Saturday, February 25, 2012


Boy have I been slacking on my blogging duties. But seriously, this was the most miserable week yet. So stressful. My third week in a row with a midterm, and it was my hardest midterm. Mainly because I completely suck at history so Gened just isn’t my thing. I hate gened. I hate it. I don’t understand why I have to take it. It’s stupid. Obviously I’m only saying this because I suck at it, but either way I don’t think I should have to take it. At least the week is over. Hopefully this weekend wont go too fast but I have the feeling that it probably will like it always does. It only doesn’t go too fast when I lay in bed and watch movies all weekend, which I love to do, but its very unsociable of me so I only allow myself to do that every so often.
So what the heck is up with this blizzard going on outside? Last night it seemed perfectly fine to walk around outside, not too cold. I feel bad for the people camping out to get into the game. There was no way in hell that anyone could ever get me to campout. I don’t care how big of a game it was. I’ve done my share of winter camping both this year for our home for next year, and last winter I was “freezin’ for a reason” with the ASB. I am done done done with camping in the winter. If I don’t get a good seat to the game I’ll survive.
Seriously, this wind is crazy yet again. It woke me up this morning. Jerk. Keepin’ me up from my slumber. Well, today I need to manage some time to get homework done, go to the game, among other things. I feel like it’ll be a busy day, as long as I can get out bed, take a shower, eat some food. I think I can do it. I’ve already gotten out of bed a few times. Only to crawl back in. It’s only 9 in the morning, I think I deserve a little more time in bed. Which I’m going to enjoy…right now. 

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