Sunday, February 5, 2012

It's Four O'clock in the Morning

            So, its 4:25 in the am, and I am currently sitting on my couch, eating garlic bread, watching Dumb and Dumber, and typing this silly blog. So that’s how my night went. Just kidding, I had a fun night. Made a TON of food, okay I probably ate more than I cooked, but still, and then I went hot tubing. Good night so far! Ha. So far, as in I plan on continuing the night. Well, I don’t. I plan on dropping to sleep about 30 seconds after I finish blogging this.
            I forgot to set my alarm this morning so I awoke in a panic. Not that I was going to be in trouble for being late or anything but I did have a movie date with my mommy. Luckily for me, we were both running late. However, this running late caused extreme anxiety for me, not because we were going to be late for the movie, but because we were going to be late for the trailers for the movie. And this just could not happen. Nope. I tried to convince my mom to speed like a mad-man but she didn’t. I told her I would just start crying if we got pulled over. The police officer would have to understand. I HAD to see the trailer for The Hunger Games on the big screen again!! Even though I watch it literally everyday at least once, there’s nothing like seeing it on the big screen. So we got stuck in a line of cars at a stop sign. WTF are people doing at the mall on a Saturday anyways?? Then, we couldn’t find a parking spot. Finally I was almost making my mom sprint to the counter. I yelled at her, “I’ll get the tickets, you get the popcorn. I’ll meet you in the theatre near the top! Break!” Okay, I didn’t say “break”  but I might as well have. I pretty much threw the money at the lady, grabbed the tickets and booked it. “Your theatre will be to the right, second on the ri…” “Yeah, yeah I know, just rip the ticket”. Sprinted down the hall, faked left, well, actually accidentally turned left, heard the music playing that I know so well, turned right, sprinted straight into some lady, yelled sorry, and sat at the entrance of the theatre watching from the side: The Hunger Games trailer. I admit it, I started crying. Literally made it not a second too late, and just started crying. it was just as amazing as I first remembered it on the big screen. Just imagine what a wreck I’ll be when it’s the real thing…Oh lord…
            So that was the best part of the whole movie. Although, I will also admit that I got scared during the movie. The plot was stupid but that woman in black really knew how to freak me out. It was overall and alright movie. I guess it was kind of a change from some other horror movies. But just all around not great. However, that ending, when the guy with the thing almost kills the one girl…Just kidding. That’s not in the movie. I don’t think so anyways.
            After the movie, did some shopping and grocery shopping. And then began making feasts. Yum. I LOVE home cooked food. It is just amazing. I had spaghetti with garlic bread (a.k.a. the garlic bread I’ve been eating while typing this), and then I made a yummy cake. Funfetti, a.k.a. the best cake ever, except for “better than sex cake” that stuff is yummy. I had some at Travis’ house and it was delicious. I forgot to tell his mom how good it was.
            Tomorrow, or today actually, but I might not be seeing much of today, depending on how much I sleep in, today is the day of the Super Bowl. Should be quite entertaining. And by entertaining I mean the commercials should be entertaining and the game should be just eh. Also, I’m hoping the halftime show is good too. Then, back to Pullman to start studying for my tests this week. Arggg. Sorry for going all pirate there but I hate tests. Who doesn’t? I’m just not looking forward to it.
            I’m thinking I should probably get some sleep…

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