Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Good Ol' Days

            Valentine’s Day is in a week. I am considering going to get kid’s Valentines and giving them out to random people. Maybe it would make their day? I think it would make my day if someone did that for me. I’ll think about it. So if you get a random valentine on your door, you’ll know who it’s from. Or maybe it’ll be from some random secret admirer.
            Isn’t it weird and creepy to think about the fact that you may have some person who is stalking you and knows everything that you do and everything about you? It could happen to anyone and you may never know it until one day… okay clearly I’ve been watching too many psycho thriller movies. But these things actually happen. I’m in Johnny’s room and him and his roommate Chow, and I were talking about the movie Taken, which is totally a badass movie but freaking scary to think about. When I told my mom that I wanted to study abroad in Ireland she talked about that type of thing. Human trafficking. Scary stuff. I loved that movie. But when I think about all of that stuff and how it actually happens, it’s hard to even imagine. I’m thankful that I live in a good area and have never really had to worry about anything like that.

            So we finally had our roomie time tonight at the pool. Will, Johnny, Rachel, and I all went to the Rec to go hot tubing and swimming. It was a blast. I love those people so much and I cannot wait to live with them. At the same time, Rachel brought up how freaking fast this year has gone by. And it has. It really has. We’re already almost at midterms of our second semester of our freshman year of college. It has been such a blast and exciting experience. School has been tough, but it has been fun to meet new people and to live on our own. But I really do miss all of my friends from last year. We were, and still are, THE best class that there ever was. We all loved each other, threw the best parties ever, and always came together when we needed to. Such a close-knit group of friends. And there were a ton of us! I’ll never forget any of them. So many different types of people. The cool thing about our class was that it wasn’t just Ferris class of 2011, it was Ferris, LC, Prep, U-High, CV, Mead, Mt. Spokane, Shadle, WV, EV, and Rogers, okay maybe not Rogers…Just kidding! But it was our entire class. We knew people from the other schools through sports or just through friends. It was obviously closest with just our class at Ferris, and I’m sure our class was close at all the other schools, too. We just had so much fun though. And I know when we all come home this summer it will be nothing but hanging out, partying, going to the lake, just loving being with each other again. I know it will be like that this summer, but who knows how long it will be that way. Eventually we all have to go our separate ways. I mean with Facebook and Skype we can definitely always keep in touch, but eventually after these four years, more for some, we might all be moving to different places, some might stay, but we will be separated. One thing I know, though, we are going to have one KICK-ASS high school reunion. Every single one will just be hilarious and fun. I know it. Because we are just that kind of group. Yeah we’ll all change a little, but when we’re brought back together, it’ll be like we never left. And that’s exactly why we were such a special class. I love all of my friends. And I love the friends I’ve made in college too. They, too, will end up being lifelong friends. But I don’t think it’ll ever quite compare to Ferris’ class of 2011.
            Okay, done with that now. Rachel got me all emotional thinking about all of this stuff. And Johnny is keeping me awake playing the ukulele that I got him for Christmas, FINALLY. Seriously, it’s been over a month now and he’s just now playing it. But it does sound great. The ukulele is a very unique instrument. He was also playing the piano. I miss the piano. I may have to invest in a keyboard sometime and get back to it. I haven’t played in like 5 years so Johnny being able to play is making me extremely jealous. Right now he’s learning the song Cater to You by Destiny’s Child. It sounds wonderful. I can’t wait till he’s finished. I’m looking forward to him playing it next year in our home. It will be nice to hear real music. By real music, I mean live music. It always sounds so much better than just music from the computer. It makes it much more beautiful. And when you can play it, it’s even better. You start to learn a song on the instrument and it sounds stupid at first but then you start to hear the music come through and you’re suddenly like, wow, I’m actually playing that. I love it. I wish I was more musically talented. I taught myself the piano but I haven’t played in so long that I don’t even know if I can read the music very well anymore. I wish more than anything that I could sing. I pretend like I can sing, but I really can’t. And I used to be in choir…wow. I think my teacher just liked me and that’s why she kept me or something. Or maybe because my voice is so quiet, you just couldn’t hear me so she kept me. Who knows.
            Well that’s that. More studying tomorrow. Need to get to the gym sometime this week. We’ll see what happens! Adios. 

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