Thursday, February 9, 2012

Things NOT to Do While Studying

            So far today, and its 8:30 pm, I have officially gotten nothing accomplished. I stayed up late last night to take my online psychology exam, and although I did well, that led to me sleeping in late. Actually 11 really isn’t that late, but I didn’t physically get out of bed until around one. I didn’t start doing anything productive till 2:20, fifteen minutes before I had to go to class. Plus, psychology class was sufficiently boring today. I personally think, the day after a test day should be a movie day. Well, we did watch this video of some old guy talking about how testicles work. Yeah, like I care. And then I came back and started studying and instead of studying I decided to make a list of things NOT to do while studying. So here it is:

Things NOT to do while studying:
  • Take a nap
  • Watch a movie
  • Get up to get Gatorade
  • Get up to get some pretzels
  • Go to the bathroom
  • Go to the bathroom to get a tissue
  • Clean your room
  • Call your mom
  • Try to read your text book while singing Taylor Swift
  • Write a blog
  • Go on Facebook
  • Leave the Facebook browser up
  • Make a new playlist in Spotify
  • Look for new tattoo ideas on the internet
  • Sit and look blankly at the pages
  • Make a list of things you shouldn’t do while trying to study

So there’s that, in case anyone wanted to know. I’m sure there are plenty of other things. I feel like I’m in that one episode of Spongebob when he has to write an essay but does everything he can to avoid writing it until the very last minute. Yep, that’s me. Unfortunately I have my 8 am class tomorrow. But I’ll survive.
Everyone is at the Brad Paisley concert tonight and I am so jealous because I love Brad. But I still might be able to go to Blake Shelton with my mom and my uncle. It’s just a possibility right now though. Don’t wanna go getting my hopes up.
Tomorrow is FRIDAY! Finally! This has been a long, busy week. It’s not over yet, I still have a test tomorrow, but it’s promising. I can see the weekend in the distance. Phew. I’m going to try to get in some roomie time this weekend. And the Vow comes out, so I may try to see that, or I may wait. I don’t know how big that Pullman theatre is and I don’t want to go when it’s completely packed. That just ruins the movie. I only do that for midnight premiers and what not. Like when the Hunger Games comes out, you know I’ll be the first one in line for those seats. Okay, maybe I’m underestimating the people of Pullman. But I’ll definitely be in the first-ish area. I try to not bring The Hunger Games up as much as possible, but I am just too darn excited for it. I need a poster for my room. So anyone who gives valentine’s day presents…you know what to get me. Or St. Patty’s day presents. I’m open to any holiday really. Actually I’d take a Hunger Games poster on anything ending in the word “day”. Just so you know.
I guess I better try to get back to studying. I’m sure I will be creating more things to add to that list of things to not do while studying. But I’ll try not to.
Wish me luck. 

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