Monday, February 20, 2012

End of the Weekend

            Don’t get me wrong, I love, LOVE the spirit of Pullman and I love being a cougar. But to be honest, at least for me, most of the weekends are somewhat boring. Unless you like getting wasted every weekend there really isn’t a ton to do. I do like going out every once in awhile but not every single weekend like a lot of people there in Pullman. That’s why I enjoy coming home every so often for a weekend. I mean I don’t really do much when I come home either, but I like to see my family and hang out with them. It would just be nice if Pullman had a little bit more to do. And if anyone has any suggestions of things to do on weekends, please, feel free to share! It was so nice to come home for this three day weekend, though. I got to see a lot of good friends and it was nice to hang out with my family too.
            So, I think this week I may have to start reading the Hunger Games books again. I don’t know. I’m not sure if it’s too early, but I just don’t know if I can wait any longer. I mean I love watching the trailers over and over again. But it’s just not as satisfying. I only have like one more month to wait until the movie! I have a midterm in Gened this week though… so that could be a possible conflict with my reading. I might need to wait a week or so. If I can handle it. Maybe I’ll distract myself with a Nicholas Sparks book or something. Those can end up being a bad deal too, though, because I can get pretty into those books as well. Maybe I should read my history text book because I’m sure to not get addicted to that. Not too mention I kind of need to read it so I can do well on the midterm because we took a practice test and…yikes. History is definitely not my forte. Yeah I think that’s what I need to do. Unfortunately.
            Okay my goal is to go to bed before 4 am tonight…so I need to go to sleep like asap. 

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