Monday, February 20, 2012

President's Day

            So it’s President’s Day. Not exactly sure how one is supposed to celebrate that in representation of the past and current presidents, walk around wearing an Uncle Sam costume? I don’t know. Politics confuse me. I need to either learn more about all of the president stuff going on before November or I might as well not vote. I don’t want to just vote blindly for something I have no clue about. Even though they shouldn't, politics just bore me. It’s probably because I have no idea how to comprehend any of it that I hear so I just tend to tune it out. That’s going to be one of my goals for my life, to learn more about and invest more time into politics. Who knows if that’ll ever happen in my lifetime, but one day I may regret not using my rights to their full capacity.
            This weather is being kind of weird. I don’t know if I should be getting ready for spring or keep my winter coat and boots out. It’s a little bipolar. I guess I cant complain because this has been a very mild winter compared to our previous winters. I mean it was bad enough at one point for WSU to close school for the day, but other than that chunk of time, we’ve only had a tiny bit of snow every once in awhile. I just wish it would make up it’s mind…a.k.a. get warm soon!
            I printed off a bunch of pictures this weekend to put up in my room, finally. And now I regret putting all 80 of them up because I’m going to have to take them all down again in only like 2 months! Which is weird to think about. Not to mention, I feel like they’re all staring at me now. Weird. But it added a little bit of spice to my walls because they were kind of boring. They’ll look so much nicer when I have a Hunger Games poster or two to hang up next to them. Seriously, like a month left. That’s crazy. And we get to preorder tickets in just two days! Ah!! I am so completely excited.
            I need to find something productive to do this upcoming weekend. Well, I need to be productive this week, too, considering I have a history midterm that I am very fearful of because I know I wont do very well on it. I just need to study a lot, and as long as I pass the test I’ll be happy. But this weekend, it’s the big rival game versus UW. So, there’s that to look forward to. It’s supposed to be a chilly week/weekend. Maybe sledding will be a possibility? I suppose we shall see. Thankfully it’ll be a shorter week. And then in just a few weeks it’ll be spring break already! There time goes again, always so speedy. 

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