Sunday, February 26, 2012

Bring It On, Monday

I hate it when you think you’re being really funny, but you are the only person who thinks you’re funny; so really, you’re not that funny. I feel like that happens to me a lot. I’m just not cracked up to being in this funny business. Ah well, you win some, you lose some.
            Today was miserable. From about 7 am to like 4 pm I felt like someone was constantly hitting me on my head with a bat and I was nauseous as ever. Migraines are the worst thing in the entire world. It’s really not fair. I wouldn’t wish them on my worst enemies. But eventually I felt better, got all my homework done early, and watched the Academy Awards. Those were particularly boring tonight. I was not a fan of it. But I’ve realized from them that there are a few movies I still need to see. I’ll have to get around to that sometime. I just don’t want to deal with this week. I want it to be spring break so I can go home. Well, actually I’m going to try to go to the west side for a few days and then go home. But I haven’t quite figured all of that out yet. And this weather would not be helping with travel plans. I really don’t mind the cold all that much, it’s just the snow that makes things complicated. Plus, I wouldn’t mind for it to started getting warm again soon. But let’s be real, we live on the east side of Washington, so that’s not likely going to happen. Maybe we’ll even get a nice snowfall in June again! Our summer looked like a Seattle summer last year. Rain rain rain. Hopefully that doesn’t happen again.
            So I’ve been pondering the idea of dyeing my hair darker again. I haven’t dyed it since sophomore year so right now its fully natural, but when I had it dark I really really liked it, even though everyone told me to stay light blonde. Also, the issue is that summer is coming up and when I dyed it darker last time, the sun lightened it but it made it like a reddish-orange color which was NOT a good look for me. I cannot pull off the pretty red like my roomie can. So if I dyed it, it would only be dark for a few months and then it would have to go back to blonde. I don’t know, maybe I’ll wait till after summer, that way I don’t do anything drastic again, because last time I chopped off all of my hair and dyed it brown. It was cute, but it was a lot to take at once. My mother does NOT want me to do this at all. And I understand why. But I don’t see anything wrong with having a little fun with your hair every once in awhile. Maybe I’m crazy. I mean I kind of see myself as blonde. But I love brunette hair. I guess everyone wants what they don’t have. I love my blonde hair, I just like to change things up. I’ll have to think it over. It’s not like hair is permanent. It always grows back and it’ll always eventually go back to it’s natural color. Hmm…I guess we’ll see.
            Not looking forward to Monday. Why are Mondays so awful? I need to go to class, get a workout in, watch PLL, do some homework, watch the Voice to see my husband, and then go to sleep. Seems simple enough. Bring it on, Monday. 

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