Saturday, February 4, 2012

Horror Movies

            Well I didn’t write a blog last night. I was too busy…sleeping. Not to mention that I watched a scary movie last night, by myself, and I was not about to walk downstairs in the dark to get my computer. Okay, I lied. I literally had every light in the house on. Still, I wasn’t about to get up. Normally scary movies don’t scare me that bad. But it was one of the most scary ones for me. When a stranger calls. The thing about it is, it’s not like it was some guy who came back to life for revenge with a chainsaw or something. Or not a guy who was burned alive who comes into your dreams to kill you. Just a random guy, messing with some girl he doesn’t even know. Oh yeah, and she was babysitting. Most of the time now I babysit during the day, nanny, whatever you wanna call it. I hate babysitting at night. I do it. But I hate it. Most of the time if I do it I just don’t let myself think about anything freaky. It’s even worse when the kids are really little and go to bed early. If they are old enough, I usually will let them stay up with me and watch a movie or something. Not for their sake, solely for my sake. I know, I’m pathetic. But I’m just easily scared. Seriously I will never be able to live alone. And I’m hoping there aren’t any nights next year where Rachel, Will, and Johnny are all gone and it’s just me in the house. I’m actually probably giving Johnny a great pranking idea for me right now.
            I don’t know what it is about scary movies. I have a love-hate relationship with them. If I see one is on TV, I have to watch it. But then I regret it so much during and after it. But it’s like an addiction. Maybe I’m addicted to scaring myself. I’m not really sure. Adrenaline junkie over here apparently. Speaking of that, I HAVE to go skydiving this summer. There is no option. I was supposed to go last summer and never did. And my best friend Ryan was supposed to go with me but no, he went in Hawaii. Loser. Just kidding, I love that guy. But still, I need to do it this summer. If I even have a life this summer considering I need like three jobs. We shall see.
            Also I need to get my second tattoo. It might need to be one or the other though. Tattoo or skydiving. Hmm…maybe I can get a tattoo of me skydiving on my back. Perrrfect.
            Guess where I’m going now? To see that new scary movie called The Woman in Black. Surprise, surprise. At least it’s during the day though, and not by myself. Woo!

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