Thursday, February 2, 2012

Memory Gone Bad

            Well I’ve been noticing a lot of people commenting on the Tommy Hawkins Memorial page on Facebook and it has been making me think of him a lot. And his family. I really do miss him. He could just put a smile on anyone’s face. He was truly a good person through and through and the world isn’t the same without him. Miss you Tommy.
            Enough of my tearing up, I could talk about him for days. But one more day and I get to go home! Maybe I’ll stop by the cemetery and see him. I’m looking forward to home cooked meals. That’s what will be nice about next year, I’m going to make Johnny be my cook and then I’ll have yummy food all the time. Except I’m going to have to move him from his ways of eating spicy things, because I’m not a fan of the spicy foods.
            I think I need a book to read. I feel like I’ve just been having a bunch of time that is just there, not being used, like watching TV or on the internet all the time. Now it’s not that I don’t like the internet, or TV, I love them both and they are both entertaining. But I feel so much better when I’m reading a good book. So I’ll have to pick out a good one. I just got a good one from a very kind person for my birthday that I have yet to read. I think I’m reading to move on from The Hunger Games. Obviously not “move on” but just be able to read another book.
            I had a dream last night about going to Ireland to study abroad. Oh my gosh it got me so freaking excited. Even though it’s over a year away. And yes, Liam Hemsworth was in it, but so what? It could happen… okay maybe not. But who knows. That is unusual though because I can almost never remember my dreams. I remember tiny parts of them right when I wake up, but after about five minutes I’m like what was that again? And then everything I try to think of sounds completely ridiculous. I think we talked about why this happens in psychology, but I don’t really remember, still working on that whole memory thing. What are we talking about? Just kidding. It’s not that bad. But sometimes it is. I’m honestly afraid that I have already or will begin to start repeating things in my blogs that I forgot I said in another blog. Hopefully no one is reading too closely to know. Because I’m sure it will happen at some point if it hasn’t already. I literally have sticky notes EVERYWHERE because otherwise I can’t remember anything. And I have to put a reminder in my phone for everything too. I thought this type of thing wasn’t supposed to happen until I’m old with a full head of grey hair. Apparently not. Maybe my memory is so terrible now, but as I get older and older it will just gradually get better. Like the Curious Case of Benjamin Button, but not exactly. I doubt it. I’ve even tried doing memory exercises, they don’t work.
             I want to go to a wedding. I love weddings and I don’t even remember the last time I’ve been to one. It just sounds like so much fun. Just to see everyone happy and then go dance and everyone would be drunk and wild and funny. It just sounds like a lot of fun right now. I could also use a vacation. Like a real vacation. A beach, somewhere warm. Get my tan on. Meet some hot local guy. That just sounds wonderful. But no, I’m here in Pullman, supposed to be studying for a quiz tomorrow but instead I’m blogging about wishing I was on vacation, or at a wedding, or dreaming about Liam Hemsworth. He could be my hot guy I meet on the beach. Yes, yes he could.
            Alright. Studying it is. Or watching friends. We’ll see how it goes. 

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