Thursday, February 23, 2012

Got that Ticket

            Do you ever wonder why some people end up in your dreams? I seriously had THE most random dreams last night. I would say what it was about but I’m not even sure that it would make sense because it doesn’t even make sense to me. All I know is that I was playing with a little baby and then all of a sudden it was talking and trying to eat off my nose. But this was like an adult voice in a little baby. I don’t really know…it was just really weird. The whole dream was. And I was in Paris. Strange. Dreams are so weird.
            So often I watch the show The Doctors, just because sometimes there is some interesting stuff on there. Yesterday they were answering myths about sex, and today they are talking about sicknesses and why they get worse at night. But Monday, it said something about what is in your food…I like to not know what’s in my food because that really does affect my eating it. So I just prefer not to know. Needless to say I probably wont be watching that episode.
            Since I fell asleep before I could blog last night I have to say this today: yesterday, I finally, after a long time waiting, I…was…able…to…purchase…my…TICKET TO THE HUNGER GAMES!!!!! It was so, liberating. So exciting! Seriously…28 days left! I cant freaking wait. I am so excited for it. I need to read them again soon. I just wanted to get through this week first because I have a history midterm, and I’m already terrible enough at history, I don’t need those books to distract me, too. I feel like I’m going to have a long night ahead of me studying, unfortunately. Thankfully I only have one class today, although I can never get myself to study prior to going to that class, only afterwards. Oh well!!

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