Monday, February 6, 2012

Super Bowl Sunday

            Well the Super Bowl was a let-down this year. I had my quarter on the Patriots, only because my mom was going for the Giants and you can’t have a bet if both people are rooting for the same team. I watched the whole first half. There were a few good commercials, but I was disappointed in that area as well. I think Doritos takes the prize on funniest commercials this year. But I fell asleep after halftime so I honestly don’t know how the rest of the commercials were. I ate a TON of food. Seriously I am disgusted with myself. I ate food like I have never seen food in my life. It was just so nice to not have to eat college food. I’m sick of it. At least 3 and a half more years? I don’t know if I can handle it. I guess next year should be better.
            I am supposed to be studying for a practice test I have tomorrow in Gened. Okay, I freaking hate Gened. No one should have to take that class. It’s stupid. And I suck at history. I can never remember anything. I hate math even more but at least once I figure out what I’m doing it’s not so bad. History is just a terrible subject for me to study. I’m just going to attempt to study for it tomorrow during my other classes. We’ll see how that goes.
            Um did anyone else watch the puppy bowl?! Cutest thing EVER. Especially the kitten halftime show. Completely adorable. Way better than the Super Bowl.
            The Voice was on tonight too for its second season. I love Adam and Blake. They are both so sexy. And Cee-Lo is hilarious. And Christina is pretty cool too! Plus I love hearing musically talented people, even though it makes me extremely jealous. I pretend I can sing but I know that I’m terrible at it. But who cares? I’m gonna keep singing anyways. Actually the other night I was sitting in the car while my mom was in the store and I was blaring some T-Swift and singing along. Near the end of the song I noticed a girl, probably like 10 or 12 years old staring at me in the car on the right, and in the truck on the left, an old lady was looking at me too. Whoops. Hopefully they didn’t hear me. Oh well if they did. They should feel special to have heard the beautiful, angelic voice of The Sydney Marie Bushnell. And now I am getting all loopy because I am tired and need sleep.
            So, this is going to be a short blog because I need sleep. Nighty night y’all. 

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