Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Aw Hell No

            First of all, I was watching VH1’s Top 100 women in music, and where did they put Taylor Swift? Freaking number 42. What the heck is up with that? She needs to be at LEAST in the top 20. I don’t know who is the judge of this thing. Actually, I’m going to look it up, because who ever they are, how dare they? They have no right. That is just…oh my gosh. Ridiculous. Forty-two. That’s just outrageous. I think I need to write a letter to the producers or someone high in charge at VH1 because I have some major complaints. Okay, maybe Taylor doesn’t have the best voice per se. She does have a wonderful voice though. She is just so amazing and I’ve never loved every single song of any other person other than her. So that right there just makes her top 20 quality in my opinion. And granted, there are probably a lot of amazing female voices that I’ve never even heard, or have only heard but didn’t know their name but I just love Taylor Swift. She deserves a much better spot. Her newest song “Safe and Sound”, which is on the soundtrack for my obsession, The Hunger Games movie, the song is just amazing. And, for all those people who say every one of her songs sound exactly the same, for one, they don’t, and two, this song is completely different from her past songs. I must admit, I do like her earliest music best. It had more of the country-genre to it. But I still love every single one of her songs. Especially this newest one, so I think everyone should go listen to it right now. I think I’m going to read the Hunger Games series again and just listen to this song on repeat while I read it. Or maybe that’s a little much. And the fact that my favoritest singer EVER is on my favoritest books ever’s soundtrack is just…well there aren’t words for how amazing it is.
            Well…done with my Taylor-meltdown. It sucks, the night I can stay up late, do whatever I want, and I’m freaking tired. I don’t have class until 2:50 tomorrow. And chances are, I’ll probably still sleep in. So I wont be accomplishing anything tonight, nor tomorrow. I have a test on Friday in anthropology. Personally, I think anthropology is the most interesting “history” class I’ve ever taken. Maybe it’s just because the teacher is hilarious, I don’t know. But I really actually enjoy that class. Also, when my teachers last year said how in college all you would have is lectures and then your grade would be based solely on tests…lied. Because in every one of my classes we have something other than tests. Some type of assignments that are worth points. Except in my anthropology class. We literally have lectures, take notes, watch videos, and then have two exams on all of it. That’s it. And personally I actually like it. Well, I like it because his tests are 95 percent lecture and only 5 percent reading from the book, so really, as long as I pay attention in lecture, I’m good. And he makes the lectures so interesting too. He also said we can and SHOULD forget everything we've learned after we take the test. Which rocks. I wish more of my classes were like that. But I do like all of my classes, aside from Gened, this semester. I don’t think I’ll ever like any straight history classes that I have because my memory just cant stick all of that info in it. It sucks. But oh well.
            I guess I’ll go to sleep now. Or play more Temple Run. Finally, a game I can beat some boys at. Woo. Go me. 

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