Friday, February 17, 2012

Procrastination At Its Finest

            Let me paint the picture for you: I am currently curled up, legs propped up, laptop in the lap (as it name rightfully suggests), eatin’ some gold fish (crackers, obviously), kinda-sorta studying for my anthropology test tomorrow, but clearly more focused on writing this blog. And this is the height of my procrastination skills. Almost 2:45 in the morning and not even tired yet. Haven’t had any caffeine today. I did take a tiny nap but it was before 4pm so I don’t think that’s it. I don’t know why I am up so late. I guess at around 10 I was getting kind of sleepy but then I got myself up again and now I feel like I could stay up for hours and be fine.
            What is it about the average human being that makes procrastinating so tempting to do? Is it for the thrill of wondering if you’re going to finish that essay, or turn that worksheet in, or get those last few words memorized for the test? Nah. I think we’re just all lazy. Me especially. I woke up at like 9 this morning, but of course I didn’t have class till 2:50 so why not sleep a few extra hours? Then I laid in bed and watched some Spongebob, had a bowl of cereal, eventually took a shower, but I didn’t actually get ready to go to class till about 15 minutes before I had to leave. I wish I could blame it on something else, but I really just love to lay in bed and do nothing sometimes…well a lot of the times. But I don’t think that I’m actually lazy physically, thankfully. I would much rather be out doing something, like playing some sport, or swimming, or dancing, or doing something outdoors. But when it comes to the decision between looking over notes for a class or watching Spongebob and just laying in bed…there’s no competition. None at all. And if I don’t actually have to go to bed or something, I can literally sleep at almost any time of the day. The one and only time I ever have trouble sleeping is when I actually need to go to sleep. Of course. I love sleeping. I do it all the time. Probably abnormally, but I just love it. I take naps all the time. But I try not to take too long of naps anymore because then I just regret it later when it keeps me up at night. When I have an hour before my next class, I’ll just take a 20 or 30 minute nap, ahhh, it’s amazing.
            At least tonight I had a good reason for procrastinating. Okay, I guess there’s never really a good reason for procrastinating studying for a test, but I’d say he would be the best one. I think I’ll be needing lots of naps tomorrow. I’ll be taking a good hour long one in between my first three classes and my last one tomorrow. Then, I’ll probably take another one right after my last class. And I may try to sleep on the way back to Spokane but I probably wont. I’m riding home with Tanner and every word out of his mouth is hilarious so I kinda like to listen in. It will be nice to go home tomorrow though. I get to see some friends from across the state! I cannot wait for that. Might have a girls night. And then I get to see, hopefully, my best little man, Jaxon! I got to Skype with him tonight while my mommy was babysitting him. Those two really know how to make an adorable baby. Even over the camera I could see his cute little smirk he does. He’s rolling now, that’s new! And he’s much bigger than when I last saw him over winter break. What a cutie.
            I guess I could be studying more now, but I went over the review sheet and I felt like I knew everything pretty well. But this is one of those classes where your whole grade is based off of the two or three tests you take and that’s it. So maybe I should go double check everything.
            Three am…psh. You ain’t got nothin’ on me. Let’s go for four!! 

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