Thursday, February 9, 2012

Last Minute Decisions

            Well today was an experience. There was nothing too exciting in my classes. Actually they were significantly boring today. I only have one class tomorrow though, Friday I have a test, and then it’s the weekend! Phew. I can make it. And the Vow comes out so of course I’m going to see that at some point.
            After my sadness last night that Rachel brought on me about missing high school, of course I had to see all of the pictures from Ferris’ annual Rubber Chicken con and it made me miss it even more. So, naturally, I texted Rachel telling her how much I missed it and was sad that we weren’t going. She said Syd we need to find a car. And I was like uh, yes! We found us an automobile to take to Spokane and got my other best friend Chloe and we headed out. I had a little anxiety about it because I had to…and still have to take a psychology test online before 8 am tomorrow morning so I knew I wouldn’t have a ton of time and I would end up being up late tonight like I’m going to be. Luckily I don’t have class until 2:50 tomorrow so it was a good decision.
            We made it to Spokane in one piece and stopped by Rachel’s house and then we went down to the arena. We got to go down into the changing rooms where the Ferris dance team was because Chloe and Rachel were both the captains of it last year so they wanted to see the girls before we went out and watched the games.
            It’s definitely a different experience sitting through it and just watching rather than standing and cheering the whole time. But it was a good thing because I was already too tired. And by the way, I doubt anyone is, but for anyone who may be reading this and don’t know what the Rubber Chicken is, it is a big rivalry game between Ferris and Lewis and Clark high schools. Surprisingly, it’s a blast fighting with another school over a tiny chicken named Chuck.
            Anyways, Ferris dominated it the whole way through. It has been very rare on all past Rubber Chicken events for one school to win the girls game, the boys game, and win Chuck the chicken, but they did it. It was pretty awesome. Everyone did great though. Both LC and Ferris. But obviously we know who the best is. What a great way for those seniors to end their high school experience. I mean they’ve gotta have something. They are no where near as great as we were, so I guess they needed some good note to end on. I guess I’m a little biased about my class, but we’re pretty effing awesome, if I do say so myself, and I do.
            Sometime between the girls basketball game and the boys, Rachel wanted to go watch our friend Deb play some good music at a coffee shop near by so she left for awhile. Chloe and I were outside of the main part of the arena by the concessions talking with her boyfriend Travis, who is a senior at Ferris this year. So I get a text from Rachel that said to have her dad call her. I replied saying that we were talking with Travis so I told her I would when I went back into the gym area. To which she replied, “its an emergency”. Of course a million things run through my head but first and foremost I thought that she got in an accident. So I ran to find her parents. I think her mom freaked out even more than I did. Rachel called her mom and all I heard her mom say was “Rachel that’s not an emergency, don’t say its an emergency unless it’s a real emergency”. So I calmed down a little. Later I found out that she left the lights on the car, the car that isn’t hers, and so it died. She took her dad’s car while he waited for AAA. Aw, how nice of him! And then she came back and told me the whole story. I was relieved. And hungry.
            I told Rachel we had to stop by McDonalds before we left back to Pullman. I hadn’t had McDonalds since this last summer. Of course it was swarming with high school kids. Awkward. But it was totally worth it. I am regretting it now though, of course.
            After McDonalds, we headed back out on to the Pullman highway. I tried, I really tried to keep my eyes open but I was doing the head bobbing thing and finally just gave in. I woke up to Rachel saying “Shit!” All sleepy-eyed, I look in the rearview, of course, red and blue lights. Oh joy. “You’re going a little fast there. 68.” Rachel had the cruise set at 64 but apparently because we were going down the hill the car hadn’t slowed quite yet. Or that’s what he said. Or that the tires on the car weren’t the right size and threw off the speedometer. I probably looked like I was high or something because I still could barely see anything. You know that way your eyes are when you first wake up. Thankfully this cop happened to be really nice and he gave us a break. Plus, we were literally right outside of Pullman. Close one.
            So, although it had some downsides to it, it ended up being a fun night. I’ll be paying for this tomorrow. I’m gonna be pissed when I have to wake up to study for bio. Oh well, I’m young. These are the years I should be spending staying up late and getting up early. It’s just how it is. 

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