Sunday, February 26, 2012

It's Too Bright in this Room

            Well it’s almost three in the morning and I’m waiting for Johnny to Skype me back, which I don’t think he is. Apparently some call is more important than me, so I figured I might as well write a blog. I can’t believe its Sunday already. That’s just not fair. Thank goodness spring break is coming up soon because my head is just going to explode soon. I have too much information in my brain right now and I just feel like I need to empty it out.
            This weekend has been fun, though. I got to celebrate mine and Will’s birthdays together. We just went to his friend’s apartment. It was fun and low key which was nice. Unfortunately the stupid blizzard that happened this morning woke me up at like 8:30. Yeah, wasn’t a fan of that. But I took a nap later on in the day. I also got myself a henna tattoo, watched a few movies, some of which included Bambi, the Lion King and part of Aladdin. Yay for ABC Family to play the classics. I also started reading the Hunger Games again. Just couldn’t resist it any longer. But I’m trying to take my time with them because I still have a little less than a month before the movie to survive. Jeez I don’t know what I’m going to talk about in my blogs once The Hunger Games has come and gone.
            Now tomorrow all I have to do is a little reading, edit and finish an essay, and make a plan for my next speech and that’s it! Actually that’s probably not it, I should see what I have in my other classes, but I’m hoping that’s it. This upcoming week shouldn’t be too rough in comparison to the past few weeks, but we’ll see. OH YEAH, the Academy Awards are on tomorrow! The only thing is…Johnny decided to have his important basketball game right in the freaking middle of the awards. What the heck is up with that? So I have to make a big decision tomorrow on which event I will have to sacrifice. I hate big, life-altering decisions. It really stresses me out.
            I think I’m finally getting a little sleepy. Maybe I’ll actually attempt to shut my eyes. Or maybe I’ll surf the interweb some more before I completely put myself to sleep. Blah. And I have to get up to brush my teeth, which I’m not looking forward to. Not to mention, I turned on all of my lights because Johnny skyped me and it was dark in here and now it’s way too bright. I can sleep in some light, but not this much. Hopefully I can sleep in until a decent hour tomorrow. I’m thinking like 12 to 1-ish. Sounds perfect.

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