Wednesday, February 29, 2012

AHHHH!! Leap Year.

            I don’t get the big deal about Leap Day or whatever you call it. Yeah, it only comes every four years, but who cares? It’s just another day. I guess it would be cool if you had your birthday or some special event on it. Who knows! Although I did see this thing on iFunny today that said “Asked my girl out on 29th of February…Only have to celebrate anniversary every 4 years”. I’ll admit…that made me chuckle. Other than that, it was just your average Wednesday.
            So I’ve realized that I am a psychic, or a genius. Or both. Every time I watch House Hunters or House Hunters International, I can immediately pick which house that they’ll choose. I’m freaking brilliant. I should be a realtor. I just know what people want, in houses that is. Plus, I’m a little addicted to the show. Over the summer I think I watched it like every single day. I can’t help it. I like to choose houses for people. So anyone in need of a house, hit me up, I can find you a great one. Sure, I’ve never actually looked for one before, but how hard can it be? You look for as many items on their list as you can, roughly within their budget. Easy peasy.
            Today I experienced something new: Condom Bingo. My dorm hall was hosting this game in our lounge. It was interesting. We made our bingo boards with a bunch of sexual terms on it, and then our markers were condoms. It was mildly entertaining. I was shouting out “I want vagina!” and “I want syphilis!” Never thought I’d hear myself yelling either of those things out. Unfortunately I realized that I am just not lucky with Bingo. I mean it can’t be skill right? Because you can’t know how or where to put each of the terms or which ones they’re going to call, right? So I’m not going to blame it on my skill level. If it was based off of skill I would totally win. I didn’t win. At all. I was bummed out. They were giving out lots of candy prizes, and movies, and toys…oh yeah sex toys? Well not exactly sex toys, but things that enhance sex I guess you could say. Interesting. Interesting game indeed. I left with some condoms, though, which I put to great use tonight…blowing them up into balloons. I’m such a child. Oh well. I enjoyed it.
            Okay, tomorrow is Thursday. My day to sleep in. BUT. Tomorrow, I plan on actually getting something accomplished before my 2:50 class. I have a speech to plan, I have an essay to edit and finish, I have a psych test to study for, and a psych quiz to study for. I think I can get this stuff accomplished. Some of it anyways. I just need to sleep in a little, get myself up and ready and get some sh** accomplished. I didn’t actually say that word. I don’t curse. Rarely. Especially not the “f” word. I think it sounds stupid when girls curse a lot. It’s not polite and not lady-like. So girls need to knock that f***ing sh** off, bi***es! Kidding, again! You will probably never, ever hear that come out of my mouth. Only occasionally, like if I really badly stub my toe or hit my funny bone really hard will I maybe let a curse slip out. Maybe.
            I want a Siamese kitten!! Oh my gosh they are so freaking adorable. So I have an Instagram thingy, I rarely post pictures on it, I am more interested in following and looking at other people’s pictures who are actually good at taking pictures or actually have something pretty to take pictures of. Anyways, so I follow this “person” that’s not really a person, called Cats of Instagram. And anyone who is on Instagram can hashtag #catsofinstagram behind their pictures of their kitties and then they’ll show up on Cats of Instagram’s page. So, obviously I adore looking at all of the pictures. Yesterday, I saw someone tagged their Siamese kitty in one of them and he was SOOO adorable. My heart just melted. My heart pretty much melts for any kitty or puppy but that’s beside the point. I want a kitten! Or a puppy! I’d be happy with either. I’m sick of settling for fish. Fish are stupid. I take that back. They aren’t stupid. But they aren’t soft and furry and I can’t pet them. Unlike Johnny who thinks he should squeeze the prego fish to see what happens. Murderer. Okay, he was little. But still. That’s terrible. Oh and another terrible thing I found out yesterday: I was at dinner with Johnny and his friend Chris. Chris is from Hawaii. We were talking about chemistry classes and biology classes and somehow we got on the topic of dissections. So we said how we got to dissect pigs at Ferris. I thought that was pretty unique, even though I didn’t get near the pig on that day and just pretended like I was slicing the poor thing open. So Chris says, completely straight face, no emotion at all: “Oh yeah, we dissected a cat”. My mouth dropped. To the freaking floor. And I gasped. A cat?! Seriously?! I mean I know they roam around aimlessly over there in Hawaii but that doesn’t mean you have to cut the poor things up! Alright, I know they don’t just kill cats to dissect them, they were obviously already dead, or at least they better have been. But still…it’s poor innocent kitty L. Seriously made me want to cry. Poor cats. What’s wrong with those people over there in Hawaii?? Why must they dissect kitties?!
            Okay, bedtime now. Before I start balling.  Oh, and sorry I ranted so much in this one…or most of my blogs I guess. I can’t help it. 

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