Saturday, February 18, 2012

20 Hours!

            Once again…I find myself writing this thing at a very late hour. Although, I feel like my most entertaining blogs were always written at late hours, or maybe that’s just my opinion. Or maybe I just tend to ramble more in the late am hours. And today may have been the longest day I’ve had in a long time. I went to bed at 4 am last night, woke up at 8 (slept through a lab), and I haven’t gone back to sleep since. So I’m going on twenty hours now with only 4 hours of sleep under my belt. Yikes. Why am I even alive right now? Maybe I’m actually just dreaming right now. It’s possible.
            I think I did really well on my anthropology test. Either that or I was studying completely incorrect things. It seriously feels like this morning taking the test was like two days ago. I didn’t even get my nap in! I was supposed to take two naps today, at least! What the heck happened to that? In my break between classes I think I wasn’t tired enough yet. And then after my classes I just laid down and watched T.V. And then in the car on the way home…well that’s a whole other story.
            So I’ve been kind of off and on sick, and every once in awhile I’ll get a stuffy or runny nose or sore throat. Today it was the sore throat and coughing. So to relieve myself of this obnoxious coughing while on the way home, I brought my water bottle and every time I needed to cough I would just drink it so I wouldn’t cough as much in the car because I always feel bad if I’m just coughing away while people are trying to talk or listen to music or something. Before I knew it, I drank almost the whole bottle. Unfortunately, we still had like 45 minutes left in the car ride and man, was that the longest, most excruciating 45 minutes of my life. I literally thought, at least for the last 15 to 20 minutes, that I was going to pee my pants. I came so close to making Tanner pull over. But I just kept telling myself, like the little train that could, that I could make it. Of course then we get to Hatch hill and Tanner practically drives off the side of the road, into, obviously, bumpy terrain. This was not easing my bladder in the slightest. Then, we get home, and I thank him quickly for the drive and get out, go to the back to get my bag out, and Tanner starts backing up into me! So I banged on the window. He stopped. I grabbed the bags and ran for the door. Barely made it. Boy that would have been embarrassing. “Um, sorry, Tanner, I kinda got your seat all wet.” Yeah, that was not about to happen. But I’m alive and well so it’s all good.
            I got to hang out with my three favorite people to hang out with together, ever, tonight. Ryan came home from UW (boo huskies), and Chloe and I came home from WSU (YAY cougars!), and then Travis…well he kinda stays put. But we all got to hang out again like good ol’ times which I love. And I love the fact that when we all get back together it’s like no time has passed since we last saw each other. It really is the best kind of friendship. Chloe and Travis bickering about something on the couch, while Ryan and I are shooting baskets trying to beat our high score. We didn’t accomplish that tonight. It was fun, though. I love hanging out with them.
            Now, I need to break my awake-on-very-little-sleep streak and go to sleep. Probably wont wake up till like one. And I’m okay with that. 

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