Sunday, February 19, 2012

Bad Sleeping Habit

            I guess staying up late is my new thing now. Well, it is the weekend I suppose, but at some point I need to get back on a proper sleeping schedule, considering I was up till 4 last night and slept in till almost one this afternoon. It was relaxing, though. And I’m sure I will be sleeping late tomorrow again. I’m excited to have a big feast with mi familia manana. It will be tasty.
            So I’m really mad because today I went to print off some pictures to put up in my dorm room at like 4 today but they wouldn’t be done for an hour. And since the stupid newspaper said that the Ferris basketball game was at 5, even though it was not until 7, I obviously didn’t have time to wait for them. And then stupid me, I forgot to go pick them up. So hopefully they are still there tomorrow or else I am going to be very upset.
            Currently, I’m laying on the couch, wrapped up in a blanket with my laptop on me watching none other than…Twilight Saga Breaking Dawn Part 1. I have been so caught up in The Hunger Games I forgot how much I still love Twilight. I mean, truly, its nothing even comparable to The Hunger Games, but still…I’ve been in love with Twilight for more than three years now, it’s not something you can just forget about. Twilight gets so much crap and I don’t understand why. It’s a book series and movies. Why do people care so much? Yes, it’s not like a super-complex writing style, but that doesn’t mean the story isn’t good. If you don’t like the story, it shouldn’t be that big of a deal. There are tons of books I have read that I did not like at all. I don’t go making a fuss about those. People just like to hate what other people love just for the heck of it. It’s stupid. I mean I can one hundred percent understand why people don’t like Twilight: it’s a book about vampires and werewolves that girls are in love with. So don’t effing read it or watch the movies. It’s not a big deal as everyone makes it.
            Okay I’ve decided it is totally fun to be a sober person at a party with drunk people. I was at a party tonight at a good friend of mine’s, and it is just so entertaining to hear the things that drunk people say. I love it. Okay, maybe I spent the majority of the night with his cat, but it was still fun. I enjoyed myself. Until I looked outside to see it was STILL snowing. What the heck? Its nearing March and we’ve hardly had any snow. Why now? I’m ready for sun and warmth. No more cold. Go away! It’s not that I’m not all for the snow or anything. I love snow. It’s more the fact that I hate, absolutely hate driving in it. It gives me anxiety, stresses me out, and I’ll admit, I’m terrible at driving in the snow. Just terrible. I’m going to either have to move somewhere with no snow or have to have like a personal driver when I’m older because I don’t know if I can do it anymore. Driving in the winter here just sucks. But other than that I like it here.
            Well my blog is distracting me from a wonderful movie so I’m going to let this end here. Right now. 

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