult.
            I love music. I absolutely love it. There is exactly one song at least for any type of situation or mood or feeling that you could go through. Feel good, feel shitty, just bored, getting pumped, homework music, literally everything. I definitely go through periods of time when I just stop listening to music, but I also go through times when I listen to it for every step I take. I hate it when people ask what my favorite song or artist or genre of music is, because it differs day to day. I find a new song that I am in love with, or an old song that I completely forgot about and I’ll sit there and listen to it over and over again until I know every beat by heart. There are songs that I love to listen to, to get myself pumped up for a night out. There are songs that I listen to when I’m having the worst day ever. And then there are those songs that I will always love, no matter how many times I listen to it (i.e. every single Taylor Swift song). There are a million songs that, when I listen to them, I remember the moment when I first heard it, or that period of time when I just loved the heck out of that song. And I’m sure everyone who loves music experiences this, but I just thought I’d reiterate the idea aloud, or in writing. My only downside to music is the fact that I hate that I can’t sing. Correction: I can sing. I can sing the heck out of any song that I know all of the words to. Britney Spears: Oops I did it again; know every word to that entire album. And boy can I sing them. And many other songs/artists. What I mean is, I wish I had a good voice. It would make singing so much better. I mean I still love singing, especially in the car. That’s when you’d find me at my best. But I’m sure, to other people, my voice sounds awful. But that’s never going to stop me from singing it. And I’m fairly sure that the girls in the room next to mine dislike me very much because whenever my roommate is gone, you will definitely find me belting out songs at the top of my lungs. That, or napping. I used to be in choir. I don’t know what happened, or maybe I never sounded good in the first place. I am happy I was in it though, because it helped me teach myself to play the piano. And Johnny had been playing it recently, making me want to take it up again. So maybe I’ll do that. Just another thing I need to add to my list of things to do. But here’s some of my favorite songs, if anyone is interested.

  • Better With You- Five Times August
  • Come on Get Higher- Matt Nathanson
  • What’s My Age Again?- Blink-182
  • You’re a God- Vertical Horizon
  • Fire and Rain- James Taylor
  • Wondering Where You Are- Tyrone Wells
  • Then- Brad Paisley
  • Me and You- Kenny Chesney
  • Just kidding…Every Kenny Chesney Song
  • Run- George Strait
  • Something Like That- Tim McGraw
Now these are nowhere near all of my favorite songs, but they are just the ones that I always come back to and could never, ever hear enough. I told you I like to make lists. So this is one of them. I wish I could say every single song that I like, but I guess if you’re interested you could look at my playlists on Spotify, because they have a large majority of my favorite songs.
            I just love music. Love, love, LOVE it. J

Monday, February 20, 2012

President's Day

            So it’s President’s Day. Not exactly sure how one is supposed to celebrate that in representation of the past and current presidents, walk around wearing an Uncle Sam costume? I don’t know. Politics confuse me. I need to either learn more about all of the president stuff going on before November or I might as well not vote. I don’t want to just vote blindly for something I have no clue about. Even though they shouldn't, politics just bore me. It’s probably because I have no idea how to comprehend any of it that I hear so I just tend to tune it out. That’s going to be one of my goals for my life, to learn more about and invest more time into politics. Who knows if that’ll ever happen in my lifetime, but one day I may regret not using my rights to their full capacity.
            This weather is being kind of weird. I don’t know if I should be getting ready for spring or keep my winter coat and boots out. It’s a little bipolar. I guess I cant complain because this has been a very mild winter compared to our previous winters. I mean it was bad enough at one point for WSU to close school for the day, but other than that chunk of time, we’ve only had a tiny bit of snow every once in awhile. I just wish it would make up it’s mind…a.k.a. get warm soon!
            I printed off a bunch of pictures this weekend to put up in my room, finally. And now I regret putting all 80 of them up because I’m going to have to take them all down again in only like 2 months! Which is weird to think about. Not to mention, I feel like they’re all staring at me now. Weird. But it added a little bit of spice to my walls because they were kind of boring. They’ll look so much nicer when I have a Hunger Games poster or two to hang up next to them. Seriously, like a month left. That’s crazy. And we get to preorder tickets in just two days! Ah!! I am so completely excited.
            I need to find something productive to do this upcoming weekend. Well, I need to be productive this week, too, considering I have a history midterm that I am very fearful of because I know I wont do very well on it. I just need to study a lot, and as long as I pass the test I’ll be happy. But this weekend, it’s the big rival game versus UW. So, there’s that to look forward to. It’s supposed to be a chilly week/weekend. Maybe sledding will be a possibility? I suppose we shall see. Thankfully it’ll be a shorter week. And then in just a few weeks it’ll be spring break already! There time goes again, always so speedy. 

End of the Weekend

            Don’t get me wrong, I love, LOVE the spirit of Pullman and I love being a cougar. But to be honest, at least for me, most of the weekends are somewhat boring. Unless you like getting wasted every weekend there really isn’t a ton to do. I do like going out every once in awhile but not every single weekend like a lot of people there in Pullman. That’s why I enjoy coming home every so often for a weekend. I mean I don’t really do much when I come home either, but I like to see my family and hang out with them. It would just be nice if Pullman had a little bit more to do. And if anyone has any suggestions of things to do on weekends, please, feel free to share! It was so nice to come home for this three day weekend, though. I got to see a lot of good friends and it was nice to hang out with my family too.
            So, I think this week I may have to start reading the Hunger Games books again. I don’t know. I’m not sure if it’s too early, but I just don’t know if I can wait any longer. I mean I love watching the trailers over and over again. But it’s just not as satisfying. I only have like one more month to wait until the movie! I have a midterm in Gened this week though… so that could be a possible conflict with my reading. I might need to wait a week or so. If I can handle it. Maybe I’ll distract myself with a Nicholas Sparks book or something. Those can end up being a bad deal too, though, because I can get pretty into those books as well. Maybe I should read my history text book because I’m sure to not get addicted to that. Not too mention I kind of need to read it so I can do well on the midterm because we took a practice test and…yikes. History is definitely not my forte. Yeah I think that’s what I need to do. Unfortunately.
            Okay my goal is to go to bed before 4 am tonight…so I need to go to sleep like asap. 

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Bad Sleeping Habit

            I guess staying up late is my new thing now. Well, it is the weekend I suppose, but at some point I need to get back on a proper sleeping schedule, considering I was up till 4 last night and slept in till almost one this afternoon. It was relaxing, though. And I’m sure I will be sleeping late tomorrow again. I’m excited to have a big feast with mi familia manana. It will be tasty.
            So I’m really mad because today I went to print off some pictures to put up in my dorm room at like 4 today but they wouldn’t be done for an hour. And since the stupid newspaper said that the Ferris basketball game was at 5, even though it was not until 7, I obviously didn’t have time to wait for them. And then stupid me, I forgot to go pick them up. So hopefully they are still there tomorrow or else I am going to be very upset.
            Currently, I’m laying on the couch, wrapped up in a blanket with my laptop on me watching none other than…Twilight Saga Breaking Dawn Part 1. I have been so caught up in The Hunger Games I forgot how much I still love Twilight. I mean, truly, its nothing even comparable to The Hunger Games, but still…I’ve been in love with Twilight for more than three years now, it’s not something you can just forget about. Twilight gets so much crap and I don’t understand why. It’s a book series and movies. Why do people care so much? Yes, it’s not like a super-complex writing style, but that doesn’t mean the story isn’t good. If you don’t like the story, it shouldn’t be that big of a deal. There are tons of books I have read that I did not like at all. I don’t go making a fuss about those. People just like to hate what other people love just for the heck of it. It’s stupid. I mean I can one hundred percent understand why people don’t like Twilight: it’s a book about vampires and werewolves that girls are in love with. So don’t effing read it or watch the movies. It’s not a big deal as everyone makes it.
            Okay I’ve decided it is totally fun to be a sober person at a party with drunk people. I was at a party tonight at a good friend of mine’s, and it is just so entertaining to hear the things that drunk people say. I love it. Okay, maybe I spent the majority of the night with his cat, but it was still fun. I enjoyed myself. Until I looked outside to see it was STILL snowing. What the heck? Its nearing March and we’ve hardly had any snow. Why now? I’m ready for sun and warmth. No more cold. Go away! It’s not that I’m not all for the snow or anything. I love snow. It’s more the fact that I hate, absolutely hate driving in it. It gives me anxiety, stresses me out, and I’ll admit, I’m terrible at driving in the snow. Just terrible. I’m going to either have to move somewhere with no snow or have to have like a personal driver when I’m older because I don’t know if I can do it anymore. Driving in the winter here just sucks. But other than that I like it here.
            Well my blog is distracting me from a wonderful movie so I’m going to let this end here. Right now. 

Saturday, February 18, 2012

20 Hours!

            Once again…I find myself writing this thing at a very late hour. Although, I feel like my most entertaining blogs were always written at late hours, or maybe that’s just my opinion. Or maybe I just tend to ramble more in the late am hours. And today may have been the longest day I’ve had in a long time. I went to bed at 4 am last night, woke up at 8 (slept through a lab), and I haven’t gone back to sleep since. So I’m going on twenty hours now with only 4 hours of sleep under my belt. Yikes. Why am I even alive right now? Maybe I’m actually just dreaming right now. It’s possible.
            I think I did really well on my anthropology test. Either that or I was studying completely incorrect things. It seriously feels like this morning taking the test was like two days ago. I didn’t even get my nap in! I was supposed to take two naps today, at least! What the heck happened to that? In my break between classes I think I wasn’t tired enough yet. And then after my classes I just laid down and watched T.V. And then in the car on the way home…well that’s a whole other story.
            So I’ve been kind of off and on sick, and every once in awhile I’ll get a stuffy or runny nose or sore throat. Today it was the sore throat and coughing. So to relieve myself of this obnoxious coughing while on the way home, I brought my water bottle and every time I needed to cough I would just drink it so I wouldn’t cough as much in the car because I always feel bad if I’m just coughing away while people are trying to talk or listen to music or something. Before I knew it, I drank almost the whole bottle. Unfortunately, we still had like 45 minutes left in the car ride and man, was that the longest, most excruciating 45 minutes of my life. I literally thought, at least for the last 15 to 20 minutes, that I was going to pee my pants. I came so close to making Tanner pull over. But I just kept telling myself, like the little train that could, that I could make it. Of course then we get to Hatch hill and Tanner practically drives off the side of the road, into, obviously, bumpy terrain. This was not easing my bladder in the slightest. Then, we get home, and I thank him quickly for the drive and get out, go to the back to get my bag out, and Tanner starts backing up into me! So I banged on the window. He stopped. I grabbed the bags and ran for the door. Barely made it. Boy that would have been embarrassing. “Um, sorry, Tanner, I kinda got your seat all wet.” Yeah, that was not about to happen. But I’m alive and well so it’s all good.
            I got to hang out with my three favorite people to hang out with together, ever, tonight. Ryan came home from UW (boo huskies), and Chloe and I came home from WSU (YAY cougars!), and then Travis…well he kinda stays put. But we all got to hang out again like good ol’ times which I love. And I love the fact that when we all get back together it’s like no time has passed since we last saw each other. It really is the best kind of friendship. Chloe and Travis bickering about something on the couch, while Ryan and I are shooting baskets trying to beat our high score. We didn’t accomplish that tonight. It was fun, though. I love hanging out with them.
            Now, I need to break my awake-on-very-little-sleep streak and go to sleep. Probably wont wake up till like one. And I’m okay with that. 

Friday, February 17, 2012

Procrastination At Its Finest

            Let me paint the picture for you: I am currently curled up, legs propped up, laptop in the lap (as it name rightfully suggests), eatin’ some gold fish (crackers, obviously), kinda-sorta studying for my anthropology test tomorrow, but clearly more focused on writing this blog. And this is the height of my procrastination skills. Almost 2:45 in the morning and not even tired yet. Haven’t had any caffeine today. I did take a tiny nap but it was before 4pm so I don’t think that’s it. I don’t know why I am up so late. I guess at around 10 I was getting kind of sleepy but then I got myself up again and now I feel like I could stay up for hours and be fine.
            What is it about the average human being that makes procrastinating so tempting to do? Is it for the thrill of wondering if you’re going to finish that essay, or turn that worksheet in, or get those last few words memorized for the test? Nah. I think we’re just all lazy. Me especially. I woke up at like 9 this morning, but of course I didn’t have class till 2:50 so why not sleep a few extra hours? Then I laid in bed and watched some Spongebob, had a bowl of cereal, eventually took a shower, but I didn’t actually get ready to go to class till about 15 minutes before I had to leave. I wish I could blame it on something else, but I really just love to lay in bed and do nothing sometimes…well a lot of the times. But I don’t think that I’m actually lazy physically, thankfully. I would much rather be out doing something, like playing some sport, or swimming, or dancing, or doing something outdoors. But when it comes to the decision between looking over notes for a class or watching Spongebob and just laying in bed…there’s no competition. None at all. And if I don’t actually have to go to bed or something, I can literally sleep at almost any time of the day. The one and only time I ever have trouble sleeping is when I actually need to go to sleep. Of course. I love sleeping. I do it all the time. Probably abnormally, but I just love it. I take naps all the time. But I try not to take too long of naps anymore because then I just regret it later when it keeps me up at night. When I have an hour before my next class, I’ll just take a 20 or 30 minute nap, ahhh, it’s amazing.
            At least tonight I had a good reason for procrastinating. Okay, I guess there’s never really a good reason for procrastinating studying for a test, but I’d say he would be the best one. I think I’ll be needing lots of naps tomorrow. I’ll be taking a good hour long one in between my first three classes and my last one tomorrow. Then, I’ll probably take another one right after my last class. And I may try to sleep on the way back to Spokane but I probably wont. I’m riding home with Tanner and every word out of his mouth is hilarious so I kinda like to listen in. It will be nice to go home tomorrow though. I get to see some friends from across the state! I cannot wait for that. Might have a girls night. And then I get to see, hopefully, my best little man, Jaxon! I got to Skype with him tonight while my mommy was babysitting him. Those two really know how to make an adorable baby. Even over the camera I could see his cute little smirk he does. He’s rolling now, that’s new! And he’s much bigger than when I last saw him over winter break. What a cutie.
            I guess I could be studying more now, but I went over the review sheet and I felt like I knew everything pretty well. But this is one of those classes where your whole grade is based off of the two or three tests you take and that’s it. So maybe I should go double check everything.
            Three am…psh. You ain’t got nothin’ on me. Let’s go for four!! 

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Aw Hell No

            First of all, I was watching VH1’s Top 100 women in music, and where did they put Taylor Swift? Freaking number 42. What the heck is up with that? She needs to be at LEAST in the top 20. I don’t know who is the judge of this thing. Actually, I’m going to look it up, because who ever they are, how dare they? They have no right. That is just…oh my gosh. Ridiculous. Forty-two. That’s just outrageous. I think I need to write a letter to the producers or someone high in charge at VH1 because I have some major complaints. Okay, maybe Taylor doesn’t have the best voice per se. She does have a wonderful voice though. She is just so amazing and I’ve never loved every single song of any other person other than her. So that right there just makes her top 20 quality in my opinion. And granted, there are probably a lot of amazing female voices that I’ve never even heard, or have only heard but didn’t know their name but I just love Taylor Swift. She deserves a much better spot. Her newest song “Safe and Sound”, which is on the soundtrack for my obsession, The Hunger Games movie, the song is just amazing. And, for all those people who say every one of her songs sound exactly the same, for one, they don’t, and two, this song is completely different from her past songs. I must admit, I do like her earliest music best. It had more of the country-genre to it. But I still love every single one of her songs. Especially this newest one, so I think everyone should go listen to it right now. I think I’m going to read the Hunger Games series again and just listen to this song on repeat while I read it. Or maybe that’s a little much. And the fact that my favoritest singer EVER is on my favoritest books ever’s soundtrack is just…well there aren’t words for how amazing it is.
            Well…done with my Taylor-meltdown. It sucks, the night I can stay up late, do whatever I want, and I’m freaking tired. I don’t have class until 2:50 tomorrow. And chances are, I’ll probably still sleep in. So I wont be accomplishing anything tonight, nor tomorrow. I have a test on Friday in anthropology. Personally, I think anthropology is the most interesting “history” class I’ve ever taken. Maybe it’s just because the teacher is hilarious, I don’t know. But I really actually enjoy that class. Also, when my teachers last year said how in college all you would have is lectures and then your grade would be based solely on tests…lied. Because in every one of my classes we have something other than tests. Some type of assignments that are worth points. Except in my anthropology class. We literally have lectures, take notes, watch videos, and then have two exams on all of it. That’s it. And personally I actually like it. Well, I like it because his tests are 95 percent lecture and only 5 percent reading from the book, so really, as long as I pay attention in lecture, I’m good. And he makes the lectures so interesting too. He also said we can and SHOULD forget everything we've learned after we take the test. Which rocks. I wish more of my classes were like that. But I do like all of my classes, aside from Gened, this semester. I don’t think I’ll ever like any straight history classes that I have because my memory just cant stick all of that info in it. It sucks. But oh well.
            I guess I’ll go to sleep now. Or play more Temple Run. Finally, a game I can beat some boys at. Woo. Go me. 

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Tired Days

            Today was an extremely long day. I got literally no sleep last night since I fell asleep with a headache, one that kept me half awake the entire night. And then when I finally decided to take medicine at 5 in the morning, that made my headache mostly go away but then it made my tummy hurt. And of course it was the day of my longest biology lab that we’ve had yet. But it worked out because I ended up taking two naps today and I finally feel mostly better now. Phew.
            I practiced my speech that I have to give/record tomorrow and I think I’ve finally got my country accent-type voice going that the manuscript portrays. It should be interesting. And now I just need to study for my anthropology test and I’ll be good for the week.
            I really hated Facebook today. Of all the holidays that we’ve gone through, this was the worst for Facebook. Christmas, you usually see some family pictures, some Merry Christmases or Happy Hanukahs. Halloween you see all the slutty costumes, which are actually entertaining to look at. But valentine’s day…oh my. I thought about just deleting my Facebook today. I am truly happy that people are happily in love with their significant other, but people, please, you don’t need to share every little thing that they did for you for all of Facebook to see. We assume you probably got flowers or chocolates from your valentine. Okay, I’ll admit if it was something really creative I wouldn’t mind seeing a picture of it. But flowers? Yeah…definitely never seen that one before. Okay I am really trying not to sound like a cynic, because I’m not. I think Valentine’s day is great actually, in the fact that you share your love with someone else. But again, share it with each other, not the whole world.
            So I’m watching this show on HGTV called Love It or List It, and these two professionals compete in getting families to either stay with the house after one fixes it up, or the other one tries to woo them with a new house. I love HGTV. Anyways, so this family has a bunch of crap wrong with their house, so the lady on the show is trying to fix them so that they want to keep their house. And the other guy on the show is trying to find them a new house with a list of things the couple wants in a house. And this lady, the wife, is just a freaking bitch. She wont even give the real estate guy the time of day. She wont listen to a thing he says. She is completely closed minded. And then when the lady working on the house says they encountered problems, she just freaks out. Its ridiculous. I don’t know how people can be so ungrateful. It’s also mildly amusing to watch.
            Well I’m going to attempt to have a good night sleep for once tonight. I’ll need some luck for that. 

Warning: This May Contain Explicit Material

            First of all, I hate being a girl. I don’t think it’s very fair that we get stuck with not only having to hold a living human being in our uterus for 9 months and then shove it out of us, but we also have to deal with the monthly thing EVERY freaking month. Seriously? Like one week a year would be fine with me. But every month, ugh, it kills me. Today I couldn’t even get out of bed because my body hurt so bad. I wanted to just cut my vagina and all that goes with it out of my body. I’m sorry if this is too descriptive, but I don’t give a… you thought I was going to say the “f” word. Well I rarely ever use that word. I really don’t care though. It just SUCKS to be a girl sometimes. Now we all know that if Sydney is being a bitch this week or acting moody, or crying, or yelling, or laughing randomly…well you know why now. Usually monthly, I’m pretty mellow but there are the occasional months when I get painful freaking cramps and it just ruins everything. The only person I really ever like freak out at or yell at or cry to, is my mom. So, sorry mom. But you should feel special that you are the one person that I can share all of these emotions, good and bad with! Not that that makes you feel any better.
            Okay, done with the girl-thing. I am currently in the middle…well two very long paragraphs into my essay for biology that is due tomorrow morning. Of course I waited till the last minute, but usually I can just bust these things out with all of my rambling and opinions and what not. I should have known, though, that writing an essay for a science class would mean facts and citing and roughly no room for opinion at all. Which makes me realize that when I grow up to be a writer, I do not want to be a reporter-writer, I want to be an opinionated writer. Of course, opinion can and almost always does show through with facts. You just put the facts that support your side. But I want to speak freely, and openly. Facts are almost always needed, but supported mainly by my opinions. That is the kind of writing I enjoy. And, for instance, writing this blog which can be about anything I want to say. Needless to say, I’m stumped. I’ve written my paragraphs that summarize the articles I’ve read, but now I have to assess the articles I’ve read. I have to decide whether or not they are supported thoroughly and what data they are using to support them. Sounds easy enough, but it’s not. Especially with political issues, because half of the things written I am not sure if I fully understand. But we’ll see how it goes. I’ll probably just BS it since it’s just the rough draft that is due, and then go back and make it pretty and make sense. I should just be writing it right now but I had to give myself a break of writing my essay to…well essentially write another paper. This isn’t really a paper though because I can say bitch and vagina and I don’t have to use commas or any punctuation and I can just write write write and use a bunch of run on sentences that never ever end that I just love to do so much and makes me feel free and gives me inspiration to…okay I’m done with that. But I love writing this thing. It’s like a journal, that’s not really a journal. I just get everything out of my head and then I have a more clear mind.
            Big day tomorrow: Valentine’s Day. Woo hoo. I’m not really that thrilled about it. I mean it’s just another day. It’s not like you’re celebrating someone or something in particular like your mother or father, or Jesus being born, or celebrating scaring the living heck out of people and getting candy. I guess you could say it’s celebrating your love with another person. But what if someone doesn’t have another person to be loved by or to love? I’m not just talking romantically either. I could send any one of my family members a lovely card and some flowers to show my love for them and it wouldn’t be weird. However, there are some people out there who just don’t have that accessory in their life. And my heart goes out to anyone who is in that unfortunate situation. I’m thankful for the wonderful family and friends that I have in my life to share my love with. There may or may not be someone that I will however be thinking about more in the romantic-way. But that is mine and his or her or it’s thing to share. Not anyone else’s. It could just be my stuff animal, Beary Bearington that I am sharing tomorrow with romantically. None of your business. And I also don’t want to hear about anyone else’s romantic encounters tomorrow. I am expecting there will be a higher number of births nine months from tomorrow in the hospitals, though. And that’s fine. I’ll know what that means. But please, keep your lovelies to yourselves. You shouldn’t have to show them off to the world. Just show them you love them! That’s all that is needed from you.
            And now I’m going to stray away from the lovey-dovey, sappy stuff that I could easily get into. Actually, I’m going to go finish writing this stupid essay on whether the governments should regulate fast food industries. Hmm…Love or Fast Food? I know which one I’d rather talk about, unfortunately I am going to stay and talk about love. Just kidding.

            Happy Valentine’s Day all. 

Sunday, February 12, 2012

This and That

            Another weekend has come and gone. I feel like time is going way too fast. It’s already pretty much the middle of February. And we get done with school at the beginning of May! Where is all of this time going?! Wherever it’s going, it’s going there fast. So Valentine’s day is in couple days, then the rest of February. In March there’s St. Patty’s day and, of course, the Hunger Games which I just saw the first television trailer for it, and my roommate, Chanel and I are going to go to Spokane to see it in IMAX. I am unbelievably excited. There is a concert here, I think in April. And in March, Kevin Hart is going to Spokane so I really want to go see that. Spring break! All sorts of stuff going on, not to mention school and tests. This school year is about to be over before I know it!
            I love Taylor Swift. I could just leave it at that because that basically sums up what I think about her, but what I was actually going to talk about is her performance tonight at the Grammy’s. Come on Taylor, this is the GRAMMY’S. Did you really have to sing the song Mean? She should have sang Safe and Sound or something. But that’s just my opinion. I still absolutely love her though. She is amazing. But another complaint I have: her signature look is her curly locks. What happened to that? What’s with this straight hair crap! Of course she still looks beautiful, but I miss her curly hair. I love her curly hair. She needs to go back to that. I love Taylor Swift. I just had to say that again.
            Well, long week ahead. Oh and watch the video link I put on here. I would totally make a video like it if I could. But it pretty much sums up my obsession. Oh, and credit to Autumn Oberdorfer for posting it on my Facebook. I love it though. 

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Cheers to the Freaking Weekend

            Thank goodness it is the weekend. This last week was HELL. Okay, it wasn’t that bad. I may be exaggerating. It was a rough week, though. Three tests and technically it’s not over because I still have to prepare for a speech, a speech in which I have to talk in this hillbilly accent. That will be interesting. If I could post the video…okay let’s be honest I probably wouldn’t post it. You know it’d be entertaining to watch. I am glad that only my professor, a.k.a. the good looking one with the sexy Welsh accent, and the rest of my classmates can see it. I’m still not a hundred percent on having my professor watch it. But I guess that’s what he’s there for. Also, I have to have a rough draft written by Tuesday for my biology lab on whether or not there should be regulations on fast foods because of the rate of obesity in America. Still not even sure what position I should take on that. I mean, yeah, obesity is a problem, but for one, how are they going to regulate it? Fast food places are extremely wealthy, obviously they don’t want to have people restricted on how much food they are going to buy. Plus, this is the United States. We have our freedoms and if people are wanting to only eat McDonald’s and Jack in the Box, then that is their choice. It’s not the foods that we put out in front of people. It’s the decisions people make about what they eat. And even that isn’t always the case. The economy in this country is SHIT and for some people, the fast foods and junk foods are less expensive. So in that sense, it’s our country’s problem, because those foods realistically shouldn’t be cheaper than healthy and organic food. It is just the way our economy has taken and it’s not good. I learned a lot about this stuff last year in my AP environmental science class when we watched the movie Food Inc. and it’s really crazy everything that’s happening. But I still don’t know how I am going to position myself in the paper because I feel like I can support both sides and it’s not right to only support one side or the other. Luckily for me I’m pretty good at whipping out papers quickly because, obviously, I love to write. I just don’t want to write another paper that I don’t fully support. I hate having to choose sides.
            In other news, last night I went out and had a good time with one of my besties, Rachel. Originally, I was supposed to hang out with Johnny and Will and we were going to celebrate my birthday since Will was gone in Thailand when I had my birthday, but I thought I could try to do both. But then we didn’t get all the stuff figured out before Rachel wanted to go to our friend’s frat. So we decided we were going to do it today instead. I’m not sure if that’ll happen now or not though because none of us are quite feeling up to par. Johnny, Will, and some other people had a bit too much fun and went to our school’s Up All Night thing and Johnny got married…he was the bride. Will also got married. And Will and Johnny, I heard, sang wonderfully Usher’s You Got It Bad, I think, in karaoke. I’m extremely sad I missed that but thankfully Johnny’s roommate, Brendan got it on video on his phone. You can definitely tell that they were not coherent enough to sing exactly in key but it was priceless.
            Rachel and I went over to a couple of our friend from high school’s frat. They were having an “Around the World” party. Which basically is just an excuse to have a bunch of different types of drinks. So I avoided the rooms. We did have a good time, though. Eventually, someone in the frat pulled the fire alarm though, so we all had to leave so Rachel and I went to get tacos and ate way too freaking much. Makes me sick just thinking about it. It was really yummy at the time though. Then we went over to the frat’s live-out house though until the frat was open again. It was kinda boring. But I met this kid somehow who is cousins with two of our friends at Ferris, though. And they had a frabbit!!! And by that I mean the frat had a rabbit. I think it lives in the live-out house. The poor thing was probably scared to death but he was SOO cute, so I couldn’t stop holding him. He was adorable. Best part of the night by far. And then once we went back to the frat to get our stuff, Rachel wouldn’t leave so I walked home with a friend of mine. Her dorm is closer so I wasn’t too worried about her. But man did we get some good pictures. It was overall a decent night.
            What I’m more excited for, though, is I’m going to see The Vow with Johnny, Will, Brendan, and their friends Brian and Annmarie. I am so stoked to see it. Hopefully I don’t cry. I haven’t heard great things about it so far but I don’t care what other people say, I’ll probably love the heck out of it.
            So now I have to go get ready for that and dinner. We’re all valentine dates. How cute J

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Things NOT to Do While Studying

            So far today, and its 8:30 pm, I have officially gotten nothing accomplished. I stayed up late last night to take my online psychology exam, and although I did well, that led to me sleeping in late. Actually 11 really isn’t that late, but I didn’t physically get out of bed until around one. I didn’t start doing anything productive till 2:20, fifteen minutes before I had to go to class. Plus, psychology class was sufficiently boring today. I personally think, the day after a test day should be a movie day. Well, we did watch this video of some old guy talking about how testicles work. Yeah, like I care. And then I came back and started studying and instead of studying I decided to make a list of things NOT to do while studying. So here it is:

Things NOT to do while studying:
  • Take a nap
  • Watch a movie
  • Get up to get Gatorade
  • Get up to get some pretzels
  • Go to the bathroom
  • Go to the bathroom to get a tissue
  • Clean your room
  • Call your mom
  • Try to read your text book while singing Taylor Swift
  • Write a blog
  • Go on Facebook
  • Leave the Facebook browser up
  • Make a new playlist in Spotify
  • Look for new tattoo ideas on the internet
  • Sit and look blankly at the pages
  • Make a list of things you shouldn’t do while trying to study

So there’s that, in case anyone wanted to know. I’m sure there are plenty of other things. I feel like I’m in that one episode of Spongebob when he has to write an essay but does everything he can to avoid writing it until the very last minute. Yep, that’s me. Unfortunately I have my 8 am class tomorrow. But I’ll survive.
Everyone is at the Brad Paisley concert tonight and I am so jealous because I love Brad. But I still might be able to go to Blake Shelton with my mom and my uncle. It’s just a possibility right now though. Don’t wanna go getting my hopes up.
Tomorrow is FRIDAY! Finally! This has been a long, busy week. It’s not over yet, I still have a test tomorrow, but it’s promising. I can see the weekend in the distance. Phew. I’m going to try to get in some roomie time this weekend. And the Vow comes out, so I may try to see that, or I may wait. I don’t know how big that Pullman theatre is and I don’t want to go when it’s completely packed. That just ruins the movie. I only do that for midnight premiers and what not. Like when the Hunger Games comes out, you know I’ll be the first one in line for those seats. Okay, maybe I’m underestimating the people of Pullman. But I’ll definitely be in the first-ish area. I try to not bring The Hunger Games up as much as possible, but I am just too darn excited for it. I need a poster for my room. So anyone who gives valentine’s day presents…you know what to get me. Or St. Patty’s day presents. I’m open to any holiday really. Actually I’d take a Hunger Games poster on anything ending in the word “day”. Just so you know.
I guess I better try to get back to studying. I’m sure I will be creating more things to add to that list of things to not do while studying. But I’ll try not to.
Wish me luck. 

Last Minute Decisions

            Well today was an experience. There was nothing too exciting in my classes. Actually they were significantly boring today. I only have one class tomorrow though, Friday I have a test, and then it’s the weekend! Phew. I can make it. And the Vow comes out so of course I’m going to see that at some point.
            After my sadness last night that Rachel brought on me about missing high school, of course I had to see all of the pictures from Ferris’ annual Rubber Chicken con and it made me miss it even more. So, naturally, I texted Rachel telling her how much I missed it and was sad that we weren’t going. She said Syd we need to find a car. And I was like uh, yes! We found us an automobile to take to Spokane and got my other best friend Chloe and we headed out. I had a little anxiety about it because I had to…and still have to take a psychology test online before 8 am tomorrow morning so I knew I wouldn’t have a ton of time and I would end up being up late tonight like I’m going to be. Luckily I don’t have class until 2:50 tomorrow so it was a good decision.
            We made it to Spokane in one piece and stopped by Rachel’s house and then we went down to the arena. We got to go down into the changing rooms where the Ferris dance team was because Chloe and Rachel were both the captains of it last year so they wanted to see the girls before we went out and watched the games.
            It’s definitely a different experience sitting through it and just watching rather than standing and cheering the whole time. But it was a good thing because I was already too tired. And by the way, I doubt anyone is, but for anyone who may be reading this and don’t know what the Rubber Chicken is, it is a big rivalry game between Ferris and Lewis and Clark high schools. Surprisingly, it’s a blast fighting with another school over a tiny chicken named Chuck.
            Anyways, Ferris dominated it the whole way through. It has been very rare on all past Rubber Chicken events for one school to win the girls game, the boys game, and win Chuck the chicken, but they did it. It was pretty awesome. Everyone did great though. Both LC and Ferris. But obviously we know who the best is. What a great way for those seniors to end their high school experience. I mean they’ve gotta have something. They are no where near as great as we were, so I guess they needed some good note to end on. I guess I’m a little biased about my class, but we’re pretty effing awesome, if I do say so myself, and I do.
            Sometime between the girls basketball game and the boys, Rachel wanted to go watch our friend Deb play some good music at a coffee shop near by so she left for awhile. Chloe and I were outside of the main part of the arena by the concessions talking with her boyfriend Travis, who is a senior at Ferris this year. So I get a text from Rachel that said to have her dad call her. I replied saying that we were talking with Travis so I told her I would when I went back into the gym area. To which she replied, “its an emergency”. Of course a million things run through my head but first and foremost I thought that she got in an accident. So I ran to find her parents. I think her mom freaked out even more than I did. Rachel called her mom and all I heard her mom say was “Rachel that’s not an emergency, don’t say its an emergency unless it’s a real emergency”. So I calmed down a little. Later I found out that she left the lights on the car, the car that isn’t hers, and so it died. She took her dad’s car while he waited for AAA. Aw, how nice of him! And then she came back and told me the whole story. I was relieved. And hungry.
            I told Rachel we had to stop by McDonalds before we left back to Pullman. I hadn’t had McDonalds since this last summer. Of course it was swarming with high school kids. Awkward. But it was totally worth it. I am regretting it now though, of course.
            After McDonalds, we headed back out on to the Pullman highway. I tried, I really tried to keep my eyes open but I was doing the head bobbing thing and finally just gave in. I woke up to Rachel saying “Shit!” All sleepy-eyed, I look in the rearview, of course, red and blue lights. Oh joy. “You’re going a little fast there. 68.” Rachel had the cruise set at 64 but apparently because we were going down the hill the car hadn’t slowed quite yet. Or that’s what he said. Or that the tires on the car weren’t the right size and threw off the speedometer. I probably looked like I was high or something because I still could barely see anything. You know that way your eyes are when you first wake up. Thankfully this cop happened to be really nice and he gave us a break. Plus, we were literally right outside of Pullman. Close one.
            So, although it had some downsides to it, it ended up being a fun night. I’ll be paying for this tomorrow. I’m gonna be pissed when I have to wake up to study for bio. Oh well, I’m young. These are the years I should be spending staying up late and getting up early. It’s just how it is. 

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Good Ol' Days

            Valentine’s Day is in a week. I am considering going to get kid’s Valentines and giving them out to random people. Maybe it would make their day? I think it would make my day if someone did that for me. I’ll think about it. So if you get a random valentine on your door, you’ll know who it’s from. Or maybe it’ll be from some random secret admirer.
            Isn’t it weird and creepy to think about the fact that you may have some person who is stalking you and knows everything that you do and everything about you? It could happen to anyone and you may never know it until one day… okay clearly I’ve been watching too many psycho thriller movies. But these things actually happen. I’m in Johnny’s room and him and his roommate Chow, and I were talking about the movie Taken, which is totally a badass movie but freaking scary to think about. When I told my mom that I wanted to study abroad in Ireland she talked about that type of thing. Human trafficking. Scary stuff. I loved that movie. But when I think about all of that stuff and how it actually happens, it’s hard to even imagine. I’m thankful that I live in a good area and have never really had to worry about anything like that.

            So we finally had our roomie time tonight at the pool. Will, Johnny, Rachel, and I all went to the Rec to go hot tubing and swimming. It was a blast. I love those people so much and I cannot wait to live with them. At the same time, Rachel brought up how freaking fast this year has gone by. And it has. It really has. We’re already almost at midterms of our second semester of our freshman year of college. It has been such a blast and exciting experience. School has been tough, but it has been fun to meet new people and to live on our own. But I really do miss all of my friends from last year. We were, and still are, THE best class that there ever was. We all loved each other, threw the best parties ever, and always came together when we needed to. Such a close-knit group of friends. And there were a ton of us! I’ll never forget any of them. So many different types of people. The cool thing about our class was that it wasn’t just Ferris class of 2011, it was Ferris, LC, Prep, U-High, CV, Mead, Mt. Spokane, Shadle, WV, EV, and Rogers, okay maybe not Rogers…Just kidding! But it was our entire class. We knew people from the other schools through sports or just through friends. It was obviously closest with just our class at Ferris, and I’m sure our class was close at all the other schools, too. We just had so much fun though. And I know when we all come home this summer it will be nothing but hanging out, partying, going to the lake, just loving being with each other again. I know it will be like that this summer, but who knows how long it will be that way. Eventually we all have to go our separate ways. I mean with Facebook and Skype we can definitely always keep in touch, but eventually after these four years, more for some, we might all be moving to different places, some might stay, but we will be separated. One thing I know, though, we are going to have one KICK-ASS high school reunion. Every single one will just be hilarious and fun. I know it. Because we are just that kind of group. Yeah we’ll all change a little, but when we’re brought back together, it’ll be like we never left. And that’s exactly why we were such a special class. I love all of my friends. And I love the friends I’ve made in college too. They, too, will end up being lifelong friends. But I don’t think it’ll ever quite compare to Ferris’ class of 2011.
            Okay, done with that now. Rachel got me all emotional thinking about all of this stuff. And Johnny is keeping me awake playing the ukulele that I got him for Christmas, FINALLY. Seriously, it’s been over a month now and he’s just now playing it. But it does sound great. The ukulele is a very unique instrument. He was also playing the piano. I miss the piano. I may have to invest in a keyboard sometime and get back to it. I haven’t played in like 5 years so Johnny being able to play is making me extremely jealous. Right now he’s learning the song Cater to You by Destiny’s Child. It sounds wonderful. I can’t wait till he’s finished. I’m looking forward to him playing it next year in our home. It will be nice to hear real music. By real music, I mean live music. It always sounds so much better than just music from the computer. It makes it much more beautiful. And when you can play it, it’s even better. You start to learn a song on the instrument and it sounds stupid at first but then you start to hear the music come through and you’re suddenly like, wow, I’m actually playing that. I love it. I wish I was more musically talented. I taught myself the piano but I haven’t played in so long that I don’t even know if I can read the music very well anymore. I wish more than anything that I could sing. I pretend like I can sing, but I really can’t. And I used to be in choir…wow. I think my teacher just liked me and that’s why she kept me or something. Or maybe because my voice is so quiet, you just couldn’t hear me so she kept me. Who knows.
            Well that’s that. More studying tomorrow. Need to get to the gym sometime this week. We’ll see what happens! Adios. 

Monday, February 6, 2012

Super Models or Robots?

            Well, this is about to be the most stressful week so far this semester. I swear just about every week for the rest of the semester from here on out I have some quiz or test or paper to write. Yikes. I have two tests this week. I’m really only worried about one of them, biology, but even that one, as long as I do all of my readings, shouldn’t be too bad. Definitely didn’t get my workout in today though. Frustrating, but I was literally doing something all day. Well…until The Voice came on of course. But I had to watch that, obviously.
            Oh my, I don’t know who I like more: Blake Shelton or Adam Levine. They are both so handsome, and have amazing voices. This one girl at the very end, had both of them fighting over her. What the heck! Why can’t that be me? Oh wait…I have a terrible singing voice. Yeah, that’s right. Well that’s unfortunate for me. I want Blake and Adam fighting over me. Even though one is married to an amazing country singer and the other’s girlfriend is a Victoria’s Secret supermodel. That’s like no competition at all right? Right…And about those Victoria’s Secret supermodels, I have this theory about them: I think they are all robots. There is no way that normal people can look that good. It’s just impossible. No one can have that pretty of a face, amazing skin, a great body (well for a model, but personally I think some of them are too skinny), and of course big boobs too. The government created these robot “supermodels” so that all normal girls, even all celebrities would pay for botox, and liposuction, all these make-ups, wrinkle-reducers, blah blah blah. All that crap. And I mean if that’s the case, I guess I’ve bought into it too, because I buy make-up, heck, I even buy Victoria’s Secret swimsuits. But I do that well-knowing that I wont look anything like they look in the magazine. It’s all just a little ridiculous.
            But I’ll admit, they are really good looking. I mean you cannot deny that. That is exactly why they are robots. No one can look that perfect.
            Enough of my ranting about supermodel robots. I think I totally have a chance with Adam Levine. Blake…he’s married now. There’s not really much chance there. I still love him, but I think I’ll take my chances with Adam.
            In other news, The Vow comes out this Friday and I am just a tad bit excited. I think it’ll be wonderful. You cannot go wrong with Nicholas Sparks. He has a way with words. But that This Means War movie with Reese Witherspoon is coming out on Valentines Day and also looks very good and funny. Sad or funny? Hmm… well I definitely have to see the Vow and then we’ll see about the other one. I do love Reese Witherspoon though.
            We'll see what happens though. Got a long week ahead of me. Let’s go!!

Super Bowl Sunday

            Well the Super Bowl was a let-down this year. I had my quarter on the Patriots, only because my mom was going for the Giants and you can’t have a bet if both people are rooting for the same team. I watched the whole first half. There were a few good commercials, but I was disappointed in that area as well. I think Doritos takes the prize on funniest commercials this year. But I fell asleep after halftime so I honestly don’t know how the rest of the commercials were. I ate a TON of food. Seriously I am disgusted with myself. I ate food like I have never seen food in my life. It was just so nice to not have to eat college food. I’m sick of it. At least 3 and a half more years? I don’t know if I can handle it. I guess next year should be better.
            I am supposed to be studying for a practice test I have tomorrow in Gened. Okay, I freaking hate Gened. No one should have to take that class. It’s stupid. And I suck at history. I can never remember anything. I hate math even more but at least once I figure out what I’m doing it’s not so bad. History is just a terrible subject for me to study. I’m just going to attempt to study for it tomorrow during my other classes. We’ll see how that goes.
            Um did anyone else watch the puppy bowl?! Cutest thing EVER. Especially the kitten halftime show. Completely adorable. Way better than the Super Bowl.
            The Voice was on tonight too for its second season. I love Adam and Blake. They are both so sexy. And Cee-Lo is hilarious. And Christina is pretty cool too! Plus I love hearing musically talented people, even though it makes me extremely jealous. I pretend I can sing but I know that I’m terrible at it. But who cares? I’m gonna keep singing anyways. Actually the other night I was sitting in the car while my mom was in the store and I was blaring some T-Swift and singing along. Near the end of the song I noticed a girl, probably like 10 or 12 years old staring at me in the car on the right, and in the truck on the left, an old lady was looking at me too. Whoops. Hopefully they didn’t hear me. Oh well if they did. They should feel special to have heard the beautiful, angelic voice of The Sydney Marie Bushnell. And now I am getting all loopy because I am tired and need sleep.
            So, this is going to be a short blog because I need sleep. Nighty night y’all. 

Sunday, February 5, 2012

It's Four O'clock in the Morning

            So, its 4:25 in the am, and I am currently sitting on my couch, eating garlic bread, watching Dumb and Dumber, and typing this silly blog. So that’s how my night went. Just kidding, I had a fun night. Made a TON of food, okay I probably ate more than I cooked, but still, and then I went hot tubing. Good night so far! Ha. So far, as in I plan on continuing the night. Well, I don’t. I plan on dropping to sleep about 30 seconds after I finish blogging this.
            I forgot to set my alarm this morning so I awoke in a panic. Not that I was going to be in trouble for being late or anything but I did have a movie date with my mommy. Luckily for me, we were both running late. However, this running late caused extreme anxiety for me, not because we were going to be late for the movie, but because we were going to be late for the trailers for the movie. And this just could not happen. Nope. I tried to convince my mom to speed like a mad-man but she didn’t. I told her I would just start crying if we got pulled over. The police officer would have to understand. I HAD to see the trailer for The Hunger Games on the big screen again!! Even though I watch it literally everyday at least once, there’s nothing like seeing it on the big screen. So we got stuck in a line of cars at a stop sign. WTF are people doing at the mall on a Saturday anyways?? Then, we couldn’t find a parking spot. Finally I was almost making my mom sprint to the counter. I yelled at her, “I’ll get the tickets, you get the popcorn. I’ll meet you in the theatre near the top! Break!” Okay, I didn’t say “break”  but I might as well have. I pretty much threw the money at the lady, grabbed the tickets and booked it. “Your theatre will be to the right, second on the ri…” “Yeah, yeah I know, just rip the ticket”. Sprinted down the hall, faked left, well, actually accidentally turned left, heard the music playing that I know so well, turned right, sprinted straight into some lady, yelled sorry, and sat at the entrance of the theatre watching from the side: The Hunger Games trailer. I admit it, I started crying. Literally made it not a second too late, and just started crying. it was just as amazing as I first remembered it on the big screen. Just imagine what a wreck I’ll be when it’s the real thing…Oh lord…
            So that was the best part of the whole movie. Although, I will also admit that I got scared during the movie. The plot was stupid but that woman in black really knew how to freak me out. It was overall and alright movie. I guess it was kind of a change from some other horror movies. But just all around not great. However, that ending, when the guy with the thing almost kills the one girl…Just kidding. That’s not in the movie. I don’t think so anyways.
            After the movie, did some shopping and grocery shopping. And then began making feasts. Yum. I LOVE home cooked food. It is just amazing. I had spaghetti with garlic bread (a.k.a. the garlic bread I’ve been eating while typing this), and then I made a yummy cake. Funfetti, a.k.a. the best cake ever, except for “better than sex cake” that stuff is yummy. I had some at Travis’ house and it was delicious. I forgot to tell his mom how good it was.
            Tomorrow, or today actually, but I might not be seeing much of today, depending on how much I sleep in, today is the day of the Super Bowl. Should be quite entertaining. And by entertaining I mean the commercials should be entertaining and the game should be just eh. Also, I’m hoping the halftime show is good too. Then, back to Pullman to start studying for my tests this week. Arggg. Sorry for going all pirate there but I hate tests. Who doesn’t? I’m just not looking forward to it.
            I’m thinking I should probably get some sleep…

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Horror Movies

            Well I didn’t write a blog last night. I was too busy…sleeping. Not to mention that I watched a scary movie last night, by myself, and I was not about to walk downstairs in the dark to get my computer. Okay, I lied. I literally had every light in the house on. Still, I wasn’t about to get up. Normally scary movies don’t scare me that bad. But it was one of the most scary ones for me. When a stranger calls. The thing about it is, it’s not like it was some guy who came back to life for revenge with a chainsaw or something. Or not a guy who was burned alive who comes into your dreams to kill you. Just a random guy, messing with some girl he doesn’t even know. Oh yeah, and she was babysitting. Most of the time now I babysit during the day, nanny, whatever you wanna call it. I hate babysitting at night. I do it. But I hate it. Most of the time if I do it I just don’t let myself think about anything freaky. It’s even worse when the kids are really little and go to bed early. If they are old enough, I usually will let them stay up with me and watch a movie or something. Not for their sake, solely for my sake. I know, I’m pathetic. But I’m just easily scared. Seriously I will never be able to live alone. And I’m hoping there aren’t any nights next year where Rachel, Will, and Johnny are all gone and it’s just me in the house. I’m actually probably giving Johnny a great pranking idea for me right now.
            I don’t know what it is about scary movies. I have a love-hate relationship with them. If I see one is on TV, I have to watch it. But then I regret it so much during and after it. But it’s like an addiction. Maybe I’m addicted to scaring myself. I’m not really sure. Adrenaline junkie over here apparently. Speaking of that, I HAVE to go skydiving this summer. There is no option. I was supposed to go last summer and never did. And my best friend Ryan was supposed to go with me but no, he went in Hawaii. Loser. Just kidding, I love that guy. But still, I need to do it this summer. If I even have a life this summer considering I need like three jobs. We shall see.
            Also I need to get my second tattoo. It might need to be one or the other though. Tattoo or skydiving. Hmm…maybe I can get a tattoo of me skydiving on my back. Perrrfect.
            Guess where I’m going now? To see that new scary movie called The Woman in Black. Surprise, surprise. At least it’s during the day though, and not by myself. Woo!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Memory Gone Bad

            Well I’ve been noticing a lot of people commenting on the Tommy Hawkins Memorial page on Facebook and it has been making me think of him a lot. And his family. I really do miss him. He could just put a smile on anyone’s face. He was truly a good person through and through and the world isn’t the same without him. Miss you Tommy.
            Enough of my tearing up, I could talk about him for days. But one more day and I get to go home! Maybe I’ll stop by the cemetery and see him. I’m looking forward to home cooked meals. That’s what will be nice about next year, I’m going to make Johnny be my cook and then I’ll have yummy food all the time. Except I’m going to have to move him from his ways of eating spicy things, because I’m not a fan of the spicy foods.
            I think I need a book to read. I feel like I’ve just been having a bunch of time that is just there, not being used, like watching TV or on the internet all the time. Now it’s not that I don’t like the internet, or TV, I love them both and they are both entertaining. But I feel so much better when I’m reading a good book. So I’ll have to pick out a good one. I just got a good one from a very kind person for my birthday that I have yet to read. I think I’m reading to move on from The Hunger Games. Obviously not “move on” but just be able to read another book.
            I had a dream last night about going to Ireland to study abroad. Oh my gosh it got me so freaking excited. Even though it’s over a year away. And yes, Liam Hemsworth was in it, but so what? It could happen… okay maybe not. But who knows. That is unusual though because I can almost never remember my dreams. I remember tiny parts of them right when I wake up, but after about five minutes I’m like what was that again? And then everything I try to think of sounds completely ridiculous. I think we talked about why this happens in psychology, but I don’t really remember, still working on that whole memory thing. What are we talking about? Just kidding. It’s not that bad. But sometimes it is. I’m honestly afraid that I have already or will begin to start repeating things in my blogs that I forgot I said in another blog. Hopefully no one is reading too closely to know. Because I’m sure it will happen at some point if it hasn’t already. I literally have sticky notes EVERYWHERE because otherwise I can’t remember anything. And I have to put a reminder in my phone for everything too. I thought this type of thing wasn’t supposed to happen until I’m old with a full head of grey hair. Apparently not. Maybe my memory is so terrible now, but as I get older and older it will just gradually get better. Like the Curious Case of Benjamin Button, but not exactly. I doubt it. I’ve even tried doing memory exercises, they don’t work.
             I want to go to a wedding. I love weddings and I don’t even remember the last time I’ve been to one. It just sounds like so much fun. Just to see everyone happy and then go dance and everyone would be drunk and wild and funny. It just sounds like a lot of fun right now. I could also use a vacation. Like a real vacation. A beach, somewhere warm. Get my tan on. Meet some hot local guy. That just sounds wonderful. But no, I’m here in Pullman, supposed to be studying for a quiz tomorrow but instead I’m blogging about wishing I was on vacation, or at a wedding, or dreaming about Liam Hemsworth. He could be my hot guy I meet on the beach. Yes, yes he could.
            Alright. Studying it is. Or watching friends. We’ll see how it goes.