Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Warning: This May Contain Explicit Material

            First of all, I hate being a girl. I don’t think it’s very fair that we get stuck with not only having to hold a living human being in our uterus for 9 months and then shove it out of us, but we also have to deal with the monthly thing EVERY freaking month. Seriously? Like one week a year would be fine with me. But every month, ugh, it kills me. Today I couldn’t even get out of bed because my body hurt so bad. I wanted to just cut my vagina and all that goes with it out of my body. I’m sorry if this is too descriptive, but I don’t give a… you thought I was going to say the “f” word. Well I rarely ever use that word. I really don’t care though. It just SUCKS to be a girl sometimes. Now we all know that if Sydney is being a bitch this week or acting moody, or crying, or yelling, or laughing randomly…well you know why now. Usually monthly, I’m pretty mellow but there are the occasional months when I get painful freaking cramps and it just ruins everything. The only person I really ever like freak out at or yell at or cry to, is my mom. So, sorry mom. But you should feel special that you are the one person that I can share all of these emotions, good and bad with! Not that that makes you feel any better.
            Okay, done with the girl-thing. I am currently in the middle…well two very long paragraphs into my essay for biology that is due tomorrow morning. Of course I waited till the last minute, but usually I can just bust these things out with all of my rambling and opinions and what not. I should have known, though, that writing an essay for a science class would mean facts and citing and roughly no room for opinion at all. Which makes me realize that when I grow up to be a writer, I do not want to be a reporter-writer, I want to be an opinionated writer. Of course, opinion can and almost always does show through with facts. You just put the facts that support your side. But I want to speak freely, and openly. Facts are almost always needed, but supported mainly by my opinions. That is the kind of writing I enjoy. And, for instance, writing this blog which can be about anything I want to say. Needless to say, I’m stumped. I’ve written my paragraphs that summarize the articles I’ve read, but now I have to assess the articles I’ve read. I have to decide whether or not they are supported thoroughly and what data they are using to support them. Sounds easy enough, but it’s not. Especially with political issues, because half of the things written I am not sure if I fully understand. But we’ll see how it goes. I’ll probably just BS it since it’s just the rough draft that is due, and then go back and make it pretty and make sense. I should just be writing it right now but I had to give myself a break of writing my essay to…well essentially write another paper. This isn’t really a paper though because I can say bitch and vagina and I don’t have to use commas or any punctuation and I can just write write write and use a bunch of run on sentences that never ever end that I just love to do so much and makes me feel free and gives me inspiration to…okay I’m done with that. But I love writing this thing. It’s like a journal, that’s not really a journal. I just get everything out of my head and then I have a more clear mind.
            Big day tomorrow: Valentine’s Day. Woo hoo. I’m not really that thrilled about it. I mean it’s just another day. It’s not like you’re celebrating someone or something in particular like your mother or father, or Jesus being born, or celebrating scaring the living heck out of people and getting candy. I guess you could say it’s celebrating your love with another person. But what if someone doesn’t have another person to be loved by or to love? I’m not just talking romantically either. I could send any one of my family members a lovely card and some flowers to show my love for them and it wouldn’t be weird. However, there are some people out there who just don’t have that accessory in their life. And my heart goes out to anyone who is in that unfortunate situation. I’m thankful for the wonderful family and friends that I have in my life to share my love with. There may or may not be someone that I will however be thinking about more in the romantic-way. But that is mine and his or her or it’s thing to share. Not anyone else’s. It could just be my stuff animal, Beary Bearington that I am sharing tomorrow with romantically. None of your business. And I also don’t want to hear about anyone else’s romantic encounters tomorrow. I am expecting there will be a higher number of births nine months from tomorrow in the hospitals, though. And that’s fine. I’ll know what that means. But please, keep your lovelies to yourselves. You shouldn’t have to show them off to the world. Just show them you love them! That’s all that is needed from you.
            And now I’m going to stray away from the lovey-dovey, sappy stuff that I could easily get into. Actually, I’m going to go finish writing this stupid essay on whether the governments should regulate fast food industries. Hmm…Love or Fast Food? I know which one I’d rather talk about, unfortunately I am going to stay and talk about love. Just kidding.

            Happy Valentine’s Day all. 

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