Monday, February 27, 2012

A Tragedy of Sorts

            I’ve decided that I actually don’t mind Mondays all that much. I mean I have my four classes, well today two were cancelled, but normally I don’t mind going to all four because once I’m up, I’m up. And I get done early; two is pretty early to be done. I work on some homework throughout the night, do my laundry, and watch my two favorite shows: the Voice and Pretty Little Liars. Now Pretty Little Liars is getting extremely intense. We’re about to find out who “A” is, for those of you who watch the show, you know how exciting that’ll be. Today was actually just a really good day. Mondays are busy, not boring so I tend to enjoy them more. It’s my Tuesdays and Thursdays that I’m not a big fan of because I have so much time to do nothing.
            I heard some shocking news today. I was in my first class which is Anthropology, and my teacher was talking about the earliest farmers and agriculture. We were talking about how the hunters and gatherers transitioned from that to farming lands because of larger populations and what not and the first thing I learned that was unbeknownst to me is that corn is not a vegetable! I mean I guess it makes sense that corn is a grain when you think about it and how it grows. But as a food, I always thought of it as a vegetable. But that is not nearly my biggest concern right now, and I posted this on Facebook earlier today when I found out. Bananas may be going extinct as a fruit! Not all types of bananas, just chiquitas. It just so happens, though, that Chiquita bananas are the biggest, commercially grown bananas that exist. Every banana you eat or most likely have ever eaten is a Chiquita banana. The reason for their possible extinction is that there is some…I want to say disease, or termite, maybe some parasite, I’m not sure what he said because I was so caught up picturing my life without bananas, but there is this thing, that is killing the banana fruit and scientists and researchers have yet to find a resistant banana gene that will save them! If we fail to find this gene to save the nanners, we might be out of them in merely four years. FOUR years! Eat your nanners people, eat ‘em up. Because they may be gone before you know it. I had a banana today with dinner, in light of this tragedy. Of course, there will still be the plantain bananas and red bananas and other unique types of bananas which I hear are tastier anyways. But because none of these are commercially grown, and I don’t know if they are just more expensive or cannot be grown in those large amounts, these bananas will be much, much more expensive than what we pay for bananas now. Not to mention, do you realize how many people will be out of work if their banana farms die out? It’s just a tragedy through and through. Save the nanners!! We need some awesome scientist or someone to come up with a combating gene to save these yummy, delicious fruits.
            Enough of that. I’m ready for bed. Twas a busy day indeed. Nighty night. 

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