Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Tired Days

            Today was an extremely long day. I got literally no sleep last night since I fell asleep with a headache, one that kept me half awake the entire night. And then when I finally decided to take medicine at 5 in the morning, that made my headache mostly go away but then it made my tummy hurt. And of course it was the day of my longest biology lab that we’ve had yet. But it worked out because I ended up taking two naps today and I finally feel mostly better now. Phew.
            I practiced my speech that I have to give/record tomorrow and I think I’ve finally got my country accent-type voice going that the manuscript portrays. It should be interesting. And now I just need to study for my anthropology test and I’ll be good for the week.
            I really hated Facebook today. Of all the holidays that we’ve gone through, this was the worst for Facebook. Christmas, you usually see some family pictures, some Merry Christmases or Happy Hanukahs. Halloween you see all the slutty costumes, which are actually entertaining to look at. But valentine’s day…oh my. I thought about just deleting my Facebook today. I am truly happy that people are happily in love with their significant other, but people, please, you don’t need to share every little thing that they did for you for all of Facebook to see. We assume you probably got flowers or chocolates from your valentine. Okay, I’ll admit if it was something really creative I wouldn’t mind seeing a picture of it. But flowers? Yeah…definitely never seen that one before. Okay I am really trying not to sound like a cynic, because I’m not. I think Valentine’s day is great actually, in the fact that you share your love with someone else. But again, share it with each other, not the whole world.
            So I’m watching this show on HGTV called Love It or List It, and these two professionals compete in getting families to either stay with the house after one fixes it up, or the other one tries to woo them with a new house. I love HGTV. Anyways, so this family has a bunch of crap wrong with their house, so the lady on the show is trying to fix them so that they want to keep their house. And the other guy on the show is trying to find them a new house with a list of things the couple wants in a house. And this lady, the wife, is just a freaking bitch. She wont even give the real estate guy the time of day. She wont listen to a thing he says. She is completely closed minded. And then when the lady working on the house says they encountered problems, she just freaks out. Its ridiculous. I don’t know how people can be so ungrateful. It’s also mildly amusing to watch.
            Well I’m going to attempt to have a good night sleep for once tonight. I’ll need some luck for that. 

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