Saturday, February 11, 2012

Cheers to the Freaking Weekend

            Thank goodness it is the weekend. This last week was HELL. Okay, it wasn’t that bad. I may be exaggerating. It was a rough week, though. Three tests and technically it’s not over because I still have to prepare for a speech, a speech in which I have to talk in this hillbilly accent. That will be interesting. If I could post the video…okay let’s be honest I probably wouldn’t post it. You know it’d be entertaining to watch. I am glad that only my professor, a.k.a. the good looking one with the sexy Welsh accent, and the rest of my classmates can see it. I’m still not a hundred percent on having my professor watch it. But I guess that’s what he’s there for. Also, I have to have a rough draft written by Tuesday for my biology lab on whether or not there should be regulations on fast foods because of the rate of obesity in America. Still not even sure what position I should take on that. I mean, yeah, obesity is a problem, but for one, how are they going to regulate it? Fast food places are extremely wealthy, obviously they don’t want to have people restricted on how much food they are going to buy. Plus, this is the United States. We have our freedoms and if people are wanting to only eat McDonald’s and Jack in the Box, then that is their choice. It’s not the foods that we put out in front of people. It’s the decisions people make about what they eat. And even that isn’t always the case. The economy in this country is SHIT and for some people, the fast foods and junk foods are less expensive. So in that sense, it’s our country’s problem, because those foods realistically shouldn’t be cheaper than healthy and organic food. It is just the way our economy has taken and it’s not good. I learned a lot about this stuff last year in my AP environmental science class when we watched the movie Food Inc. and it’s really crazy everything that’s happening. But I still don’t know how I am going to position myself in the paper because I feel like I can support both sides and it’s not right to only support one side or the other. Luckily for me I’m pretty good at whipping out papers quickly because, obviously, I love to write. I just don’t want to write another paper that I don’t fully support. I hate having to choose sides.
            In other news, last night I went out and had a good time with one of my besties, Rachel. Originally, I was supposed to hang out with Johnny and Will and we were going to celebrate my birthday since Will was gone in Thailand when I had my birthday, but I thought I could try to do both. But then we didn’t get all the stuff figured out before Rachel wanted to go to our friend’s frat. So we decided we were going to do it today instead. I’m not sure if that’ll happen now or not though because none of us are quite feeling up to par. Johnny, Will, and some other people had a bit too much fun and went to our school’s Up All Night thing and Johnny got married…he was the bride. Will also got married. And Will and Johnny, I heard, sang wonderfully Usher’s You Got It Bad, I think, in karaoke. I’m extremely sad I missed that but thankfully Johnny’s roommate, Brendan got it on video on his phone. You can definitely tell that they were not coherent enough to sing exactly in key but it was priceless.
            Rachel and I went over to a couple of our friend from high school’s frat. They were having an “Around the World” party. Which basically is just an excuse to have a bunch of different types of drinks. So I avoided the rooms. We did have a good time, though. Eventually, someone in the frat pulled the fire alarm though, so we all had to leave so Rachel and I went to get tacos and ate way too freaking much. Makes me sick just thinking about it. It was really yummy at the time though. Then we went over to the frat’s live-out house though until the frat was open again. It was kinda boring. But I met this kid somehow who is cousins with two of our friends at Ferris, though. And they had a frabbit!!! And by that I mean the frat had a rabbit. I think it lives in the live-out house. The poor thing was probably scared to death but he was SOO cute, so I couldn’t stop holding him. He was adorable. Best part of the night by far. And then once we went back to the frat to get our stuff, Rachel wouldn’t leave so I walked home with a friend of mine. Her dorm is closer so I wasn’t too worried about her. But man did we get some good pictures. It was overall a decent night.
            What I’m more excited for, though, is I’m going to see The Vow with Johnny, Will, Brendan, and their friends Brian and Annmarie. I am so stoked to see it. Hopefully I don’t cry. I haven’t heard great things about it so far but I don’t care what other people say, I’ll probably love the heck out of it.
            So now I have to go get ready for that and dinner. We’re all valentine dates. How cute J

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